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invite $Kick completed$Kicked $Kicked by $Loading history of $Locations have changed$Locations haven't change,$Login failed, trying to get alternate config$Main command loop crashed: $Message error alert$Message out end alert0$Missing locations - re-subscribe to this contact&$Mummifying message (missing key) from $Need to schedule reconnect in $Network connection changed: $No internet connection$No valid contact$Not connected to network$Pausing reconnect timer ($PlaybackAmplifierGain8$Public key matches and list is not empty, simplify login$Ready to send in #$Received admin details for channel #$Received list of users for channel $Reconnect is disabled (error: %$Reconnect timer is already set up to G$Reconnect timer: canceling because sign in or sign out is in progress (&$Reconnected to the nearest supernode [$Reconnecting ($Reconnecting attempt #$RecordAmplifierGain$Relogin is required)$Remember new server auto-start override: '$Removing cached message (timeout) from $Report not sent: 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update (missing signature) from channel 5$Skipping block update (unknown channel) from channel 6$Skipping channel invite (invalid signature) from user 4$Skipping channel invite (missing channel) from user 8$Skipping channel invite (missing contact key) from user 6$Skipping channel invite (missing signature) from user *$Skipping channel invite (missing username)3$Skipping channel invite (unknown sender) from user :$Skipping contact invite (can't get contact key) from user 6$Skipping contact invite (invalid signature) from user 1$Skipping contact invite (missing code) from user 6$Skipping contact invite (missing signature) from user *$Skipping contact invite (missing username)2$Skipping contact invite (not signed in) from user /$Skipping contact invite (signed out) from user '$Skipping contact invite (unknown code) 0$Skipping kick (can't get contact key) from user ,$Skipping kick (invalid signature) from user $$Skipping message (id conflict) from $$Skipping message (invalid key) from 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message (missing sender) from sn 2$Skipping offline message (missing sn key) from sn 9$Skipping offline message end (invalid signature) from sn 6$Skipping offline message end (missing sender) from sn 6$Skipping offline message end (missing sn key) from sn ($Skipping tunnel cancel (authorize) from 0$Skipping tunnel cancel (invalid signature) from 0$Skipping tunnel cancel (missing signature) from )$Skipping tunnel cancel (missing username),$Skipping tunnel cancel all (authorize) from 4$Skipping tunnel cancel all (invalid signature) from 4$Skipping tunnel cancel all (missing signature) from -$Skipping tunnel cancel all (missing username)$$Skipping tunnel ka (authorize) from ,$Skipping tunnel ka (invalid signature) from ,$Skipping tunnel ka (missing signature) from %$Skipping tunnel ka (missing username)'$Skipping tunnel pause (authorize) from /$Skipping tunnel pause (invalid signature) from /$Skipping tunnel pause (missing signature) from ($Skipping tunnel pause (missing username)'$Skipping tunnel setup (authorize) from )$Skipping tunnel setup (invalid key) from /$Skipping tunnel setup (invalid signature) from /$Skipping tunnel setup (missing signature) from ($Skipping tunnel setup (missing username)+$Skipping tunnel setup (unknown error) from )$Skipping tunnel setup (unsupported codec 3$Skipping tunnel setup from old windows client from $Sleep$Sleep disabled $Sleep enabled$Starting disk large image cache$Starting disk profile cache$Starting disk small image cache!$Starting memory large image cache$Starting memory profile cache $Status from $Stopping disk large image cache$Stopping disk profile cache$Stopping disk small image cache!$Stopping memory large image cache$Stopping memory profile cache$Submit feedback"$Submitted using web-console push. $Successfully sent new locations$TRENDING: requesting channels ($UTF-8$Unrecognized status message6$Updated own profile, sending status with new timestamp$User $User-Agent$Waiting for delayed relogin$Wake$Wake failed, wait 1 sec $Wake retry #$WiFi$You were blocked from ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$]$] at [$] in $accept channels connections$accept contact invitation$action $add_moderator $add_trusted$admin$alert$alwaysShowContacts!$application/x-www-form-urlencoded $audio/speex$author $authorise $authorize $authorized$autoBusy$autoStartOverride $autostart $block_update$blocked $broadcast$busy$callAlertRepeatInterval $can't verify$ch_add $ch_conn_used$ch_del $ch_inv_acpt $ch_inv_decl $ch_inv_sent$channel$channel $channel busy $channel full$channel_invite$channel_options$channel_readonly$channels$channels resubscribe$clientListeningPort$code$codec $codec_header$command $command: $connect poll$connection_unreliable$connectivity change$contact invitation response $contact invitations$contact_invitation_response$cr$delayed profile request$delete_picture $delete_voice $description$details$disconnectList$duration$empty $end_message$error$firstRun$for$from$get_log$hard$history$id $image/jpeg$invalid$invalid block key $invalid codec $invalid mid$invalid password$invalid signature$invalid sn signature$invalid username$invalid username or password$jitterBufferSize$key $localEnable $localPrecise $local_update$location$manager$message$message_cancel$message_cancel_all $message_id $message_ka $message_pause $message_setup $missing key$missing sender$missing signature$missing sn key$missing username$mobile$msg_out$mummified messages$namenet_rim_cldc $networkUrl$no host $no recipient$none $not connected$note$notifyAboutUnansweredMessages$null $on_behalf$passhash$password$passwordProtected$penalty$perf$ph$platform $profile_ts $protected $public_key$push $reconnect$reconnect timer $recover 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${"command":"${"command":"alert","message":#${"command":"channel_invite","name":!${"command":"channel_update_info"}#${"command":"check_user","username":0${"command":"contact_invitation_response","code":'${"command":"end_message","message_id":""${"command":"find_channel","name":"${"command":"find_nearest"}#${"command":"find_node","username":"${"command":"get_metadata"(${"command":"get_public_key","username":"${"command":"get_public_key"} ${"command":"get_subscribers_ex"}&${"command":"get_user_info","username":${"command":"message_cancel"}%${"command":"message_ka","message_id":${"command":"message_pause"} 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Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } { "title": "data_use_warning_title", "fields": [ { "type": "anchor" },{ "type": "label", "caption": "data_use_warning", "is_multiline": true },{ "name": "skipDataWarning", "type": "checkbox", "caption": "dont_show_it_again", "value": false },{ "type": "link", "caption": "link.continue", "action": "continue", "indent": false },{ "type": "link", "caption": "link.continue_wifi_only", "action": "continueWiFiOnly", "indent": false } ], "buttons": [] }{ "title": "edit_channel", "fields": [ { "name": "channel_name", "type": "text", "caption": "channel_name_readonly.colon", 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Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul10[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/lng.ko.json$json/$json/ $lng.ko.json $ $\(((***** 77HG HGIGII   RRTH5Y V>Vuf'j׬B[>b/oc򖊾KH.SLVF$(v{*bajhH_MώsEQ ƣk| MҰϞt4RBB.fݻ :FG}.6CoJ5xt5.O/ċbƴZ>J 3l:ՖH,46btNmOZ}z6Mk5n" ̾LZ,|gEc@0e[=QFfxRHYr1,51pH. GPK S)ss|| Zello-9.codQTN\\UF'-OGOV?(@?(l@-OGOV?(Ę@?(@->OV?(Ԙ@?