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Soccer Golf Baseball Tennis 0 How many points are there on a backgammon board? 48 24 12 36 1 How many spaces can each of four stones move if you throw two "sixes" in backgammon? 36 6 12 24 1 If you've landed on Baltic Avenue, Illinois Avenue or Boardwalk, you could be playing Monopoly, or you could be in which city, for whose streets Monopoly properties are named? New York City Charleston Atlantic City New Orleans 2 Which chess pieces change places during castling? King and queen Knight and rook King and rook King and knight 2 What is the maximum number of queens that can theoretically be on the board during a game of chess? 2 18 6 4 1 What is the world's first postage stamp commonly called today? The Penny Victoria The Penny Whistle The Penny Royale The Penny Black 3 In which year was the Barbie doll introduced? 1951 1937 1906 1928 0 Many believe that the four suits in a deck of cards reflects French medieval society. If so, what do the spades represent? The merchants The priests The nobility The soldiers 2 Parcheesi is sometimes called the national game of which country? Albania Egypt Italy India 3 Which country produced the first adhesive postage stamp? US Germany UK France 2 What do fans of deltiology collect? Postcards Paper currency Matchboxes Snowdomes 0 What were the first baseball cards used to promote in 1887? Gum Baseball gloves Beer Tobacco 3 Whose face is supposedly a composite of 23 Congressional Medal Honorees? G.I. Joe Superman Tarzan Barbie's friend Ken 0 On which country's Monopoly board is Boardwalk replaced with Mayfair? Japan United Kingdom Australia South Africa 1 Which game was invented during the Depression by Alfred Butts, who called it "Lexiko"? Twister Scrabble Monopoly Snakes and Ladders 1 What do fans of labology collect? Beer labels Labrador retrievers Chemistry sets Flags 0 At what count will a casino blackjack dealer stand? 9 11 21 17 3 Which children's game is called "mosca cieca" in Italy, "gallina ciepa" in Spain and "colin-maillard" in France? Blindman's buff Checkers Hopscotch Hide and seek 0 Of what game is acey-deucey a variation? Poker Checkers Backgammon Cricket 2 In 1958, who became the world's youngest chess grand master? Max Euwe Gary Kasparov Boris Spassky Bobby Fischer 3 Do not pass go. Which board game briefly became a TV game show, hosted by Michael Reilly, in the summer of 1990? Monopoly Pictionary Clue Trivial Pursuit 0 Barbie fans take note! What are doll collectors called? Arctophiles Plangonologists Philatelists Bibliophiles 1 According to the Crayola people, which crayon color tends to be used up first? Blue Flesh (now peach) Green Black 3 This grandmaster beat IBM's Big Blue in 1996, but it beat him the year after. Who is he? Max Euwe Gary Kasparov Anatoly Karpov Boris Spassky 1 Which game did a pair of Montreal newspapermen create in 1979, a variation of which you're playing right now? Trivial Pursuit Scruples Scattergories Pictionary 0 The French created the modern deck of playing cards, defining the suits and combining the knight and the page to create what new card? The jack The ace The king The joker 0 What toy, the first ever advertised on TV, once got four votes to be mayor of Boise, Idaho? Barbie Mr. Potato Head GI Joe Buzz Lightyear 1 What does a phillumenist collect? Stamps Beer labels Military medals Match boxes 3 John Gray was the first person to collect these, but so did George V and Franklin D. Roosevelt. What are they? Buttons Stamps Baseball cards Coins 1 In 1972, who did Bobby Fischer beat to become Chess Champion of the World? Gary Kasparov Boris Spassky Anatoly Karpov IBM's Big Blue 1 In draw poker, how many cards are dealt face up to each player? Five Three Seven None 3 Which of these poker hands is the lowest? Four of a kind Straight Flush Full house 1 What toy company is the world's most prolific designer of women's fashions? Parker Brothers Coleco Hasbro Mattel 3 The game Go is popular in Japan, but where did Go come from, more than 2,000 years ago? Korea India China Vietnam 2 What video game, developed by Toru Iwatani, inspired a 1982 Top 40 song by Akron radio jingle composers Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia? Space