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Press %0s to select them.EGreat! Now choose a clean, empty table and press that table's number.TThe customers are looking at their menus. Let's wait until they're ready to order...ANow they're ready! Press the table number to pick up their order.IGood! You have their order ticket. Now press the number 1 to drop it off.'Good. The chef is preparing the food...:...and it's ready. Press the order number to pick it up...0...and press the table number to serve the food.&Good! Now let's give them time to eat.LNow that they're done eating, press the table number to deliver their check.SNow you need to clean up the table. Press the table number to collect dirty dishes.=Press the number 3 to drop the dishes off at the bus station.:Great job! You're ready to learn about bonuses and chains.fLook, new customers are in line! Press left and right to move between groups then press %0s to select.EWe'll earn bonus points by seating customers in a like-colored chair.+Nice work! You just earned the color bonus!'Now seat the second group of customers.:Press the table number again to move the customers around.%Let's take this order to the station.And now the other order...VNotice that performing the same action two or more times in a row earns a chain bonus!8You can also chain food delivery. Pick up both orders...-...and deliver one to each table for a bonus.QGreat work! The more times in a row you do the same action, the bigger the chain.%You can also chain dropping checks.......and clearing and dropping off dirty dishes.Just look at those bonuses!;Great job! Those are the basics, now you're ready for work.YNow, we're going to introduce a new customer type: Families. Let's first seat the family.]Hit the * key to pick up the high chair, then the table number, to keep the baby from crying.I bet today is going to be busy, but I know you can handle it!Okay, catch your breath. It's 3:00 on Tuesday so this should be a slower shift. If we're going to earn enough money today, we'll have to keep everyone really happy.qThe word's out that Margarita's is a great family restaurant, so expect more Families to come through this shift.Okay, we just need to earn a little more, and we'll be ready to pay the rent! I have a feeling this shift is going to be a long one, so we'll really have to keep our energy up.Ready for work at Toshiro's Grill? Toshiro is an amazing chef and a good friend of mine. We've got to help keep him in business!Along with a new podium, welcome a new customer - the Kindly Senior. Seniors are slow to order and eat, but they're very patient.mNow the crowds are getting bigger, so we'll be serving some soothing green tea to keep our customers relaxed.NNow, we're expecting lots of business types this shift. Keep up the good work!Things are going great!lToday we're introducing edamame, these delicious soy beans, as a free snack. Keep your eye out for requests..Keep it up and we'll earn the rent in no time!Get ready for some more crowds!We almost have enough saved up for the rent, but we can't relax yet...this is going to be a busy shift filled with business types!\Now if we can just get through this shift, Toshiro should have enough saved up for the rent!LCan you believe it? There's a new restaurant in town: Flo's Skylight Lounge!We've just set up a podium and some cocktail drinks at the bar. We need to make this place a success, so let's see what we can do!eLooking good! And now we're offering complementary caviar, so I bet we'll see a bigger crowd tonight!