(@zz**:<>PzRTVX^UZdj̗.6>FNV^r{×ԗݗ %>O{ "options": "Opcje", "settings": "Ustawienia", "link.account": "Konto", "link.ptt": "Przycisk PTT", "link.connection": "Połączenie", "link.configure_connection": "Skonfiguruj połączenie", "link.contact_support": "Kontakt ze wsparciem", "link.connection_apn": "Punkt dostępu", "link.user_interface": "Interfejs użytkownika", "": "Dźwięk", "link.history": "Historia", "tools": "Narzędzia", "link.invite_friends": "Zaproś znajomych", "link.create_account": "Utwórz nowe konto", "link.change_password": "Zmień hasło", "link.blocked_contacts": "Zablokowani", "link.add_channel": "Dodaj kanał", "link.create_channel": "Utwórz nowy kanał", "link.support_faq": "Często zadawane pytania", "link.report_problem": "Zgłoś problem", "link.about": "O %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Zapomniane hasło", "link.add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt", "volume": "Głośność", "silent": "Cichy", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Ponowna próba połączenia za %time% sekund(y)", "ptt.key.instructions": "Użyj poniższego odnośnika, a wskaż przycisk jaki ma być używany jako PTT.", "set.ptt.key": "Zdefiniuj przycisk PTT", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Obecnie zdefiniowany PTT: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Kod dotychczasowego przycisku: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Włącz metodę dotknij i przytrzymaj kontakt, aby rozpocząć rozmowę", "login_automatically": "Automatyczne logowanie", "username.colon": "Nazwa użytkownika:", "password.colon": "Hasło:", "link.check_availability": "Sprawdź dostępność", "username_available": "Nazwa użytkownika jest dostępna", "username_not_available": "Nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta", "confirm_password.colon": "Potwierdź hasło:", "email.colon": "Adres e-mail:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Utwórz", "tip.username": "Minimum pięć znaków", "tip.password": "Minimum cztery znaki", "": "E-mail jest używany, do odzyskania hasła jeśli je zapomnisz.", "": "Wprowadź numer telefonu, by łatwiej było cię znaleźć.", "missing_required_permissions": "Nie udzielono wymaganych uprawnień, aplikacja zostanie zamknięta", "missing_servers_config": "Sieć dyspozytorska nie została skonfigurowana poprawnie, aplikacja zostanie zamknięta.", "run_on_startup": "Uruchom wraz ze startem urządzenia", "bring_to_foreground": "Przywróć na wierzch", "show_when_sending": "Podczas nadawania", "show_when_receiving": "Podczas odbioru", "vibrate": "Sygnalizacja wibracjami", "on_clear_to_send": "Teraz mów", "on_ptt_up": "Przerwane nadawanie", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Przychodząca wiadomość, gdy zajęty", "audio_alerts": "Powiadomienia dźwiękowe", "on_incoming_message": "Sygnalizacja rozpoczęcia odbierania", "on_incoming_message_over": "Sygnalizacja zakończenia odbierania", "on_new_conversation": "Sygnalizacja nowej rozmowy", "on_error": "Błąd", "keep_history": "Przechowuj historię wiadomości", "delete_history": "Usuń historię", "history_deleted": "Historia została usunięta z urządzenia", "history_sdcard_required": "Karta SD nie jest dostępna. Usunięcie historii niemożliwe", "preferred_output": "Wyjście na", "output.default": "Domyślne", "output.speaker": "Głośnik", "output.headset": "Zestaw słuchawkowy", "output.handset": "Słuchawka", "output.bluetooth": "Zestaw Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrofon", "input.default": "Domyślne", "input.builtin": "Wbudowany", "input.headset": "Zestaw słuchawkowy", "input.bluetooth": "Zestaw Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Głośność odtwarzania", "voice": "Głos", "alerts": "Wywołania", "link.test_alert": "Wywołania testowe", "failed_to_play_alert": "Nie udało się odtworzyć wywołania dźwiękowego", "playback_buffer_size": "Bufor odtwarzania (ms)", "apn.colon": "Punkt dostępu", "apn_username.colon": "Nazwa użytkownika", "apn_password.colon": "Hasło", "link.detect_apn": "Automatyczne wykrywanie ustawień", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Wykryto kilka punktów dostępu. Wybierz pasujący do twojego dostawcy usług", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Nie udało się wykryć ustawień punktu dostępu. Skontaktuj się z operatorem lub wsparciem technicznym %appname%", "connection_type": "Typ połączenia", "connection.automatic": "Automatyczny", "connection.wifi": "Tylko Wifi", "connection.cellular": "Tylko sieć komórkowa", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Wymuś MDS/BIS (eksperymentalne)", "use_only_tcp": "Używaj tylko TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Włącz DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Włącz WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Utrzymuj połączenie przez (sekund)", "network_mobile": "Sieć komórkowa", "network_wifi": "Sieć Wifi", "detecting_connection": "Wykrywanie połączenia", "link.connection_check": "Test połączenia", "link.skip_connection_check": "Pomiń test połączenia", "working": "W toku, proszę czekać ...", "link.cancel": "Anuluj", "link.try_again": "Spróbuj ponownie", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Poszukaj rozwiązania online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nie wykryto połączenia Wi-Fi, a ustawiony tryb \"Tylko Wi-Fi\". Połącz się z siecią Wi-Fi i spróbuj ponownie.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nie wykryto połączenia internetowego. Połącz się z Wi-Fi lub siecią komórkową i spróbuj ponownie", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Połączenie internetowe nie działa poprawnie. Spróbuj ponownie uruchomić połączenie sieci bezprzewodowej.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Nie udało się znaleźć ustawień punktu dostępu dla twojego połączenia. Skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem, by uzyskać poprawne ustawienia i skonfiguruj je ręcznie.", "connection_success": "Połączono", "connection_problem": "Problem z połączeniem", "data_use_warning_title": "Ostrzeżenie o zużyciu pakietu danych sieci komórkowej", "data_use_warning": "%appname% zużywa ~20 kB/hw trybie czuwania oraz ~110 kB/min podczas rozmowy. BIS nie jest wspierany. Jeżeli nie posiadasz nielimitowanego pakietu danych skonsultuj ceny użytkowania internetu ze swoim operatorem. \nW razie wątpliwości używaj \"trybu\" tylko Wifi.", "link.continue": "Kontynuuj", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Kontynuuj w trybie \"Tylko Wifi\"", "dont_show_it_again": "Nie pokazuj więcej tego komunikatu", "about_licensee": "Zarejestrowany na %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Pobieranie zasobów, proszę czekać...", "network_address": "URL bazy:", "invalid_base_url": "Nieprawidłowy URL bazy", "customization_download_error": "Błąd pobierania zasobów, nieprawidłowy URL bazy lub problem z połączeniem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Błąd zapisu zasobów. Upewnij się, żę kabel USB nie jest podłączony i spróbuj jeszcze raz.", "channel_name.colon": "Podaj nazwę kanału:", "channel_description.colon": "Wpisz opis kanału:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Każdy może słuchać i rozmawiać", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Tylko właściciel może mówić, inni mogą słuchać", "": "Otwarty", "option.protected": "Zabezpieczony", "option.broadcast": "Nadawanie", "option.open_desc": "Każdy może mówić", "option.protected_desc": "Osoby zatwierdzone przez moderatorów mogą mówić", "option.broadcast_desc": "Tylko właściciel może mówić, inni mogą słuchać", "set_password": "Ustaw hasło", "create_channel": "Utwórz", "channel_created": "Kanał został utworzony i dodany do twoich kontaktów", "edit_channel": "Edytuj właściwości kanału", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nazwa kanału:", "apply_changes": "Zastosuj zmiany", "channel_updated": "Kanał został zaktualizowany", "show_online_channels_only": "Pokazuj tylko kanały online", "no_channels_found": "Nie znaleziono kanałów", "no_online_channels_found": "Nie znaleziono kanałów online", "channel_added": "Kanał został dodany do kontaktów", "add_channel": "Dodaj kanał", "created_by.colon": "Utworzony przez:", "subscribers.colon": "W kontaktach u:", "channel_tos": "Podczas rozmowy na kanałach publicznych staraj się, by twoje wypowiedzi były krótkie i rzeczowe. Dla własnego bezpieczeństwa nigdy nie podawaj prywatnych informacji takich jak adres czy numer telefonu. Szanuj innych użytkowników i nie używaj słów uznanych powszechnie za wulgarne.", "enter_channel_password": "Wprowadź hasło dostępu do '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Dostępnych użytkowników na kanale", "getting_list_of_users": "Pobieranie listy użytkowników...