Invaders Pac-Man Donkey Kong Pong 1 How much money do you start out with in Monopoly? $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $1,500 3 On what property do Monopoly players land most often? Pennsylvania Avenue Kentucky Avenue Illinois Avenue Vermont Avenue 2 In 1999, Monopoly introduced what new token, its first in 40 years? A sack of money A car A wheelbarrow A piggy bank 0 What ancient game includes such variations as Big Clock, Matador, Sebastopol and Traffic? Dominoes Tag Marbles Poker 0 In the Sioux language, "tonka" means great. Since 1947, what sort of product has also been "tonka"? Instant coffee Toy trucks Saddles Blue jeans 1 What country is allowed to issue stamps with no national name on them at all? United States China Great Britain Vatican City 2 What Nintendo hit started out as a flop called Radarscope until it was redesigned by a Japanese art student? Donkey Kong Pac Man Space Invaders Frogger 0 In contract bridge, which suit ranks highest? Diamonds Spades Clubs Hearts 1 What game did Joseph P. Babcock create by combining rummy and an old Chinese tile game? Chinese checkers Go Mah Jongg Ping pong 2 Lego gets its name from the phrase "leg godt," meaning "play well" in which language? German Danish Austrian Russian 1 In 1900, a country issued a stamp featuring an extinct volcano belching fire and smoke. Panama circulated these stamps to the American Senate, which decided that Panama was a safer place to put a canal. What country lost a canal because a stamp? Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Mexico 2 One of the world's rarest stamps is the 1856 penny magenta from what part of the world? British Guiana Great Britain Hungary Cape of Good Hope 0 Which of these is not a suit of the Minor Arcana of tarot cards? Cups Swords Hearts Pentacles 2 Romanian peace activist Ely Culbertson and American lawyer Charles Goren were both known for their skill at what card game? Bridge Crazy Eights Poker Blackjack 0 Which of these is a character in the movie "Reservoir Dogs," rather than a suspect in the board game Clue? Mrs. Peacock Professor Plum Mr. Pink Colonel Mustard 2 What kind of puzzle did a London mapmaker named John Spilsbury invent to help him teach geography? Trivia puzzle Crossword puzzle Jigsaw puzzle Find-a-word puzzle 2 What complicated game involving strangely shaped dice was invented in 1973 by a Wisconsin insurance executive named Gary Gygax? Dungeons and Dragons Snakes and Ladders Risk Yahtzee 0 Originally an elephant, which chess piece moves diagonally only and was originally called the fool by the French? Bishop Rook Pawn Queen 0 How many numbered balls do most bingo halls use? 16 25 80 75 3 In 1993, Americans were sending letters to non-existent addresses so that the letters would come back marked "Return to Sender." Who was on the stamp they were using? Buddy Holly Jerry Lee Lewis Elvis Presley Chuck Berry 2 In 1993, Id Software released what it calls "the hottest 3-D action game of all time." What game is this? Sim City Myst Doom Quake 2 In a standard game of poker, which of these hands is highest? Straight Flush Four of a kind Full house 2 If you own an original Slinky and stretch it out as far it can go, how long, in feet, would the straight piece of wire be? 6 feet 13 feet 55 feet 87 feet 3 How many pieces does each player have at the beginning of a checkers game? 8 16 12 10 2 What Nolan Bushmill video game company shares a name with the Go equivalent of "check"? Sega Atari Nintendo Pong 1 Which of these is not part of the kid's game rochambeau (also known as rochambo)? Scissors Rock Water Paper 2 What video game system was reportedly delayed because it was powerful enough to interfere with missile launches? Nintendo N64 PlayStation 2 Sega Genesis Sony Dreamcast 1 Who was honored by the US Postal Service with his own stamp on January 8, 1985, which would have been his 50th birthday? Elvis Presley Lassie Prince Charles Neil Armstrong 0 What do the opposite sides of a die add up to? Five Ten Six Seven 3 What Japanese game is played on a board with 19 horizontal lines and 19 vertical lines? Chinese checkers Go Mah-jongg Chess 1 To celebrate her 40th birthday in 1999, Barbie got a tattoo. What was