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To open blackBook for the first time go to your home screen, and hit the RED END CALL button 5 times. To set up SMS follow the walkthrough located on our support website mentioned below. Make sure to Export all contacts before upgrading your phone or the contacts will be lost.BlackBook-1BlackBook-2 $CAUGHT CODE: !$CHECKING IF NUMBER IN ADDRESSBOOK$CMIME$COMPLETED INITIAL SEARCH $Call Back$Caller ID Field$Cancel$Change$Check My World in AppWorld $Choose A File$Code:#$Could not close datagram connection$Could not inject end call keys$Could not load preferences$Could not save license$Could not update preferences$Created File Holder FNAME: $Delete $Delete All$Deny#$Did not find an acceptable MenuItem$ENCODING EXCEPTION1$END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT May 1, 2009 IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement (the "EULA") is a legal agreement between you ("You" or "Your", either an individual or a single legal entity) and mblware. for the Software (defined below). By clicking "agree" or by downloading, installing, copying or otherwise using all or any portion of the Software, You agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If You do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not download, install, copy or otherwise use the Software. 1. Definitions In this EULA, the following terms will have the following meanings: Advertising Inventory means any and all advertising, sponsorship and sponsored links, paid listings, paid placements, paid subscriptions and any other online or web-based advertising medium now known or hereinafter created; Content means any and all text, multimedia (graphics, audio and video), data, information, RSS and other feeds, and other content distributed or made available to, or otherwise accessed by, end users using the Software; Intellectual Property Rights means: 1. any and all proprietary rights provided under: patent law; copyright law; trademark law; design patent or industrial design law; semi-conductor chip or mask work law; 2. any and all proprietary rights provided under any other statutory provision or common law principle applicable to this EULA, including trade secret law, which may provide a right in either ideas, formulae, algorithms, concepts, inventions or know-how generally, or the expression or use of such ideas, formulae, algorithms, concepts, inventions or know-how; and 3. any and all applications, registrations, licenses, sublicenses, agreements or any other evidence of a right in any of the foregoing; Mobile Device means a mobile communication device which is capable of operating the Software; Software means the executable code for the software and related documentation and services made available by mblware from time to time (including any corrections, updates, enhancements and other modifications thereto) downloaded or accessed by, or otherwise made available to, You in connection with this EULA; and mblware means mblware and its affiliates, and their respective successors and assigns. 2. Grant of License On and subject to the terms of this EULA, mblware hereby grants You a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to install the Software on a Mobile Device and use the Software only on the Mobile Device on which You installed the Software. You acknowledge and agree that this EULA contains certain conditions of license in connection with Your use of the Software. You further acknowledge and agree that such conditions are not exhaustive and that mblware may from time to time impose further conditions, or otherwise amend this EULA, by posting an amended version of this EULA on its website (www.mblware.com) or by otherwise publishing such amended version of this EULA, in which case Your continued use of the Software thereafter will be deemed to constitute Your agreement to such amended EULA. Any such amended EULA will be deemed to be the "EULA" for the purposes hereof. 