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Pobieranie listy użytkowników nie powiodło się. Spróbuj ponownie później.", "no_other_users_connected": "Nie ma nikogo innego na tym kanale", "not_in_the_list": "Z poza listy", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Dodaj do kontaktów", "menu.block_user": "Zablokuj", "menu.blocked_users": "Zablokowani...", "menu.moderators": "Moderatorzy...", "menu.mute_user": "Zablokuj nadawanie", "menu.unmute_user": "Odblokuj nadawanie", "menu.refresh": "Odśwież", "menu.report_user": "Zgłoś użytkownika do moderacji", "menu.assign_moderator": "Ustanów moderatorem", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Odbierz prawo moderacji", "admin": "Admin", "moderator": "Moderator", "report_user_title": "Powód zgłoszenia '%username%':", "report_type.blocking": "Blokowanie kanału", "report_type.rules": "Naruszanie regulaminu kanału", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Obrażanie innych użytkowników", "report_type.criminal": "Działalność niezgodna z prawem", "user_report_sent": "Twoje zgłoszenie zostało wysłane. Dziękujemy", "channel_blocked_users": "Zablokowani - ", "no_blocked_users": "Nikt nie jest zablokowany na tym kanale.", "channel_moderators": "Moderatorzy", "no_moderators": "Brak moderatorów kanału", "history_title": "Historia", "history_empty": "Historia jest pusta", "history_loading": "Ładowanie historii...", "": "Odtwórz", "menu.stop": "Zatrzymaj", "menu.delete_message": "Usuń wiadomość", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Usuń wszystkie", "yesterday": "Wczoraj", "today": "Dzisiaj", "starting": "Uruchamianie...", "paused": "Pauza.", "error.player_error": "Błąd odtwarzacza", "old_password.colon": "Dotychczasowe hasło:", "new_password.colon": "Nowe hasło:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Potwierdź nowe hasło:", "change_password": "Zmień", "password_changed": "Hasło zostało zmienione.", "welcome": "Witaj w %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Dziękujemy za zainstalowanie %appname%. Przejdźmy do utworzenia twojego konta.", "link.existing_account": "Posiadam już konto %appname%", "link.new_account": "Nie posiadam konta %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Problemy lub sugestie? Użyj tego ekranu, aby wysłać log diagnostyczny wraz z twoją wiadomością do autorów. Podaj swój adres e-mail jeśli oczekujesz odpowiedzi.", "problem_description.colon": "Wiadomość (opcjonalnie):", "submit": "Wyślij", "confirm_contact_delete": " zostanie usunięty z twoich kontaktów. Kontynuować?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Podaj nazwę użytkownika lub adres e-mail:", "no_users_found": "Nie znaleziono użytkowników", "x_users_found": " znaleziony(ch) użytkownik(ów). Zaznacz tego, którego chcesz dodać i naciśnij przycisk \"Dodaj kontakt\" lub przycisk nawigacji:", "add_user": "Dodaj użytkownika", "user_added": "Użytkownik został dodany do kontaktów. Dostępność będzie widoczna po akceptacji, przez niego, twojego zaproszenia.", "searching": "Wyszukiwanie...", "close": "Zamknij", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Zaloguj się", "next": "Dalej>", "back": " Aplikacje > %appname% > Edytuj uprawnienia\" Ustaw Zezwalaj w \"Media\" i \"Nagrywanie\".", "toast_channel_blocked": "Zostałeś/łaś zablokowany na kanale %channel% przez jego właściciela lub administratora systemu.", "toast_channel_busy": "%channel% jest zajęty. Spróbuj ponownie później.", "toast_channel_full": "%channel% jest przeciążony. Spróbuj ponownie później.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% jest kanałem tylko do słuchania. Tylko jego administrator może na nim mówić.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Zbyt częste przyciskanie przycisku PTT doprowadziło do przekroczenia limitu nadawanych wiadomości. Odczekaj chwilę zanim spróbujesz ponownie.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Z powodu nadużyć możesz tylko słuchać. Blokada zostanie wyłączona po %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Nie możesz wysyłać wiadomości na %channel% do momentu pojawienia się jego moderatora.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Brak odbiorców.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% jest pusty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Brak uprawnień do rozpoczęcia rozmowy z tym kontaktem w trybie jeden do jednego. Dozwolone tylko odpowiadanie i rozmowa na kanale.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Telefon w trybie cichym. Status %appname% ustawiony jako zajęty.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Telefon w trybie normalnym. Status %appname% ustawiony na Dostępny.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% został zablokowany na kanale %channel% przez%moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% został odblokowany na kanale %channel% przez %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Dostarczenie wywołania do %user% nie powiodło się.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Podczas aktualizacji profilu wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Podczas aktualizacji informacji o kanale wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie.", "default_call_alert_text": "Proszę o kontakt!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% wywołuje cię", "menu_send_call_alert": "Wysyłanie wywołania", "button_send": "Wyślij", "talk_now": "Mów teraz", "dismiss": "Odwołaj", "time_day": "dzień", "time_days": "dni", "time_hour": "godzina", "time_hours": "godzin", "time_minute": "minuta", "time_minutes": "minut", "time_second": "sekunda", "time_seconds": "sekund" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul11[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/lng.nb.json$json/$json/ $lng.nb.json $ $!\(((***** 77LQ*C   RBB~Odb" qK֫un|sԥxA9ci НMM~l-SrIfW$Q>-;cxl=wxwiRS/,rv Z*h|k[RRT[(hkUq[ud<8'߳?org5,u hu/IR>Ww9@ =Tyͣ'C6X4ހ2h,b`\ ͮFkQ{cmQR]nRCR~IW nY$OJ&l(ތ޵Q3T/ FC9+%~sVQ0Fn\F`k[Fdv{ Ґl8ij=Wnt755풇COPK S)s: Zello-10.codQTNDDE:'-9NV?(@?(@-NNV?(@?(Ԟ@zzDVVfhjzz|~ }ʝӝܝ #,5>GPYbkt9N{ "options": "Opções", "settings": "Configurações", "link.account": "Conta", "link.ptt": "Botão PTT", "link.connection": "Conexão", "link.configure_connection": "Configurar conexão", "link.contact_support": "Contatar suporte", "link.connection_apn": "Conexão (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Interface do usuário", "": "Áudio", "link.history": "Histórico", "tools": "Ferramentas", "link.invite_friends": "Convidar amigos", "link.create_account": "Criar uma nova conta", "link.change_password": "Alterar senha", "link.blocked_contacts": "Contatos bloqueados", "link.add_channel": "Adicionar um canal", "link.create_channel": "Criar um novo canal", "link.support_faq": "Suporte - Perguntas Frequêntes", "link.report_problem": "Reportar um problema", "link.about": "Sobre %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Esqueci a senha", "link.add_contact": "Adicionar um contato", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silenciar", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconectando em %time% segundos", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use o link abaixo e depois pressione o botão PTT desejado.", "set.ptt.key": "Configurar botão PTT", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Botão atual: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Código do botão atual: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Ativar tocar e segurar um contato para falar", "login_automatically": "Entrar automaticamente", "username.colon": "Nome de usuário:", "password.colon": "Senha:", "link.check_availability": "Verificar disponibilidade", "username_available": "Você pode usar este nome de usuário", "username_not_available": "Nome de usuário já em uso", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirmar senha:", "email.colon": "Endereço de e-mail:", "phone.colon": "Telefone:", "create_account": "Criar", "tip.username": "Mínimo de 5 caracteres", "tip.password": "Mínimo de 4 caracteres", "": "O e-mail é usado para redefinir sua senha, caso você a esqueça.", "": "Adicione o seu número de telefone para que seus amigos possam te encontrar.", "missing_required_permissions": "Permissões necessárias não foram concedidas. O aplicativo fechará agora.", "missing_servers_config": "A rede PTT não está configurada corretamente. O aplicativo fechará agora.", "run_on_startup": "Executar ao iniciar", "bring_to_foreground": "Trazer para o primeiro plano", "show_when_sending": "Quando o PTT é pressionado", "show_when_receiving": "Ao receber uma mensagem", "vibrate": "Vibração ativa", "on_clear_to_send": "Pronto para enviar", "on_ptt_up": "Botão PTT ativo", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Mensagem recebida quando ocupado", "audio_alerts": "Alertas sonoros", "on_incoming_message": "Mensagem recebida", "on_incoming_message_over": "Fim de mensagem recebida", "on_new_conversation": "Nova conversa", "on_error": "Erro", "keep_history": "Manter histórico de mensagem", "delete_history": "Apagar histórico", "history_deleted": "O histórico foi apagado do seu aparelho", "history_sdcard_required": "Cartão SD não está acessível. Não foi possível apagar o histórico.", "preferred_output": "Saída", "output.default": "Padrão do sistema", "output.speaker": "Alto-Falante", "output.headset": "Fones de ouvido", "output.handset": "Receptor de ouvido", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microfone", "input.default": "Padrão do sistema", "input.builtin": "Padrão", "input.headset": "Fones de ouvido", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volume de reprodução", "voice": "Voz", "alerts": "Alertas", "link.test_alert": "Testar alerta", "failed_to_play_alert": "Falha ao tocar alerta sonoro", "playback_buffer_size": "Buffer de reprodução (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "Nome de usuário APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Senha APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetectar configurações APN", "link.reset": "Resetar", "multiple_apns_found": "Múltiplos perfis APN encontrados. Por favor, selecione aquele que corresponde a sua rede sem fios.