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Sorry.Report Sent, Thank you.Bytes=%d Open=%d Entries=%d Error Connecting to HTTP CacheBrowser OptionsConfirm Close on :Initial Screen:Get Images:Incomplete EntryInvalid CharacterEnter a Number or SymbolEnter a NumberEnter a LetterInvalid formatHistorySelect OptionDeselect OptionThis link contains an empty addressThis page contains content that is unsupported HTTP Response code %d Loading...ChannelsThe home bookmark cannot be deletedBookmarksPlease enter a valid namePlease enter a valid urlBookmarkHomeUser name:BlackBerry &BrowserAccess DeniedAdd BookmarkGet LinkClose?Are you sure?OkPMAMSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundayBottomYCNYNCut SelectionCopy SelectionPaste SelectionHide MenuField full%02H:%02m%h:%02m %^A%h:%02m%_a%3w, %o %02d, %y%3w, %M %02d, %y%y/%02n/%02dAM/PM:Minute:Hour:Day:Month:Year:Out of Memory.Check Service Book. Update ReceivedSecure transport layer unavailable(service app)The device failed to receive a message from service due to %sThe device failed to receive a message from service %s due to %sDecryption failure. Please connect handheld to your PCHandheld is not registeredService verification problemEncryption failureCompression/Encryption failureYour handheld has been registered with the wireless network.System Datagram ReturnedInvalid service address(register)Ignoring registration from unknown source: please contact RIMRegistration from unknown source ignored: contact service providerRegistration request failed: please try againRegistration request sentCancel Move Icon Show AllShow All Hide IconHide IconMove IconMOVING ICONTurn Wireless OffTurn Wireless OnBATOFFLOWOrganizing RibbonOTA: Out of memoryYesNo10 min.5 min.1 min.Snooze (10 min)Snooze (5 min)Snooze (1 min)CopyQuietDiscreetLoudDefaultSupport(+13) Nuku'alofa(+12) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.(+12) Auckland, Wellington(+11) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia(+10) Vladivostok(+10) Hobart(+10) Guam, Port Moresby(+10) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney(+10) Brisbane(+9.5) Darwin(+9.5) Adelaide(+9) Yakutsk(+9) Seoul(+9) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo(+8) Taipei(+8) Perth(+8) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore(+8) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar(+8) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi(+7) Krasnoyarsk(+7) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta(+6.5) Rangoon(+6) Sri Jayawardenepura(+6) Astana, Dhaka(+6) Almaty, Novosibirsk(+5.75) Kathmandu(+5.5) Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi(+5) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent(+5) Ekaterinburg(+4.5) Kabul(+4) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan(+4) Abu Dhabi, Muscat(+3.5) Tehran(+3) Nairobi(+3) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd(+3) Kuwait, Riyadh(+3) Baghdad(+2) Jerusalem(+2) Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn(+2) Harare, Pretoria(+2) Cairo(+2) Bucharest(+2) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk(+1) West Central Africa(+1) Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofija, Vilnius, Warsaw, Zagreb(+1) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris(+1) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague(+1) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna(0) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London(0) Casablanca, Monrovia(-1) Cape Verde Is.(-1) Azores(-2) Mid-Atlantic(-3) Greenland(-3) Buenos Aires, Georgetown(-3) Brasilia(-3.5) Newfoundland(-4) Santiago(-4) Caracas, La Paz(-4) Atlantic Time(-5) Indiana (East)(-5) Eastern Time(-5) Bogota, Lima, Quito(-6) Saskatchewan(-6) Mexico City(-6) Central Time(-6) Central America(-7) Mountain Time(-7) Arizona(-8) Pacific Time; Tijuana(-9) Alaska(-10) Hawaii(-11) Midway Island, Samoa(-12) Eniwetok, Kwajalein24 HR12 HR20 Min.2 Min.1 Min.Change PasswordLED OnlyVibrate+ToneVibrateToneSmall FontLarge FontSlowFastEnableEscalatingMediumMute%d BytesCreated:Size:Version:Type:Module InformationModulesNot available.IT Policy%^3w, %^o %d%M %d, %y%o %d, %yDate:Format:Date/TimeSelect SymbolFlash Size:O/S:ESN:IPAddress:File Free:Memory Free:Battery:Signal:ChargingRadio ErrorBattery LowRadio OffNo CoverageSecurity options have been modified elsewhere. Changes will be lostSmartCard present. Password cannot be modified.Enter "%s" to continue:Device disabled by security violation. Please consult user guide.Connected to DesktopConnecting to Desktop...1997-%d RIMLoc&kPress any keyPassword has expiredSecurity settings have changedPasswords not the same!Verify new password:Invalid password! Erasing information...Last attempt -- information will be erased on failure!Invalid password. A letter and a digit are required.Invalid password. Same as previous password.Invalid password. Sequence was entered.Invalid password. Less than %d characters.Invalid passwordNew password (minimum length is %d):Enter password (%d/%d):Enter password:Security Timeout:Password:SecurityDo you wish to enter storage mode?To restart device, perform a hardware reset. Continue?Entering storage mode will lose current time. Continue?Storage mode powers off device to save battery life. Continue?Storage ModeTurn Power OffInformation:Owner InformationOwnerLocale:Localization&Options[Return To Home Screen]Device OptionsRepeat Notification:Number of Beeps:Out of Holster:In Holster:ProfilesKey Rate:Key Tone:Font Size:Screen Contrast:Screen/KeyboardDSD Daily AlarmSnooze:Copy %s to:Copy of %sLegacy SettingsPro&filesName cannot be empty.Delete Profile?Warning: Radio does not turn off during Auto OffPress Any Key To AbortNext On Time: Turning Device Off Weekend Off:Weekend On:Weekday Off:Weekday On:Auto On/Off TimesAuto On/OffActive on Weekends:Ala&rmAlarm On/Off:Time:Daily AlarmAlarmVersionRIM, Research In Motion, the RIM logo, BlackBerry and the BlackBerry logo are trademarks of Research In Motion Limited.www.rim.netRIM, Research In Motion, the RIM logo, and RIM Wireless Handheld are trademarks of Research In Motion Limited.RIM, Research In Motion -- Registered, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Research In Motion LimitedCopyright 1997-%dAboutBlackBerry HandheldRIM Wireless HandheldBlackBerryHandheldRIM WirelessTune:Volume:Disable GhostVerifyHost RoutingUndelete3 Seconds2 Seconds2 Seconds1 Seconds1 Second SecondMinimumAverageMaximumOffRegister NowDesktop & HandheldHandheldSearch SubjectSearch RecipientSearch SenderComposeDelete MessagesSave MessagesMark Prior ReadMark ReadFrom: FieldBcc: FieldCc: FieldTo: FieldAny Address FieldSaved OnlyReceived OnlySent OnlySent and ReceivedSelect NameRecallGo to RootMove UpView AttachmentDelete FieldChange AddressAdd AddressView LookupAdd Bcc:Add Cc:Add To:Add To Address BookShow Friendly NameShow Qualified AddressOpen AttachmentMore (Simulated)More (All)MoreResendReply To All With TextReply With TextForwardReply To AllReplyMark UnreadGateway IP:Gateway MAN:Gateway NetID:Verify New Service RecordVerify Delete RequestService Record DetailsDescription:Content Identifier:Service UID:Service Name:The entry is Protected. Are you sure?Entry is last of its kind. Are you sure?Delete entry?Service Book Entries* No ServiceBook Entries *Failure to deliver message reported by gatewayUnable to send message delivery confirmationNetwork is busy: please try again laterHandheld is not activated on the networkNetwork host is not connectedNetwork did not accept the packet: please try again laterNetwork is not responding: please try again laterEncryption keys for message receipient unavailableUnlisted message errorGeneral message failureGeneral message failure: resending message'More' error: general failure'More' error: desktop couldn't find original message'More' error: invalid part identifierDesktop couldn't find original message, if forwarding or replying please resend the message.Message included an unknown attachmentProblem with message structure: please contact RIMProblem with message body: please contact RIMMessage included an invalid addressDesktop Email program unable to submit messageDesktop Email program unable to create messageDesktop Email program unable to store messageDesktop stream resource failureDecryption