3. Acceptable Use of Software You acknowledge and agree that your rights to use the Software pursuant to Section 2 is subject to the following restrictions: 1. You will not copy, reproduce, distribute, modify or in any other manner duplicate the Software, in whole or in part, except in the course of making back-up or archival copies of the Software on Mobile Device on which the Software is installed; 2. You will not to use the Software in any manner constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability; 3. You will not transmit any Content which is protected by copyright, or other Intellectual Property Rights, without obtaining permission of the copyright holder; 4. You will not to use the Software in any manner which is contrary to law or netiquette, or which would adversely impact the use of the Software or the Internet by other end users, including the posting or transmitting of information or software containing viruses or other disruptive components; 5. You will not alter, modify, adapt, decompile, translate, decrypt, deconstruct, disassemble or otherwise attempt to reverse engineer the Software, use the Software to develop any derivative works or any functionally compatible or competitive work, or permit, authorize or encourage any other party to do so; and 6. You will not remove any proprietary notices, labels or marks from the Software. You acknowledge and agree that mblware will have the right, exercisable in its sole discretion, to terminate this EULA and Your use of the Software if mblware determines that You are using the Software in a manner contrary to the foregoing provisions of this Section 3 or otherwise in breach of this EULA. 4. Content You acknowledge that mblware makes the Software available to end users in consideration of fees received by mblware from third parties for Advertising Inventory distributed in connection with Content. Accordingly, You agree to receive any such Advertising Inventory distributed in connection with the Content or the Software, and that You will facilitate (and for greater certainty, will not disable) the distribution to You of such Advertising Inventory including by allowing, when prompted to do so by the Your Mobile Device, any connections required to serve or otherwise make available such Advertising Inventory to You. mblware will have the right, exercisable in its sole discretion, to restrict Your access to all or any portion of any Content. In addition, You agree that mblware will not be liable for any fees or other amounts charged to You by third parties for Content or other products or services received by You as a result of the use of the Software. 5. Termination of Software mblware will have the right, exercisable at any time in its sole discretion, to terminate this EULA for any reason and without notice to You. Upon the termination of this EULA, Your rights under Section 2 will immediately cease and You will immediately stop using the Software and erase any and all copies (including all backup and archival copies) of the Software installed or otherwise copied onto Your Mobile Device or elsewhere. The following Sections (and all other provisions necessary to give effect thereto) will survive termination of this EULA: Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Termination of this EULA will not limit mblware from pursuing any remedies (including injunctive relief) available to mblware pursuant to this EULA, including in connection with any breach by You of this EULA. 6. Ownership and Proprietary RightsYou acknowledge and agree that, except as expressly granted pursuant to Section 2, You will not acquire any rights, including Intellectual Property Rights, in or to the Software or any third party intellectual property forming part thereof. You agree that You will not, at any time during or after the termination of this EULA, contest or challenge mblware's or a third party licensor's, as the case may be, exclusive ownership of, or interest in, the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software (including any third party intellectual property). All Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Software will at all times be owned by mblware and its third party licensors. 