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Falha ao detectar configurações APN. Contate o seu provedor de serviço ou suporte %appname%.", "connection_type": "Tipo de conexão", "connection.automatic": "Automático", "connection.wifi": "Somente WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Somente Celular", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Forçar MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Usar somente TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Ativar DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Ativar WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (seg)", "network_mobile": "Rede (móvel)", "network_wifi": "Rede (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Detectando conexão", "link.connection_check": "Verificação de conexão", "link.skip_connection_check": "Pular verificação da conexão", "working": "Trabalhando, por favor aguarde...", "link.cancel": "Cancelar", "link.try_again": "Tente de novo", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Procurar por solução online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nenhuma conexão WiFi foi detectada e seu modo de conexão está definido para Somente WiFi. Conecte-se a uma rede Wi-Fi e tente novamente.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nenhuma conexão com a internet foi detectada. Conecte-se via WiFi ou rede móvel e tente novamente.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Conexão com a Internet não está funcionando corretamente. Tente religar a rede sem fio", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Incapaz de encontrar as configurações de APN de trabalho para a sua conexão. Contacte o seu operador móvel para as configurações APN corretas e configure-as manualmente.", "connection_success": "Conectado com sucesso", "connection_problem": "Problema de conexão", "data_use_warning_title": "Aviso de uso de dados móveis", "data_use_warning": "%appname% usará ~20 KB por hora em espera e ~110 KB por minuto falando. BIS não é suportado. A menos que você esteja usando um plano de dados ilimitado certifique-se de verificar com o seu provedor de serviços as taxas de dados. Quando estiver em dúvida, use o modo \"Somente WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Continuar", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continuar com Somente Wifi", "dont_show_it_again": "Não exibir este aviso denovo", "about_licensee": "Licenciado para %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Baixando recursos, por favor aguarde...", "network_address": "URL base de rede:", "invalid_base_url": "URL base inválida", "customization_download_error": "Erro ao baixar recursos. URL base inválida ou problema de conexão", "customization_file_system_error": "Erro ao salvar recursos. Verifique se o cabo USB não está conectado e tente novamente.", "channel_name.colon": "Digite o nome do canal:", "channel_description.colon": "Digite a descrição do canal abaixo:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Qualquer um pode ouvir e falar", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Somente eu posso falar, qualquer um pode ouvir", "": "Aberto", "option.protected": "Protegido", "option.broadcast": "Difusão", "option.open_desc": "Qualquer um pode falar", "option.protected_desc": "Usuários aprovados por você ou moderadores podem falar", "option.broadcast_desc": "Somente eu posso falar, qualquer um pode ouvir", "set_password": "Definir senha", "create_channel": "Criar", "channel_created": "O canal foi criado e adicionado aos seus contatos", "edit_channel": "Editar canal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nome do canal:", "apply_changes": "Aplicar alterações", "channel_updated": "O canal foi atualizado", "show_online_channels_only": "Exibir apenas canais online", "no_channels_found": "Nenhum canal encontrado", "no_online_channels_found": "Nenhum canal online encontrado", "channel_added": "O canal foi adicionado aos seus contatos", "add_channel": "Adicionar canal", "created_by.colon": "Criado por:", "subscribers.colon": "Assinantes:", "channel_tos": "Quando falar em canais públicos, por favor, mantenha suas mensagens curtas e direto ao ponto. Para sua própria segurança, nunca compartilhe suas informações pessoais, tais como endereço ou número de telefone. Respeite os outros usuários, não use linguagem ofensiva ou profana.", "enter_channel_password": "Digite a senha do canal '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Usuários online no canal", "getting_list_of_users": "Obtendo a lista de usuários...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Erro ao obter usuários do canal. Tente novamente", "no_other_users_connected": "Nenhum outro usuário neste canal", "not_in_the_list": "Não está na lista", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Adicionar aos contatos", "menu.block_user": "Bloquear usuário", "menu.blocked_users": "Usuários bloqueados...", "menu.moderators": "Moderadores...", "menu.mute_user": "Desativar som do usuário", "menu.unmute_user": "Ativar som do usuário", "menu.refresh": "Atualizar", "menu.report_user": "Denunciar usuário", "menu.assign_moderator": "Tornar moderador", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revogar os direitos de moderador", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderador", "report_user_title": "Denunciando '%username%' por:", "report_type.blocking": "Bloqueio do canal", "report_type.rules": "Violação das regras do canal", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insultando outros usuários", "report_type.criminal": "Atividades ilegais", "user_report_sent": "Sua denúncia foi enviada com sucesso. Obrigado", "channel_blocked_users": "Usuários bloqueados - ", "no_blocked_users": "Nenhum usuário bloqueado no canal", "channel_moderators": "Moderadores - ", "no_moderators": "Nenhum moderador no canal", "history_title": "Histórico", "history_empty": "Histórico está vazio", "history_loading": "Carregando histórico...", "": "Tocar", "menu.stop": "Parar", "menu.delete_message": "Apagar mensagem", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Apagar todas as mensagens", "yesterday": "Ontem", "today": "Hoje", "starting": "Iniciando...", "paused": "Pausado", "error.player_error": "Erro ao tocar", "old_password.colon": "Senha atual:", "new_password.colon": "Nova senha:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirmar nova senha:", "change_password": "Alterar", "password_changed": "A senha foi alterada com sucesso", "welcome": "Bem vindo ao %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Obrigado por instalar o %appname%! Vamos configurar a sua conta agora.", "link.existing_account": "Eu já tenho uma conta no %appname%", "link.new_account": "Eu não tenho uma conta no %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Problemas ou sugestões? Use esta tela para enviar o log de ​​diagnóstico para os desenvolvedores, juntamente com a sua mensagem. Inclua seu endereço de e-mail, se você quiser uma resposta", "problem_description.colon": "Mensagem (opcional):", "submit": "Enviar", "confirm_contact_delete": " será removido dos seus contatos. Continuar?