failure: please connect handheld to PCDesktop resource failureUnlisted transaction errorGeneral transaction failureDecryption error: please connect handheld to your PCInvalid routing: please connect handheld to your PCWarning. Delivery to service is not confirmed.Formatting failureUnknown command byteRedirector transaction failureGateway could not deliver mesageGateway reported network errorGateway did not recognise the addressGateway could not place message in mailboxUnlisted network errorNetwork destination busyTemporary network error: please resend laterTemporary network problem: please resend laterNetwork refused packetTemporary service problem: please resend laterRequest failed: please try againUnlisted send errorProblem with MANHandheld received DIE packetInvalid network MAN: please re-register handheldMessage packet incorrectly formattedGeneral send failure: please try againSend cancelled by transportRadio sync problem: please reset handheldGeneral radio failureIllegal message packet tagMessage packet data badHandheld message packet queue fullHandheld lost message packetTransport not registeredMessage refused: please try again laterRequest for 'More' failedSending failed (please resend and watch for error message)VenezuelaChanging networks: please waitAre you sure you want to change?Registration Request SentPowersave:ActiveInactiveRadio:Roaming:Network Settings 'Roaming' option has changedDo you wish to continue?If you change this, you cannot select Express again.Express is selected.U.S.CanadaSystem MessageRegistrationNetwork Error MessageBinary header field truncatedText header field truncatedAddress field truncatedReceiving messagePlease repeat your last 'More' requestThe assigned service has been deletedSecure transport layer unavailableMessage not deliveredService Book OptionsAutoRead Timer:AutoRead:Delete all prior saved messages?Delete saved messages?Delete all saved messages too?Delete all prior saved messages too?Delete the saved message too?Delete saved message?CMVSTBUEPNAYou can find more tips in the Handheld User's Guide. 1. Hold the ALT key while you roll the trackwheel to scroll horizontally in any field where you can enter or view text. 2. Hold the ALT key while you roll the trackwheel to scroll through a field to view options. 3. Hold the SHIFT key while you roll the trackwheel to select multiple items in a list. 4. Type the first letter of an item in an options list or menu to jump directly to that item. 5. Type the first letters of a name or the initials separated by a space to find a contact in the Address Book screen. 6. To cut and paste text, hold the ALT key and click the trackwheel, then roll the trackwheel to highlight text. Click and scroll to Cut Selection or Copy Selection. To paste the selected text, place the cursor in an editable field and click. Scroll to Paste Selection and click. 7. Press and hold a letter to capitalize it (with Key Rate enabled). 8. Press the SPACE key twice to insert a period and capitalize the next letter. 9. Press the SPACE key to insert the "@" and "." characters in an Email field. 10. Press and hold a letter key and roll the trackwheel to scroll through international characters, equation symbols and other marks. 11. Press ALT + SPACE to open the Select Symbol screen. Press the associated letter below the symbol that you want to insert into the text. 12. Press ENTER to page down in an open message. 13. Press ALT+ENTER to page up in an open message. 14. Press T to go to the top and B to go to the bottom message, task, memo, or appointment in the list. 15. Press T to go to "Today" in the Calendar screen. 16. Press G to go to a specific date in the Calendar screen. 17. Press C to create a new message, task, or appointment in the Messages, Saved Messages, Calendar, and Tasks functions. 18. Press ALT+O to view only the sent messages in the Messages screen. 19. Press ALT+I to view only the received messages in the Messages screen. 