7. Limited Warranty and Disclaimer THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. WITHOUT LIMITATION, MBLWARE DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE, AVAILABILITY, UNINTERRUPTED USE OF OR OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE, YOUR CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE), OR ANY RELATED SERVICE PROVIDED BY MBLWARE OR ITS SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, DISTRIBUTORS AND PARTNERS. YOU BEAR THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE) AND ANY RELATED SERVICE, AND THE AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE), AND ANY RELATED SERVICE AND THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE) AND ANY RELATED SERVICE. MBLWARE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ANY DATA OR FILES SENT BY OR TO YOU (WHETHER BY RSS FEEDS OR OTHERWISE) WILL BE TRANSMITTED, TRANSMITTED IN UNCORRUPTED FORM, OR TRANSMITTED WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME. MBLWARE DOES NOT MAKE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABLE QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE), ANY RELATED SERVICE OR ANY MERCHANDISE, CONTENT OR SERVICE AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET OR THROUGH THE SOFTWARE. ALL REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM MBLWARE OR FROM THE SOFTWARE OR OTHERWISE CREATES ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. 8. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL MBLWARE, ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, LICENSEES, DISTRIBUTORS, CHANNEL PARTNERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND REPRESENTATIVES (COLLECTIVELY, THE "MBLWARE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES"), BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS EULA OR THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE) OR ANY RELATED SERVICE INCLUDING (I) THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ANY MOBILE DEVICE) OR ANY RELATED SERVICE OR THE CONTENT, MATERIALS, INFORMATION OR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, OR (II) ANY CLAIM ATTRIBUTABLE TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER INACCURACIES IN THE SOFTWARE OR THE CONTENT, MATERIALS, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF MBLWARE OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 9. Indemnification You will indemnify and hold harmless each of the mblware Indemnified Parties from and against any claims, actions, proceedings, suits, liabilities, damages, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable legal fees and other litigation expenses) incurred by such mblware Indemnified Parties relating to: 1. Your breach of any term, condition, representation or warranty of this EULA; 2. Your use of or inability to use the Software; 3. any content, including personal content, or software submitted, displayed, posted or distributed by You using the Software; or 4. Your violation, alleged violation or misappropriation of any Intellectual Property Right or privacy or other right of a third party. 10. Notice Any notice or other communication required by this EULA may be in writing or delivered electronically by email to mblware or You as applicable. Notices delivered will be effective on the date of such email delivery. 11. General Provisions You will not assign or otherwise transfer (in whole or in part) any of Your rights or obligations under this EULA without mblware's prior written consent. mblware may, in its sole discretion, assign or otherwise transfer all or any part of its rights and obligations under this EULA without Your consent. This EULA constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Software, and supercedes all prior communications, agreements and discussions between the parties. This EULA will be governed by and construed under the laws of the Province of Ontario. Each party hereto irrevocably waives any objection on the grounds of venue, forum non-conveniens or any similar grounds and irrevocably consents to service of process by mail or in any other manner permitted by applicable law and consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario. You agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is hereby excluded in its entirety from application to this EULA. If any provision of this EULA is void or is declared void, the provision will be severed from this EULA, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect. The mblware Indemnified Parties are hereby included as third party beneficiaries of and under this EULA.