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Digite o nome de usuário do contato ou e-mail:", "no_users_found": "Nenhum usuário encontrado", "x_users_found": " usuário(s) encontrado(s). Selecione o usuário que deseja adicionar e pressione o botão \"Adicionar usuário\" ou o botão de navegação:", "add_user": "Adicionar usuário", "user_added": "O usuário foi adicionado aos seus contatos. Você será capaz de ver seu status on-line e conversar depois que ele aceitar o seu pedido", "searching": "Pesquisando...", "close": "Fechar", "test": "Testar", "sign_in": "Entrar", "next": "Avançar >", "back": "< Voltar", "menu.add_contact": "Adicionar um contato...", "menu.add_channel": "Adicionar um canal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Apagar item selecionado", "menu.rename_selected": "Renomear", "menu.change_status": "Alterar status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancelar", "menu.options": "Opções...", "menu.close": "Fechar", "menu.exit": "Sair", "menu.sign_in": "Entrar", "menu.connect_channel": "Conectar canal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Desconectar canal", "menu.edit_channel": "Editar canal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Exibir usuários do canal", "menu.show_history": "Exibir histórico [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Trocar saída de áudio [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Definir mensagem de status [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Tocar última mensagem [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Convidar amigos para este canal", "invite": "Convidar", "no_online_friends": "Nenhum amigo online", "invited_x_friends": "Convidado %count% amigos", "empty_contact_list": "Lista de contatos vazia", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Em espera", "disconnected": "Desconectado", "online": "Disponível", "solo": "Individual", "busy": "Ocupado", "away": "Ausente", "headphones": "Fones de ouvido", "connecting": "Conectando...", "unauthorized": "Aguardando autorização", "invalid_password": "Senha inválida", "muted": "Som desativado", "users_online": "usuários online", "contact_requests": "Solicitações de contato", "channel_invites": "Convites de canais", "invited_by": "convidado por", "accept_channel": "Adicionar canal", "decline_channel": "Recusar convite", "update_available": "Uma atualização está disponível", "accept": "Aceitar e adicionar contato", "decline": "Recusar solicitação de contato", "block": "Bloquear usuário", "rename": "Renomear", "update_now": "Atualizar agora", "remind_later": "Lembrar depois", "version": "Versão", "is_available": "está disponível", "not_signed_in": "Você não está conectado", "no_blocked_contacts": "Você não tem contatos bloqueados", "unblock": "Desbloquear usuário", "invite_email_to_install": "Convidar %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Confira o %appname% para BlackBerry", "email_invite": "É um aplicativo push-to-talk grátis e eu gostaria de usá-lo com você. Obtenha-o do link %download% e me adicione. Meu nome de usuário no %appname% é %username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "Mantenha pressionada o botão PTT enquanto você fala", "status.loading": "Carregando...", "status.connecting": "Conectando ao servidor...", "status.connected": "Conectado!", "status.signing_in": "Entrando...", "status.joining_network": "Entrando na rede...", "status.loading_contacts": "Recebendo contatos...", "status.checking_username": "Verificando nome de usuário...", "status.creating_account": "Criando conta...", "status.updating_password": "Atualizando senha...", "status.sending_report": "Enviando denúncia...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Procurando por contatos...", "status.signing_out": "Saindo...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Procurando por canais...", "status.creating_channel": "Criando canal...", "status.initial_configuration": "Configuração inicial", "status.getting_channel_details": "Obtendo detalhes do canal...", "status.updating_channel": "Atualizando canal...", "error.0": "Não é possível se conectar ao servidor de login", "error.1": "Nome de usuário inválido", "error.2": "Senha inválida", "error.3": "Nome de usuário já existe", "error.4": "O usuário que você tentou adicionar já está na sua lista de contatos", "error.5": "Erro de comunicação com o servidor", "error.6": "Erro desconhecido", "error.7": "Erro na comunicação com o servidor de login", "error.8": "Erro na comunicação com o servidor de login", "error.9": "Não foi possível entrar na rede %appname%", "error.10": "Não foi possível entrar na rede %appname%", "error.11": "Você entrou em outro dispositivo.", "error.12": "Por favor atualize o seu software em $s.", "error.13": "Erro ao reportar problema. Por favor contacte o desenvolvedor em %supportEmail%", "error.14": "O nome do canal não está disponível. Por favor escolha um nome diferente para o seu canal", "error.15": "O canal que você tentou adicionar já esta na sua lista de contatos", "error.16": "Servidor de login ocupado. Tente novamente mais tarde", "error.17": "Sem conexão com a internet", "error.18": "Erro na licença do servidor.", "error.19": "Licença do servidor expirou.", "error.20": "Não foi possível se conectar a uma rede estrangeira.", "error.21": "Rede está suspensa.", "error.22": "O alerta não pôde ser entregue.", "error.23": "Você já criou o número máximo de contas permitidas.", "error.24": "Você digitou um caractere inválido no nome de usuário.", "error.25": "Você alcançou o limite diário de registros. Tente novamente em 24 horas.", "error.26": "Nome de usuário está muito curto. Ele deve conter ao menos 5 caracteres.", "error.27": "Senha está muito curta. Ela deve conter ao menos 4 caracteres.", "error.28": "Nome de usuário está vazio.", "error.29": "Senha está vazia.", "error.30": "Rede está vazia.", "error.31": "Rede é inválida.", "error.short_username": "Nome de usuário está muito curto.\nNome de usuário deve conter ao menos 5 caracteres", "error.short_password": "Senha está muito curta.\nSenha deve conter ao menos 4 caracteres", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Senhas não conferem", "error.incorrect_password": "A senha atual não está correta", "error.not_signed_in": "Você não está conectado. Por favor conecte-se para usar esta opção", "error.empty_channel_name": "Nome do canal está vazio", "error.empty_contact_name": "Nome do contato ou e-mail está vazio", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Erro de acesso ao dispositivo de áudio. No telefone \"Opções > Aplicativos > %appname% > Editar permissões\" defina \"Media\" e \"Gravação\" para Permitir.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Você foi bloqueado do canal %channel% pelo administrador do canal ou do serviço.", "toast_channel_busy": "Canal %channel% está ocupado. Tente novamente mais tarde.", "toast_channel_full": "Canal %channel% está acima da capacidade. Tende novamente mais tarde.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Canal %channel% é somente leitura. Somente o admin do canal pode falar.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Você excedeu a taxa máxima de mensagens. Por favor aguarde antes de tentar novamente.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Você não tem permissão para iniciar uma comunicação com este contato. Você pode responder a chamadas diretas ou usar os canais.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "O alerta não pôde ser entregue ao usuário %user%", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% te enviou um alerta", "menu_send_call_alert": "Enviar alerta de chamada", "button_send": "Enviar", "talk_now": "Falar agora", "dismiss": "Recusar", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } N{ "options": "Opções", "settings": "Configurações", "link.account": "Conta", "link.ptt": "Botão Ptt", "link.connection": "Conexão", "link.configure_connection": "Configurar conexão", "link.contact_support": "Contactar o suporte", "link.connection_apn": "Conexão (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Interface do utilizador", "": "Áudio", "link.history": "Histórico", "tools": "Ferramentas", "link.invite_friends": "Convidar amigos", "link.create_account": "Criar uma nova conta", "link.change_password": "Alterar a palavra-passe", "link.blocked_contacts": "Contactos bloqueados", "link.add_channel": "Adicionar um canal", "link.create_channel": "Criar um novo canal", "link.support_faq": "Suporte - Perguntas Frequêntes", "link.report_problem": "Reportar um problema", "link.about": "Sobre o %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Esqueci a palavra-passe", "link.add_contact": "Adicionar um contacto", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silenciar", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Voltar a ligar em %time% segundos", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use o link abaixo e depois pressione o botão PTT desejado.", "set.ptt.key": "Configurar botão PTT", "ptt.key.not.set": "< Botão PTT não está configurado >", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Botão actual: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Código do botão actual: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "< Aguardando pelo botão... >", "enable_touch_ptt": "Activar tocar no contacto e segurar para falar", "login_automatically": "Entrar automaticamente", "username.colon": "Nome de utilizador:", "password.colon": "Senha:", "link.check_availability": "Verificar