20. In the Home screen, hold the ALT key and click the trackwheel to select an icon. Roll the trackwheel to move the icon to another position and click the trackwheel to "drop" it into the new position. Top 20 TipsIf you have not yet done so, please refer to the "Installation and Getting Started Guide" for important setup instructions. Once you're set up, use the full QWERTY keyboard, the Symbols library, and the AutoText feature to compose messages. Use the trackwheel to the right of the LCD to scroll through message text. The Address Book is your source for contact information; use the Search function to find a particular contact quickly. The LCD backlighting feature ensures that you can read your messages in any lighting situation. When you're finished reading a message, click the trackwheel to view the menu. Scroll to Close and click to return to the Home screen. For full details about the handheld (including procedures and tips), please refer to the Handheld User's Guide included on the installation CD. Welcome!Select Recipient:Marking Unread...Marking Read...Filing...Delete all prior messages?Delete messages?* No Messages *No delivery errors in listGoing to oldest delivery errorNo more delivery errors in listNo unread messages in listGoing to oldest unread messageNo more unread messages in listDelete On:Message List OptionsAllow Read Confirmation:Hide Filed Messages:Display Name:Display Time:%o %dDelete selected search?Cancel save?Please enter a title.Cancel search?Show:Message:Name In:Name:Save SearchSearch MessagesAll FoldersKey is already in use.Shortcut key (Alt+):SearchoiIncoming MessagesOutgoing MessagesSelectFile MessagesFileTopSaved MessagesLevel 1 Notify Only:&Search MessagesSa&ved Messages&Compose&MessagesConsider PIN Level 1:Organizing SearchesOrganizing MessagesOrganizing FoldersUnknown foldererrorFailedmatchesmatchNo matchesLooking upCancel composeAdd recipientFile system full. Please delete some messagesCurrent Message OptionsDelete attachment?Delete lookup?Delete address?Unresolved addresses. Continue with save?Unresolved addresses. Continue with send?No selected addresses.Cancel compose?The group <%s> was not found in the address bookWorking...No services, please registerCould not receive 'More': original message was deletedReceiving moreA default service is invalidUnknown Service:PIN Service:Handheld Service:Paging Service:Fax Service:Phone Service:Email Service:Service:PagesLevel 1 MessagesMessagesErrorMore request already sent. Resend?TBNPUGFRAAdding attachments...-----Original Message----- Comment: [Message Truncated] Truncated %d bytesTruncated %d,%dKbTruncated %dKbMore available: %d bytesMore available: %d.%dKbMore available: %dKb%s (%d)%s (%dK)Opening message...Closing message...Copying to saved folder...[%d Attachment(s)][You were BCC'd][You were CC'd]Re: Fw: Choose response:No application available to view this attachmentNo known service can manage this reply!Message has no return address!Delivery Status:TX Error:[CC list truncated][TO list truncated]Reply-To:Message Id:Sender:Folder:Sent:From:Message Status:UpdatingMessage acknowledged by service.Read confirms are not supported by this serviceDelivery confirms are not supported by this serviceNo comm methodsImportance:Confirm Read:Confirm Delivery:Receive ErrorTransmit ErrorDeliveredMailboxedReturnedSentSendingEncryptingCompressingRetrieving Encryption KeyComposingDefault Message OptionsMessage ServicesFormatting messageFixing message databaseDelete message?Network SettingsPendingBcc:Cc:To:Out of memoryUnreadReadMemoPad OptionsMemoPa&dMemoPadDelete memos?Delete memo?* No Memos *Title cannot be empty.SendNext UnreadNext MessagePrevious MessageView CalendarDecline with CommentsDeclineAccept with CommentsAcceptSend meeting cancellation to attendees?Send updated meeting request to attendees?Reading...Where: to 1 day%i.%i days1 hour%i.