it? A dolphin A heart A rose A butterfly 3 The World Monopoly Game champion wins an amount of money equal to the fake money that comes in the box. How much? $1,514,000 $15,140 $1,514 $151,400 1 In what product did Joshua Lionel Cohen finally use a miniaturized motor he invented? Lionel Slinkies Lionel Trains Lionel Dinky Toys Lionel Erector Sets 1 For fairly obvious reasons, in 1962 the Crayola people decided to rename the "flesh" crayon. What did they rename it? Caucasian Peach Beige Cream 1 In the Pac-Man game, what are Blinky, Clyde, Inky and Clyde? Sharks Chopping circles Ghosts Power Pills 2 Although the name originally referred to a pigment used in India, not to the color of Aboriginal skins, what did the Crayola people rename the Indian red crayon in 1999? Chestnut Old penny Red clay Baseball mitt 0 The reasons vary, but which playing card is called "the curse of Scotland"? Jack of Clubs Queen of Hearts Nine of Diamonds Ace of Spades 2 From the German words suggesting "obligation to move," "zugzwang" usually means a forced move that worsens your position in what game? Chess Hide and go seek Scrabble Backgammon 0 Which chess piece, the only one that has to move differently to capture a piece, can also capture pieces en passant? King Rook Pawn Bishop 2 Which of these playing cards is usually not depicted "one-eyed" and in profile? King of Diamonds King of Clubs Jack of Spades Jack of Hearts 1 Which king in a deck of cards is called the suicide king because it looks like he stuck a sword through his head? King of Clubs King of Hearts King of Diamonds King of Spades 1 Of the two Super Mario Brothers, one is Mario. Who is the other? Luigi Mario Antonio Pietro 0 Played with two decks of cards, what Uruguayan rummy game is won by forming melds until you get 5000 points? Klondike Crazy eights Gin rummy Canasta 3 A numismatist collects coins, but what does a notaphilist collect? Paper money Wallets Autographs Stamps 0 In the Sega system, what is Sonic? A wolverine A porcupine A badger A hedgehog 3 Who was Barbie's first African-American pal? Yolanda Midge Skipper Christie 3 Along with the Z, which of these tiles would have the highest value (10) in Scrabble? W J X Q 3 What is both the highest number on a dartboard and the number of opening moves in chess? 100 12 50 20 3 What is both the number of dominoes in a standard set and the number of properties you can buy in Monopoly? 50 35 28 42 2 Excluding 0 and 00, how many numbers are on a roulette wheel? 36 88 99 12 0 What is both the number of territories to conquer in Risk, and the number of spaces in the outer ring of Trivial Pursuit? 42 24 36 15 0 Since 1970 the World Series of Poker has been held at Binion's Horseshoe, a casino in what city? Atlantic City Singapore Monte Carlo Las Vegas 3 Buzz in if you know this. What game features Cavity Sam? Operation Scrabble Clue Monopoly 0 Which of these is the name, not of a character in "Reservoir Dogs," but of a suspect in Clue? Mr. Pink Mr. Green Mr. Orange Mr. White 1 When the game begins, what piece sits on all four corners of a chess board? Knight Bishop Rook Pawn 2 A minor poet, with the unfortunate name of Sir John Suckling, seems to have invented what game that uses both a board and cards? Casino Cribbage Solitaire Euchre 1 What game is played on a 64-square board in North America, but on a 100-square board in Europe (especially France)? Backgammon Cribbage Checkers Chess 2 The original version of which video games pitted against each other seven of Earth's finest warriors--Liu Kang, Rayden, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Kano and Scorpion? Doom Resident Evil Mortal Kombat Street Fighter 2 In Britain, what toy is known as the bandalore, quiz or the Prince of Wales toy? Yoyo Spinning top Slingshot Tiddlywinks 0 What is a winning score in both blackjack and ping-pong? 21 30 12 9 0 Not all video games come from Japan. It just seems that way. What country gave us Tetris? New Zealand Brazil India Russia 3 In chess, what piece is represented by the letter K? King No piece is Knight Rook 0 Which of these is not one of the weapons in the classic version of the board game Clue? Baseball bat Lead pipe Rope Candlestick 0 In the most common system of