disponibilidade", "username_available": "Você pode usar este nome de utilizador", "username_not_available": "Este nome de usuário está em uso.", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirmar palavra-passe:", "email.colon": "Endereço de e-mail:", "phone.colon": "Telefone:", "create_account": "Criar", "tip.username": "Mínimo de 5 caracteres", "tip.password": "Mínimo de 4 caracteres", "": "E-mail é utilizado para redefinir sua senha no caso de você esquecê-la.", "": "Forneça o seu número de telefone para que seus amigos te encontre facilmente", "missing_required_permissions": "Permissões necessárias não concedido. Aplicativo será finalizado agora.", "missing_servers_config": "A rede PTT não está devidamente configurada, a aplicação vai encerrar", "run_on_startup": "Executar automaticamente ao iniciar", "bring_to_foreground": "Trazer para o primeiro plano", "show_when_sending": "Quando o PTT é pressionado", "show_when_receiving": "Ao receber uma mensagem", "vibrate": "Vibração ativa", "on_clear_to_send": "Pronto para enviar", "on_ptt_up": "Botão PTT ativo", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Mensagem recebida quando ocupado", "audio_alerts": "Alertas sonoros", "on_incoming_message": "Mensagem recebida", "on_incoming_message_over": "Fim de mensagem recebida", "on_new_conversation": "Nova conversa", "on_error": "Erro", "keep_history": "Manter histórico de mensagem", "delete_history": "Apagar histórico", "history_deleted": "O Histórico foi apagado do seu aparelho", "history_sdcard_required": "Cartão SD não está acessível. Não foi possível apagar o histórico.", "preferred_output": "Saída", "output.default": "Padrão do sistema", "output.speaker": "Alto-Falante", "output.headset": "Fones de ouvido", "output.handset": "Receptor de ouvido", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microfone", "input.default": "Padrão do sistema", "input.builtin": "Padrão", "input.headset": "Fones de ouvido", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volume de reprodução", "voice": "Voz", "alerts": "Alertas", "link.test_alert": "Testar alerta", "failed_to_play_alert": "Falha ao tocar alerta sonoro", "playback_buffer_size": "Buffer de reprodução (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "Nome de utilizador APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Senha APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetectar configurações APN", "link.reset": "Resetar", "multiple_apns_found": "Encontrados vários perfis de APN. Por favor, selecione um que sirva ao seu serviço de rede sem fios.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Falhou a detecção das configurações de APN. Contate o seu provedor ou o suporte do %appname%", "connection_type": "Tipo de conexão", "connection.automatic": "Automático", "connection.wifi": "Somente WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Somente Celular", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Forçar MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Usar somente TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Ativar DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Ativar WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (seg)", "network_mobile": "Rede (móvel)", "network_wifi": "Rede (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Detectando conexão", "link.connection_check": "Verificação de conexão", "link.skip_connection_check": "Pular verificação da conexão", "working": "Trabalhando, por favor aguarde...", "link.cancel": "Cancelar", "link.try_again": "Tente de novo", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Procurar por solução online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nenhuma ligação Wi-Fi detectada e o seu modo está como apenas Wi-Fi. Por-favor conecte a uma rede Wi-Fi e tente novamente.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nenhuma conexão de ligação detectada. Conecte a uma rede Wi-Fi ou móvel e tente novamente.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "A conexão de internet não está funcionando corretamente. Por-favor tente desligar e voltar a ligar as redes sem fios", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Não é possível encontrar as configurações APN corretas para a sua conexão. Contate a seu operadora móvel para obter as configurações APN corretas e insira-as manualmente.", "connection_success": "Conectado com sucesso", "connection_problem": "Problema de conexão", "data_use_warning_title": "Aviso de uso de dados móveis", "data_use_warning": "%appname% vai usar ~20 kB por hora em modo de espera e ~110 kB por minuto em conversação. BIS não é suportado. A não ser que o seu plano de dados seja ilimitado, confirme junto do seu provedor as taxas contratadas. \nEm caso de dúvida use o modo \"Apenas Wi-FI\" .", "link.continue": "Continuar", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continuar com Somente Wi-fi", "dont_show_it_again": "Não exibir este aviso denovo", "about_licensee": "Licenciado para %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Baixando recursos, por favor aguarde...", "network_address": "URL base de rede:", "invalid_base_url": "URL base incorrecta", "customization_download_error": "Erro ao baixar recursos. URL base incorreta ou problema de conexão", "customization_file_system_error": "Erro ao salvar recursos. Verifique se o cabo USB não está conectado e tente novamente.", "channel_name.colon": "Digite o nome do canal:", "channel_description.colon": "Digite a descrição do canal:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Qualquer um pode ouvir e falar", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Somente eu posso falar, qualquer um pode ouvir", "": "Aberto", "option.protected": "Protegido", "option.broadcast": "Difusão", "option.open_desc": "Qualquer um pode falar", "option.protected_desc": "Usuários aprovados por você ou moderadores podem falar", "option.broadcast_desc": "Somente eu posso falar, qualquer um pode ouvir", "set_password": "Definir palavra-passe", "create_channel": "Criar", "channel_created": "O canal foi criado e adicionado aos seus contatos", "edit_channel": "Editar canal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nome do canal:", "apply_changes": "Aplicar alterações", "channel_updated": "O canal foi atualizado", "show_online_channels_only": "Exibir apenas canais online", "no_channels_found": "Nenhum canal encontrado", "no_online_channels_found": "Nenhum canal online encontrado", "channel_added": "O canal foi adicionado aos seus contatos", "add_channel": "Adicionar canal", "created_by.colon": "Criado por:", "subscribers.colon": "Assinantes:", "channel_tos": "Quando falar em canais públicos use mensagens curtas e objectivas. Para sua própria segurança nunca divulgue informações privadas, como o endereço ou o número de telefone. Respeite outros utilizadores, não use expressões ofensivas ou indecorosas.", "enter_channel_password": "Digite a palavra-passe do canal '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Usuários online no canal", "getting_list_of_users": "Obtendo a lista de usuários...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Erro ao obter usuários do canal. Tente novamente", "no_other_users_connected": "Nenhum outro utilizador neste canal", "not_in_the_list": "Não está na lista", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Adicionar aos contatos", "menu.block_user": "Bloquear utilizador", "menu.blocked_users": "Usuários bloqueados...", "menu.moderators": "Moderadores...", "menu.mute_user": "Desativar som do utilizador", "menu.unmute_user": "Ativar som do utilizador", "menu.refresh": "Atualizar", "menu.report_user": "Denunciar utilizador", "menu.assign_moderator": "Tornar moderador", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revogar os direitos de moderador", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderador", "report_user_title": "Denunciando '%username%' por:", "report_type.blocking": "Bloqueio do canal", "report_type.rules": "Violação das regras do canal", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insultando outros utilizadores", "report_type.criminal": "Atividades ilegais", "user_report_sent": "Denúncia enviada. Obrigado", "channel_blocked_users": "Usuários bloqueados - ", "no_blocked_users": "Nenhum usuário bloqueado no canal", "channel_moderators": "Moderadores - ", "no_moderators": "Nenhum moderador no canal", "history_title": "Histórico", "history_empty": "Histórico está vazio", "history_loading": "Carregando histórico...", "": "Tocar", "menu.stop": "Parar", "menu.delete_message": "Apagar mensagem", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Apagar todas as mensagens", "yesterday": "Ontem", "today": "Hoje", "starting": "Iniciando...", "paused": "Pausado", "error.player_error": "Erro ao tocar", "old_password.colon": "Senha actual:", "new_password.colon": "Nova palavra-passe:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirmar nova palavra-passe:", "change_password": "Alterar", "password_changed": "Senha alterada.", "welcome": "Bem vindo ao %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Obrigado por instalar %appname%! Agora vamos configurar a sua conta.", "link.existing_account": "Eu já tenho uma conta no %appname%", "link.new_account": "Eu não tenho uma conta no %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Problemas ou sugestões? Aproveite este secção para enviar o diagnóstico inicial aos programadores. Adicione o seu endereço de e-mail se desejar uma resposta.", "problem_description.colon": "Mensagem (opcional):", "submit": "Enviar", "confirm_contact_delete": " será removido dos seus contatos. Continuar?