$Edit Contact Help $Edit Fields$Enabling this option will cause blackBook to capture any text messages that come from unknown numbers. This is usefull when used with the firewall workaround so that you don't miss any text messages that aren't from contacts in your address book.#$Enabling this option will cause blackBook to initiate a notification dialog whenever a message comes threw. The message is customizable below this option, it is recommended not use somthing indicative of blackBook or messages. (ie. New blackBook Message = BAD, Unknown System Error = GOOD)$End Call$Enter your new message:$Enter your product license:$Exit$FOUND EMAIL IN BLACKBOOK$FOUND NUMBER IN BLACKBOOK$Filter Incoming$Filter Outgoing$Filter incoming PIN$Filter incoming SMS$Filter incoming calls$Filter incoming email$Filter outgoing PIN$Filter outgoing SMS$Filter outgoing calls$Filter outgoing email$Filtering Options$Found MenuItem: 6$GREEN CALL key is only an option for the last(5th) key$Got Message From: $Help$INITIAL SEARCH NOT IN BLACKBOOK $IOException: $If you don't know your serial$If you ever have trouble with this software see our Product and FAQ pages at http://support.mblware.com or the help screens contained in this application.$Ignore$Initiated Call To:$Invalid License Key $Launch Key$Loading Extra Prefs From: $MESSAGE LOG SAVED$MMM d $Message: )$NO CONTACT IN ADDRESSBOOK HAS THIS NUMBER'$NO CONTACT WITH THAT EMAIL IN BLACKBOOK$NUMBER FOUND IN ADDRESSBOOK$NUMBER FOUND IN BLACKBOOK$NUMBER NOT IN BLACKBOOK$NUMBER: $No CC Recipients in message$$No Contact With This EMAIL FOUND YET$No TO Recipients in message$OK$OPENING DATAGRAM FILTER FOR SMS $Options Help$PARSED NUMBER: $PARSER CONFIG EXCEPTION$PIMException: $RECIEVED DATAGRAM$REMOVEDASHES RETURNING: $RIM_APP_WORLD_LICENSE_KEY$Received Call From:$Register%$Remove Dashes Called With NULL String$SAVE UNKNOWN SMS ENABLED$SAVING MESSAGE LOG ENTRY $SAX EXCEPTION$SAX PARSE EXCEPTION$SAX PARSE IO EXCEPTION$SMS FILTERING IS ENABLED$Save$Save Unknown SMS$Select $Selected: $Set your new secret code:$Show Message Popup$System Memory Low$System Options$TO "$Thank you for installing BlackBook$The Caller ID option is an addition from the AddressBook. This field allows you to change what is displayed as the caller id when a blackBook contact calls your phone. If you would like to display the actual name of the contact (not recommended), just enter that name as the Caller ID.$The key you have chosen has shown to be sensitive to the speed at which it is entered. It may be in your best interest to chose another. If you'd like to continue using this key, try entering it at a medium to slow pace.5$The majority of Contact information in blackBook mimics that of the AddressBook, so help can be found in the AddressBook help section. Note that even though there does not seem to be a picture associated with the contact, if it was imported from the AddressBook and had a picture, this picture is maintained.$This option tells blackBook to scan and control incoming calls/messages. Enabling this option will allow blackBook to hide incoming communications and place them in the blackBook Logs.$This option tells blackBook to scan outgoing calls/messages and place all communications to blackBook contacts into the blackBook Log instead of the phones generic Logs.$UTF-8$Vibrate Incoming Messages$View$VoiceMail BytesQ$Warning: if you forget what you key in here, you will be locked out of blackBook.8$You cannot use this as the final key in your secret code?$You must accept the End User License Agreement to use BlackBook$Your launch key is the key you use at your home screen to open blackBook. Don't forget this key or blackBook will be unusable.F$Your secret key must be 5 keys including the initial RED END CALL key. $audio.png$back.gif$blackBook by mblware.