%i hours1 minute for from at effective untilWhen: Decline CommentsAccept CommentsCanceled: %sMeeting UpdateUpdate: %sDeclinedAccepteddpnuadvpnuMeeting ResponseMeeting CancelationMeeting RequestCouldn't send meeting requestCouldn't send responseCompression: Out of memoryCompressing MessageNoonEnd of DayStart of DayDelete All EventsDelete First EventCompleteDismissOKLastAgendaMonthWeekStatusDue DatePrioritySubjectOnLowNormalHighDeferredWaitingCompletedIn ProgressNot StartedMark In ProgressMark CompletedDelete CompletedOpenDelete allOpen this dateOpen all datesDelete this dateDelete all datesView AgendaView MonthView WeekView DayDelete PriorDelete Open Edit View AppointmentsView AppointmentPrev YearPrev WeekPreviousNext YearNext WeekNextGo to Date...TodayNeverDayDateYearlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily7 Days6 Days5 Days4 Days3 Days2 Days1 Day12 Hours11 Hours10 Hours9 Hours8 Hours7 Hours6 Hours5 Hours4 Hours3 Hours2 Hours1 Hour45 Min.30 Min.15 Min.10 Min.5 Min.0 Min.SpecifyDelete AttendeeEdit AttendeeInvite Attendeeyear(s)month(s)week(s)day(s)SatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanChecking Tasks...Display Due Dates:Default Time:Task is complete. It cannot have a recurrence.This will affect all occurrences. Are you sure?TASK REMINDER: Time: Date:Tasks OptionsA Task name must be entered.New TaskEdit TaskDue:Priority:Status:Task:Deleting..Delete all completed tasks?Delete task?Delete tasks?* No Tasks *CMTBConfirm Task Delete:Tasks&TasksOrganizing TasksDelete all appointments for Open appointment?Select Date: Delete appointments?ACDGMNPSTWUse track wheel to change option. Some occurrences exceed Dec 31, 2099Occurrences:s until of weekend dayweekday last fourth third second first on the on for %d days everyRecursunknownyearmonthweekdayNo recurrence.Enable Quick Entry:Initial View:Default Reminder:Confirm Delete:End of day:Start of day:First day of week:Calendar OptionsTB%i days%i day%i hours%i hour%i minutes%i minuteStart:Invited: Tentative: Declined: Accepted: Organizer: NoneDelete all prior appointments?This appointment recurs with a custom recurrence pattern.Appointments cannot span midnight.Can not reschedule: Date skips over a later or earlier occurrence.Duration:All Day Event?Only the organizer can edit the attendee list.This appointment has been updated and your changes will be lost.Year must be between 1900 and 2099.End date cannot be before start date.Recurrence has been adjusted.Time Zone:Recurrence exceptions will be deleted. Continue?UMTWRFSUMTWRFDelete appointment?By:End:Every:Recur:Set RecurrenceReminder time has passed.Appointment overlaps itself.Delete attendee?New AppointmentAppointment DetailsRecurrence:Reminder:End Time:End Date:Start Time:Start Date:Location:Subject:OtherInvite:SMTWTFSSMTWTFDays:Deleting...Checking Calendar %d...Checking Calendar...(%d more)An error occurred getting the alarm message.Next alarm:CalendarCa&lendarOrganizing CalendarF -> Clb -> kgmi -> kmyd -> mft -> min -> cmC -> Fkg -> lbkm -> mim -> ydm -> ftcm -> inTo MetricFrom MetricSwitch to TapeInsert EntryDelete EntryEdit EntryClear TapeReturn to CalculatorOut of MemoryCalc&ulatorM.Calculator%%%B%b%O%o%T%t%D%d'%' (%%)Delete (%B)Backspace (%b)Owner info (%O)Owner name (%o)Long time (%T)Short time (%t)Long date (%D)Short date (%d)Insert Macro* No Phrases *That phrase already existsPlease enter an original text stringInsert macro:Delete "%s"?Replace it with: When I type: New AutoTextEdit AutoTexthowshow'swhyswhy'sarentaren'tcantcan'tcmdcommandcouldntcouldn'tdidntdidn'tdoesntdoesn'tdontdon'thereshere'shelhe'llheshe'shaventhaven'thasnthasn'thadnthadn'tiIidI'dilI'llimI'misntisn'titllit'lliveI'veletslet'sshelshe'llshesshe'sshouldntshouldn'tthatsthat'stheresthere'stheydthey'dtheyrethey'retheyvethey'vetheyllthey'llwasntwasn'twerentweren'twelwe'llwerwe'rewevewe'vewhatswhat'swhereswhere'swhollwho'llwhoswho'swhovewho'vewontwon'twouldntwouldn'tyoudyou'dyoullyou'llyoureyou'reyouveyou'veadnandacncanahvehaveahppenhappenamdemadeamkemakealota lotbeleivebelievebeleifbeliefagianagaincertiancertaincheifchiefehrheresleelseeytyetfeildfieldahdhadhsahashtethehteretherehtingthinghteytheyhtisthishsesheitsait's amkaemakepeicepiecepeicespiecesrecievereceiverecievedreceivedrecievingreceivingsehshetahnthantahtthattehthetehytheythiertheirvisavisvis-a-vishrhourmnminutemnsminutessecsecondsecssecondsoclocko'clockld%Dlt%Tmomonthyryearbr(%Brb%b)usrid%osig%OOrganizing AutoTextAutoText%bBdDtToOOut of memory!Replace AllReplaceIgnore AllIgnoreMissMsMrsMrDrLast NameFirst NameFind: AllChange Field NameDelete MessageDelete