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Digite o nome de usuário ou e-mail do contato:", "no_users_found": "Nenhum utilizador encontrado", "x_users_found": " usuário(s) encontrado(s). Selecione o usuário que pretende adicionar e clique em 'Adicionar usuário' ou botão de navegação:", "add_user": "Adicionar utilizador", "user_added": "Usuário adicionado aos seus contatos. Depois que o usuário aceitar pedido, você será capaz de ver o status on-line e conversar com o usuário.", "searching": "Procurando...", "close": "Fechar", "test": "Testar", "sign_in": "Entrar", "next": "Avançar >", "back": "< Voltar", "menu.add_contact": "Adicionar um contato...", "menu.add_channel": "Adicionar um canal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Apagar item selecionado", "menu.rename_selected": "Renomear", "menu.change_status": "Alterar status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancelar", "menu.options": "Opções...", "menu.close": "Fechar", "menu.exit": "Sair", "menu.sign_in": "Entrar", "menu.connect_channel": "Conectar canal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Desconectar canal", "menu.edit_channel": "Editar canal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Exibir utilizadores do canal", "menu.show_history": "Exibir histórico [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Trocar saída de áudio [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Definir mensagem de status [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Tocar última mensagem [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Convidar amigos para este canal", "invite": "Convidar", "no_online_friends": "Nenhum amigo online", "invited_x_friends": "Convidado %count% amigos", "empty_contact_list": "Lista de contatos vazia", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Em espera", "disconnected": "Desconectado", "online": "Disponível", "solo": "A solo", "busy": "Ocupado", "away": "Ausente", "headphones": "Fones de ouvido", "connecting": "Conectando...", "unauthorized": "Aguardando autorização", "invalid_password": "Senha incorrecta", "muted": "Som desativado", "users_online": "utilizadores online", "contact_requests": "Solicitações de contato", "channel_invites": "Convites de canais", "invited_by": "convidado por", "accept_channel": "Adicionar canal", "decline_channel": "Recusar convite", "update_available": "Uma atualização está disponível", "accept": "Aceitar e adicionar contato", "decline": "Recusar solicitação de contato", "block": "Bloquear utilizador", "rename": "Renomear", "update_now": "Atualizar agora", "remind_later": "Lembrar depois", "version": "Versão", "is_available": "está disponível", "not_signed_in": "Você não está conectado", "no_blocked_contacts": "Você não tem contatos bloqueados", "unblock": "Desbloquear utilizador", "invite_email_to_install": "Convidar %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Confira o %appname% para BlackBerry", "email_invite": "É um aplicativo gratuito push-to-talk e eu gostaria de tentar com você. Obtê-lo a partir de download %donload% e adicione-me. O meu %appname% nome de usuário é é %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Mantenha pressionado o botão PTT enquanto você fala", "status.loading": "Carregando...", "status.connecting": "Conectando ao servidor...", "status.connected": "Conectado!", "status.signing_in": "Entrando...", "status.joining_network": "Entrando na rede...", "status.loading_contacts": "Recebendo contatos...", "status.checking_username": "Verificando nome de usuário", "status.creating_account": "Criando conta...", "status.updating_password": "Atualizando senha...", "status.sending_report": "Enviando denúncia...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Procurando por contatos...", "status.signing_out": "Saindo...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Procurando por canais...", "status.creating_channel": "Criando canal...", "status.initial_configuration": "Configuração inicial", "status.getting_channel_details": "Obtendo detalhes do canal...", "status.updating_channel": "Atualizando canal...", "error.0": "Não é possível se conectar ao servidor de login", "error.1": "Nome de utilizador inválido", "error.2": "Senha incorrecta", "error.3": "Nome de utilizador já existe", "error.4": "O utilizador que você tentou adicionar já está na sua lista de contatos", "error.5": "Erro de comunicação com o servidor", "error.6": "Erro desconhecido", "error.7": "Erro na comunicação com o servidor de login", "error.8": "Erro na comunicação com o servidor de login", "error.9": "Não foi possível entrar na rede %appname%", "error.10": "Não foi possível entrar na rede %appname%", "error.11": "Você entrou em outro dispositivo.", "error.12": "Por favor atualize o seu software em $s.", "error.13": "Erro ao reportar o problema. Por favor, contate o programador do aplicativo em %supportEmail%", "error.14": "Nome do canal indisponível. Por favor, escolha um nome diferente para o seu canal", "error.15": "O canal que você tentou adicionar já esta na sua lista de contatos", "error.16": "Servidor de login ocupado. Tente novamente mais tarde", "error.17": "Sem conexão com a internet", "error.18": "Erro na licença do servidor.", "error.19": "Licença do servidor expirou.", "error.20": "Não foi possível se conectar a uma rede estrangeira.", "error.21": "Rede está suspensa.", "error.22": "O alerta não pôde ser entregue.", "error.23": "Você já criou o número máximo de contas permitidas.", "error.24": "Você digitou um caractere inválido no nome de utilizador.", "error.25": "Você alcançou o limite diário de registros. Tente novamente em 24 horas.", "error.26": "Nome de utilizador muito curto. Deve conter ao menos 5 caracteres.", "error.27": "Senha está muito curta. Ela deve conter ao menos 4 caracteres.", "error.28": "Nome de utilizador está vazio.", "error.29": "Senha está vazia.", "error.30": "Rede está vazia.", "error.31": "Rede é incorrecta.", "error.short_username": "Nome de usuário é muito curto.\nNome de usuário deve conter pelo menos 5 caracteres.", "error.short_password": "A senha é muito curta.\n A senha deve conter pelo menos 4 caracteres.", "error.invalid_email": "E-mail inválido", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Senhas não conferem", "error.incorrect_password": "A palavra-passe actual não está correta", "error.not_signed_in": "Por favor faça o login para usar esta opção.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Nome do canal está vazio", "error.empty_contact_name": "Nome do contato ou e-mail está vazio", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Erro de acesso no dispositivo de Áudio. Vá para Opções> Aplicativos> % appname%> Editar permissões para definir a \"Mídia\" e \"Gravação\" para Permitir.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Canal ou serviço de administração bloqueou seu nome de usuário no canal %canal%.", "toast_channel_busy": "Canal %channel% está ocupado. Tente novamente mais tarde.", "toast_channel_full": "Canal %channel% está acima da capacidade. Tende novamente mais tarde.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% canal é para ouvintes apenas. Somente o admin do canal pode falar.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Você excedeu a taxa máxima de mensagens. Por favor, aguarde antes de tentar novamente.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Você está em modo de escuta somente por causa de violações. Irá restaurar o envio de mensagens em %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Você não pode enviar mensagens para o %channel% a menos que há um moderador online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Nenhum destinatário.