$body$br$en$error$file.png$file:///$fileinfo must have a slash $folder.png $green.gif$h:mma$img $incoming.png$keyChar Caught$li$multipart/alternative$multipart/mixednet_rim_bbapi_mailv2net_rim_bbapi_phonenet_rim_cldcnet_rim_osnet_rim_pdapnet_rim_xmlnet_rim_xml_org$on$on $outgoing.png$p $photo.png$properties.gif$red.gif$sms://:0$src$store $text/html $text/plain$tmp/ $video.png$www.mblware.com; % (**.2223 Zv; %1(**,0023 v(; 01D(**,0023 8v(; ;'D~(,,.6668Mdnq[vv; N%~0 (((*****; k% 0 (224LLLR9w'vvvZvw ; y5 K(**,0001#<&w; /K(446BBBET_jk [vd [v&w; 1<(**,00230&w(; -<(**,0001J|&w; 6(,,.2223&w; %7 (08:RRRX 8v wwwww/w; 57 f (**,0001@ W w; 5f (**,0001o w; @ F(8>@  & = < \  w wovovovovov[v[v[v[v[v$x$x$xwA ; 1F(((02FFFKOfqwwwZvw; Ht ( (002FFFK6 wwwZvew; V1" ((*,<<<@-vJwAwZv; F$ (**,0001v; y1&  ((68HHHLRb kww\vZv; 1( p (((,,,,,(; 3*pJ (..04445y9X[v; * 1,J (08:^^`idM#xvw{vvnwZvZvw wz; 1 1.(**,0023vN; : 10;(**,0023/vN; @2; (*,08JJLMS)x{vov4ov5 Dw6 ; 17K O (0022244 - > K A;  39O !(,,.6668a ![vzw;  /;!#(0026667!!"""zw; [=#% (.02NNNU#,#Z##$wwwG{vJzwwv; 5?%M%(**,0001(%>%w; 5AM%%(**,0001V%%w; 5C%%(**,0001%%w; Y %E&%d' (((*****&; d [Gd', (024pppm'''''{(wvvvvvvvvvwvvww ; l 5I,-(**,0001,-w; v 5K-I-(**,0001-:-w; 1MI--(**,0023W--w(; 4O--(**,0001--w; .Q-V/ (,,.2223-.A/w; 3SV//(**,0001d//w; 3U//(**,0001//w; @W0/0 (..26<<=//0Z000.x DwY ; 1Z101(002224400011A; /\1,2(0026667%1111 2w; + 1^,27 (PRThhlq:23$5.585B5L5V5`5j5t5~55555555777w~vxvvnw; 4 1`7K8(**,4468 8;8wwN ; ? 1bK88(**,4468Y88wwN ; J 1d88(**,446888wwN ; U 1f8 9(**,002389wN; ` 1h 9V:(**,0023#9J:wN; k TjV::(**,888;_::vvw; @l <:W< (*,08JJL:; <=<3x~vovnovo Dwp ; 1q<W<<(0022244e<<<<<A; 3s<=(,,.6668d>'?>?T?w; y %w?*A (,,.JJJQ??@|wwwvw_ {vw; 5y*ApA(**,00018AaAw; [{pAB (..0LLLSyAAABBwwwP~vJww_ {v; 5}B\C(**,0001BMCw; 5\CC(**,0001eCCw; 5CC(**,0001CCw;  1CJ ((lnCDDD&D1DS|Suvw[vw[v[; \SW (*46^^^hSS-TBT^TTT_ww[vwwwwww$x; 1W[W(**,4468"WKWwv( ; 1[WW(**,4468dW}Wwv( ; 1WW(**,4468WWwv( ; 1WX(**,4468WWwv( ; 1X9X(**,0023 X-Xw(; 19XeX(**,0023BXYXw(;  &eXX(002BBBFnXyXXXXv[v[vw;  PX*Y(..0<<<?XXXY[v[vw; * 3*YY(002:::<3YIY]Y|YYTww; 3YZ (446JJJOYYYYY ZeZw[v[v[v[v; 'ZZ (..04445ZZZZ[v; %ZZy[ (**,,,,,ZZ; * 1y[[(**,0023[[v(7797I7M777O7B777 7 7777&77S7>77747Z7Y7L7X7t7F7G747]7=7o7'7(7<7+727.737@7V7%7/7:7777v7w7;7O7777-7?7>77,7571707#7$7 77*777777 7 7}777A7H7x777777777{7|77877777R77777 7!7&7"7#7$77C7+7*7,777T7-7.7/7071727U73757477787977:7;7<7=7K7@7A7~7K7J7L7M767N88XXJX}XX#XX,X7%E#&Fg72gPBGGYGBgYZGXgX#G4g2,G-g-g&2g)2gM2g9Ngu#g7#GOGg&#geGSgJ#gGQGGGG'gc#g32G4g4g'(gg',g}zG2G.G@g(2g%#G/Gg/'g:5GG>g-,g0'GMGNGG6Gg2g2g 2g 2g62g82gJ2gL2gN2gg@g5@g#g">g #ggg gg2Rg@AgA@g%'G/g/2gH1gK#g;#g80g6'g1g#g g,#G:GGG0G|G$Gg g2g2g+@gg$1gg@g#g31gggg1g>#gC#gg%"g'"g1-g2-g\/gA?*.GGg-#g~g#G;G;g@?g?#gHCgICgk#G#g##g#G6gPOw&#W+WW]WWW W W_W.w31WWW"W'W*W,W-W7W:WBWJWKWLWMw@#W>wCBwB> >-wC]w'w'W'w #w'w('w%:w%'##W0wD'wE'wF'wG'wH'wI'w:w : #w@W@W/w/'xDtw@w+@w:w":WW#W6WNwP'w8:w::w$1w&"DC]FC]GC],*'gHWw5@g>Hw-.-/-0-)"#("#Ww-#EC]wC#?#=?#1LC#gng ggB8> 5@#3-2#:> JJ#C]+@#M# #1###/'@#@#1###g@5#*.##w?#g0G,5 #KCBP3374P33?> 4  > 4-> 4JC]#  #  #w2### ##"#$"#64#98#;:#<:#=:####uJ#  %#6%#M11%#2,272@2@2+@25@22: V O4 OF#1B #1*? #1**{|}  #1*? #1**2B2]-1 #1~|}-*?1# 1L#?#1z# #L### #L### #L###vYv=vw=vZv<vZvuxwAy[v(|Yvt vvHzZv7~Yv4~YvwZvN wYvUkwwIxYvYv[vYTxvY\xYvZvwZv x<Pxv|[v|wS 6y[v; ; ;; N; ; ; k; ; ; ; ; ; ;  ;  ; ; Y ; d ; ; ; ; ; ; k ; ; ; ; y ; ;  ; ;  ; * ; ; ; a AZ\ /, = L 6s] Z cjm6 c | " ;6 R  KIy b$g  X Q  ; ; |, t l  :( (((I :((((M ((( (C (( ( ( A S u" b uua ul u bY bT , < 0 7 PoPc@ vYv  854(1{Yv6JdhvYvmά`zYvx Ih! wYv.-2E) \LM-) 22B<,0vYvzzYv* %lxYvTww  !I[{Yv@3~Yv /5`M4(TApyYv ;pyYv `u}Yv '{Yv I|Yv wYvx;|Zv :=x~Zv U#|Yv 9/{[v :D|w b ""8"ЄyYv\uk c))7a)G2GG1P R( $  Be|{Zv !{Zvń{[v O#F9~Zv|YvxYvD{w*M,2,,#,#'061114441{Zv )))Z)OAzYv#w x$2GG12){ x% xYv%(ĀYv'vYv'XvYv 38!3{[v9)!{Yv:^vYv?!xJxYv=B8B;P{Yv>8v[v̲vYv Q&&&'''''O'xwZvNDxYv[hyYv^M\hI`{Yv]e{Yv_UxYv_@h}YvswYvu-vYvЄvYvxYv؅zYv©(xYvʬ(vYvȱvYv0xYvеvYv#zYv/1|Yv2*Pwv$ .>[vYvYvnw4B3 (wYv d``CYv[v" *$InE G) lYv[v t wvMYvvkww= ))7a)GPR( $ ([ :x[vwov  # 8 C@xZv $2GG1c[vov'(\vGw )\d]`0Yvx*@VYvcv*8Yv[v+@[vw+`}Yvfv5H)>xZv>8XAwwG<|[vwO(wYvZvYv`vfJF`YvwrYvvrOwvrvYvrax!vYvs<\vYvs=!wv۩ k[vw[v[vy8x[vYvv$ІVwew/ІYvew/P]xYv:m)X]Yv_w.VYvwnLM[vvgVYvvg-0xYvX JY H#wYv. 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