AttachmentChange OptionChange MemberDelete MemberView MemberAdd MemberChange Group NameSave GroupDelete GroupView GroupEdit GroupNew GroupEdit FieldClear FieldAdd %sDelete LookupGet All ResultsGet More ResultsViewAdd AllAddLookup__ClearDeleteNewEditNo Valid %sSave, %s%sSaveOptionsView AllCancelCloseCompose MessageofLookup ResultsLookup completedAddress LookupsAddress Book OptionsAttach Address??? GroupSort By:Allow Duplicate Names:Confirm Address Delete:Delete?Delete %s?Delete %s %s?One Time %sAddress ViewEdit AddressNew AddressEnter Valid %s* No Addresses *[New Address][Use Once]Save settings?Choose %s:%s OptionsAddress BookUpdate AddressContinueYou can only select individual e-mail addresses&Address BookPreparing lookup resultsOrganizing Address BookAddress AttachmentAttach:Replace?Duplicate entry for:Duplicate entry exists.Lookup:New Name:Save changes?Edit Group: New Group: Enter the name of the GroupGroup Name:Change Member to:Selected Address already exists in the Group. Please select anotherAdd Member:The group must have at least one memberPopulating Address BookAddress DuplicatesSave errorDuplicate NameInvalid %s. Save anyway?Salutation:SalutationPlease Enter a Group NameInvalid %sUser4:User4User3:User3User2:User2User1:User1First:Last:NameFirstLastPhone:Phone1-way Pager:1-way PagerInteractive Handheld:Interactive HandheldNotes:NotesCountry:CountryZIP/Postal Code:ZIP/Postal CodeState/Prov:State/ProvCity:CityAddress2:Address2Address1:Address1Title:TitleCompany:CompanyPIN:PINFax:Fax #Pager:PagerMobile:Mobile #Home:Home #Work:Work #Group Email:Group EmailEmail:EmailOut Of MemoryUnable to register English Surf LocaleUnable to register English UI32 LocaleUnable to register English SecureTransport LocaleUnable to register English Ribbon LocaleUnable to register English OTACommon LocaleUnable to register English Options LocaleUnable to register English Message LocaleUnable to register English MemoPad LocaleUnable to register English ICAL LocaleUnable to register English CEEngine LocaleUnable to register English Calendar LocaleUnable to register English Calculator LocaleUnable to register English Address Locale  Ω$%356RimTerminateThreadRimTaskYieldxRimCatastrophicFailureRIMOS.EXEUI32.dll I=F(4@R\hEnglish.dllRimHeader_dRegistrar_dUI32,W.Y0RIMyRegistrarUI320 H```4VS_VERSION_INFOAA?StringFileInfo040904b0VCompanyNameResearch In Motion Limitedv'FileDescriptionHandheld English Language Resource DLL2 FileVersion2.5.0.650InternalNameEnglishr'LegalCopyright 1997-2001 Research In Motion Limited@ OriginalFileNameEnglish.dllb!ProductNameBlackBerry Handheld Applications6 ProductVersion2.5.0.65DVarFileInfo$Translation d00!0.030A0}00000000001 111"1(11161<1A1M1S1\1a1g1l1x1~11111111111111111112 222$2*23282>2C2O2U2^2c2i2n2z22222222222222222223 3333&3,353:3@3E3Q3W3`3f3k3u3z3333333333333334 444*4/464B4M4R4[4d4p4{4444444444444445 555(5-565?5K5V5[5d5m5y55555555555555 80<0@0D0H0L0P0T0X0\0`0d0h0l0p0t0x0|000000000000000000000000000000000111 111d1h1l1p1t1x1|1111111111111111111111111222 22222 2$2(2,2024282<2@2D2H2L2P2T2X2\2`2d2h2l2p2t2x2|222222222222222222222222222222222333 33333 3$3(3034383<3@3H3L3P3T3`3d3h3l3p333333333333333333333333333444 4444 4$4(4,4044484<4D4H4L4P4T4X4\4`4d4l4p4t4x4444444444444444444444444445555555 5$5(54585<5@5T5X5\5`5d5h5l5p5t5x5|555555555555555555555555555555555666 66064686<6@6D6H6L6P6T6X6\6`6d6h6l6p6t6x6|6666666666666666666666777 77777 7H7L7P7T7X7\7`7d7h7l7p7t7x7|777777777777777777777777777777777888 88888 8$8(8,8084888<8@8D8H8L8P8X8\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|888888888888888888888888888888889999999 9(9,9094989<9D9H9P9T9\9`9d9h9l9t9x9|99999999999999999999999999999999::: ::::: :$:(:,:0:4:8:<:@:D:H:L:P:T:X:\:`:d:l:p:t:|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; ;;;;$;(;0;4;8;<;D;H;L;P;T;\;d;h;p;t;x;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<<< <<<<,<0<4>>> >$>(>,>0>4>8><>@>D>H>L>P>T>X>\>`>d>h>l>p>t>x>|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>??? ????? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?$>(><>@>D>H>L>P>T>X>\>`>d>h>l>p>t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>??? ???? ?$?(?,?0?4?8?