chess notation, what letter - or letters - designates the knight? L N K Kn 1 Although Share-a-Smile Becky did have a hot pink wheelchair, whose Dream House turned out to be wheelchair inaccessible? Malibu Stacy Cabbage Patch Kids GI Joe Barbie 3 What decade provides the setting for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City? 1960s 1970s 1990s 1980s 3 In chess, the bishop can only move diagonally. Which of these pieces never moves diagonally? King Rook Pawn Queen 1 In what board game would I invade Irkutsk, Yakutsk and Kamchatka? Monopoly Battleship Risk Axis and Allies 2 Invented in Germany by Margaret Steiff, what do arctophiles collect? Teddy bears Plates Stamps Postcards 0 How many squares are there on a standard bingo card? 36 49 25 16 2 What country gave the world maryoshka nesting dolls? Russia Poland Hungary Switzerland 0 In many card games, such as rummy and solitaire, what is the "bird-like" word for the unused or discarded cards? Feather Talon Gizzard Beak 1 James McManus wrote "Positively Fifth Street" about what game? Poker Scrabble Chess Monopoly 0 Chinese checkers is played on a board that looks a little like a Star of David. What is the maximum number of players who can play at once? Two Six Four One 1 When beginning a game of chess, which of these pieces is next to the rook? Bishop Knight King Queen 1 Best known for Barbie, Mattel also created what line of die-cast cars for boys? Matchbox Dinky Hot Wheels Corgis 2 At tournaments, what game typically begins with a balloted opening requiring a three-move restriction, chosen at random? Contract bridge Dungeons and Dragons Backgammon Checkers 3 Most stamps are square or rectangular. But who broke the mold in 1853 with the first triangular stamp? Nepal Hungary Newfoundland Cape of Good Hope 3 After designing the Sparrow and Hawk missile systems for the US military, Jack Ryan went on to mold what toy for Mattel? Barbie Slinky Hot Wheels GI Joe 0 Popular in Japan, what pinball-like game involves small steel balls bouncing around nails until they land in pockets? Karaoke Pachinko Foosball Anime 1 Early versions of what game include senet, played in Ancient Egypt, and tabula, played in Ancient Rome? Checkers Chess Poker Backgammon 3 One word, two syllables. What party game's name come from the Portuguese word for "entertainment"? Marbles Charades Checkers Poker 1 In 1985, what character, who no doubt fired a lot of full-metal-jacket bullets, was featured on the last full-metal lunchbox made in the US? Han Solo Papa Smurf The Terminator John Rambo 3 In 1935, who became the first character licensed to appear on a lunch box? Mickey Mouse Popeye Flash Gordon Bugs Bunny 0 What former Postmaster General appeared on the first official US postage stamp, issued on July 1, 1847? Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin George Washington Gouverneur Morris 1 In what year's Christmas season were parents desperately chasing Cabbage Patch Kids, which came with their own adoption certificates? 1973 1963 1953 1983 3 If you're playing poker and it's "deuces wild," which of these cards do you most want to see? Ace of spades Jack of hearts Two of clubs Eight of diamonds 2 Because this score is impossible to get in cribbage, what number is used to mean you've scored zero points? 29 19 13 54 1 In his 1962 book "Beat the Dealer" Edward Thorpe describes the computer trials he'd run to find ways of beating the house in what card game? Baccarat Bridge Poker Blackjack 3 In games such as Texas Hold'Em, what do you call the first three cards turned up? Flop Post Muck Hold 0 In blackjack, you want to see a 21. What number do you want in baccarat? 11 9 13 15 1 In the Sims House Party computer game, what rotund celebrity shows up if your Sims are throwing a particularly awesome party? Paris Hilton Charlie Sheen Kid Rock Drew Carey 3 What is the only chess piece that normally moves in a way the queen cannot? Rook Knight Bishop Pawn 1 Introduced by Milton Bradley in 1966, what risque game became a huge hit after Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor played it on "The Tonight Show"? Operation Pictionary Twister Scruples 2 Probably developed by British officers in India, what game uses 22 balls, 15 of which are red? Pool Snooker Cribbage Backgammon 1 As the story goes, stuffed bears were named for what president, who was the subject of a Washington Post cartoon while hunting in Mississippi? Woodrow Wilson Ulysses Grant Theodore Roosevelt Richard Nixon 2 In 1958, Wham-O sold 25 million units of a fad product in just four months, all thanks to an idea it got from Australian gym classes. What is it? Hula Hoop Hacky Sack Superball Frisbee 0 Kriegspiel is an odd version of what game, using two boards, in which neither player can see the other's pieces and a third person officiates? Chess Cribbage Backgammon Poker 0 Probably invented by teenagers from Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ, the "spirit of the game" assumes everyone will follow the rules of ultimate. What do you use to play ultimate? Dominos Yo-yo Frisbee Slinky 2 Because he reworked the scoring system in around 1910, Elwood Baker of the Knickerbocker Whist Club in New York is credited with creating what rummy-based game? Gin Solitaire Crazy Eights Poker 0 In 1995, Parker Brothers formally apologized to the residents of what Atlantic City street, the name of which is misspelled in Monopoly? Mediteranean Avenue Parke Place Ilinois Avenue Marven Gardens 3 In 1942, Monopoly added the dog, wheelbarrow and horse-and-rider tokens, replacing all but which of these original tokens? Purse Iron Rocking horse Lantern 1 Which of these weapons cannot be used in Clue to do away with Mr Boddy? Candlestick Knife Poison Rope 2 In the British version of Clue, called Cluedo, which character is a reverend? Mr White Colonel Mustard Mr Green Professor Plum 2 What mix of boric acid and silicone oil, originally called gupp, did GE's James Wright invent as a substitute for rubber? Play-Doh Slinky Crayon Silly Putty 3 Played in India, kabaddi is a team game similar to what North American kids' recreation? Tag Hopscotch Tiddlywinks Marbles 0 Anatoly Karpov became famous for a chess style named for which snake? Cobra Boa constrictor Anaconda Python 1 This name is shared by both a board game from Avalon Hill, set in the ancient world, and by a computer game by Sid Meier, in which you can take over the world. What is this game? Risk Civilization SimCity Age of Empires 1 The name of what game literally means "sparrow"? Rummy Chess Backgammon Mahjong 3 What archaic arcade game could have answered the question, "Why did the freshwater anuran amphibian cross the road?" Donkey Kong Pong Frogger Pac-Man 2 In what Sid Meier computer game do you build a civilization through history until it can conquer (or least pacify) its rivals? Alpha Centauri Age of Empire Civilization Diplomacy 2 The world champ in what game wins $15,140, the amount of money it comes with? Trivial Pursuit Careers Life Monopoly 3 Designed by Toshihiro Nishikado, what archaic arcade game had you shooting down aliens with a "laser cannon" as you jumped back and forth from behind forts? Missle Command Galaga Space Invaders Asteroids 2 What Xbox videogame series pits Master Chief against the aliens attacking Earth? Half Life Doom Halo Metal Gear Solid 2 What "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" from Sony is set largely in the fictional world of Norrath? EverQuest Ultima Online Dark Age of Camelot Final Fantasy 0 The flagship of the Hero System, Champions is a role-playing game set in what genre? Superheroes Science fiction Pulp fiction Fantasy 0 Published by GDW and famous for its "Little Black Books," Traveller was set in what genre? Fantasy Espionage Science fiction Post-apocalypse 2 Stamps that can't actually be used for postage are named for what fictional character? Little Mermaid Cinderella Snow White Red Riding Hood 1 In what video game do you meet Atrus of the D'Ni people? Doom Halo Myst Alpha Centauri 2 The martingale is a gambling technique in which double your bet each time you lose, and bet the minimum after you win. What game is this strategy best for? Slots Blackjack Poker Roulette 3 ;Manifest-Version: 1.0 MIDlet-Vendor: MIDlet-Version: 2.24 MIDlet-Delete-Notify: MIDlet-Install-Notify: Created-By: 1.4.2_11 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) 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