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% está vazio.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Este contato tem que começar a comunicação com você. Você pode ou responder diretamente ou usar os canais.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Telefone em modo silencioso. Mude %appname% status para ocupado.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Telefone modo silencioso. Mude %appname% status para Disponível.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% foi bloqueado no %channel% pelo %moderador%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% foi desbloqueado no %channel% pelo %moderador%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Não foi possível entregar alerta para %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Erro ao atualizar o perfil. Por favor, tente novamente.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Erro ao atualizar o perfil do canal. Por favor, tente novamente.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% te enviou um alerta", "menu_send_call_alert": "Enviar alerta de chamada", "button_send": "Enviar", "talk_now": "Falar agora", "dismiss": "Recusar", "time_day": "dia", "time_days": "dias", "time_hour": "hora", "time_hours": "horas", "time_minute": "minuto", "time_minutes": "minutos", "time_second": "segundo", "time_seconds": "segundos" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul12[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/$ $***** 77bkVKH  RCR\cnz t .Ia[:$LB5ȹ:C*&;RN l>If+W\?Vh>xvN0Ϋ@rXsduIG7% 5RBB2rr@&afꄐD#qLbZ|ζY!3 V"#AŤ]A)F-o59ם!Yi4 YV9^I vd+}t!n9^kq6Z%RRTN鞑`?a:'t(Z%Ϊ^ [Pi*iKaɐ^JT:<ۄfyp K{ߪ|5g"GAE`Dym)k.=`®\0PK S)s6! Zello-11.codQTND: '-QV?(d@?(4@-BeQV?(t@?(L@zzʸʸڸܸ޸zB!+1 %9BKT]foxȷѷڷQ{ "options": "Opțiuni", "settings": "Setări", "link.account": "Cont", "link.ptt": "Buton Apasă și Vorbește", "link.connection": "Conexiune", "link.configure_connection": "Configurare conexiune", "link.contact_support": "Contactare asistență", "link.connection_apn": "Conexiune (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Interfață utilizator", "": "Audio", "link.history": "Istoric", "tools": "Unelte", "link.invite_friends": "Invită prieteni", "link.create_account": "Crează un cont nou", "link.change_password": "Schimbă parola", "link.blocked_contacts": "Contacte blocate", "link.add_channel": "Adaugă un canal", "link.create_channel": "Crează un canal nou", "link.support_faq": "Întrebări frecvente", "link.report_problem": "Raportează o problemă", "link.about": "Despre %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Am uitat parola", "link.add_contact": "Adaugă un contact", "volume": "Volum", "silent": "Silențios", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconectare în %time% secunde", "ptt.key.instructions": "Utilizați link-ul de mai jos și apoi apăsați tasta dorită Apasă și Vorbește", "set.ptt.key": "Setează tasta Apasă și Vorbește", "ptt.key.not.set": "< Tasta Apasă și Vorbește nu este setată >", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Tasta actuală: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Codul tastei actuale: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "< Așteaptă pentru tastă... >", "enable_touch_ptt": "Activați atingeți și mențineți pe contact pentru a vorbi", "login_automatically": "Autentificare automată", "username.colon": "Utilizator:", "password.colon": "Parola:", "link.check_availability": "Verifica disponibilitatea", "username_available": "Puteți folosi accest nume de utilizator", "username_not_available": "Acest nume de utilizator este deja folosit", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirmă parola:", "email.colon": "Adersa email:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Crează", "tip.username": "Minim 5 caractere", "tip.password": "Minim 4 caractere", "": "Email-ul este folosit pentru a reseta parola (dacă ați uitato).", "": "Furnizați numărul dvs. de telefon pentru a permite prietenilor să vă găsească cu ușurință.", "missing_required_permissions": "Permisiunile necesare nu sunt acordate, aplicația se va închide acum.", "missing_servers_config": "Rețeaua Apasă și Vorbește nu este configurată corect, aplicația se va închide acum.", "run_on_startup": "Rulare automată la pornire", "bring_to_foreground": "Aduce aplicația în prim-plan", "show_when_sending": "Când Apasă și Vorbește este apăsat", "show_when_receiving": "Când se primește un mesaj", "vibrate": "Vibrează", "on_clear_to_send": "Pregătit de trimis", "on_ptt_up": "Fără apăsare buton vorbire", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Mesaj primit când este ocupat", "audio_alerts": "Alerte audio", "on_incoming_message": "Mesaj primit", "on_incoming_message_over": "Mesaj primit terminat", "on_new_conversation": "Conversație nouă", "on_error": "Eroare", "keep_history": "Păstrează istoricul mesajelor", "delete_history": "Șterge istoricul", "history_deleted": "Istoricul a fost șters", "history_sdcard_required": "Cardul SD nu este accesibil. Imposibil de șters istoricul.", "preferred_output": "Ieșire", "output.default": "Sistem implicit", "output.speaker": "Difuzor", "output.headset": "Set cu căști", "output.handset": "Receptor", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microfon", "input.default": "Sistem implicit", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Set cu căști", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volum redare", "voice": "Voce", "alerts": "Alerte", "link.test_alert": "Test alertă", "failed_to_play_alert": "Eroare la redarea alertei audio", "playback_buffer_size": "Redare buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "Utilizator APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Parola APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetectare setări APN", "link.reset": "Resetare", "multiple_apns_found": "S-au găsit mai multe profiluri APN. Selectează unul care se potrivește serviciului wireless.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Eroare la detectarea setărilor APN. Contactați furnizorul de servicii sau ajutor de la %appname%.", "connection_type": "Tip conexiune", "connection.automatic": "Automat", "connection.wifi": "Numai WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Numai mobil", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Putere MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Folosiți numai TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Activare DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Activare WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Mențineți (sec)", "network_mobile": "Rețea (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Rețea (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Detectare conexiune", "link.connection_check": "Verificare conexiune", "link.skip_connection_check": "Sari peste verificare conexiune", "working": "Lucrează, vă rugăm așteptați...", "link.cancel": "Anulare", "link.try_again": "Încearcă din nou", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Caută o soluție online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nu s-a detectat nicio conexiune WiFi iar conexiunea este setată numai pe modul WiFi. Conectează-te la rețeaua WiFi și încearcă din nou.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nu s-a detectat nicio conexiune la internet. Conectează-te la WiFi sau la rețeaua mobilă și încearcă din nou.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Conexiunea la internet nu funcționeză corect. Încercați să opriți și să reporniți rețeaua wireless.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Imposibil de găsit setările APN de lucru pentru conexiunea ta. Contactați operatorul dvs de telefonie mobilă și setați configurările manual.", "connection_success": "Conectare reușită!", "connection_problem": "Probleme de conectare", "data_use_warning_title": "Avertizare utilizare date mobile", "data_use_warning": "%appname% va utiliza ~20 kB pe oră în modul așteptare ~110 kB pe oră în modul vorbire. BIS nu este acceptat. Dacă nu utilizați planul de date nelimitat asigurați-vă că verificați furnizorul de servicii cu privire la planul de date. \nAtunci cînd aveți dubii folosiți \"Numai WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Continuă", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continuă numai cu WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Numai arăta această notificare", "about_licensee": "Licențiat pentru %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Se descarcă resursele, vă rugăm așteptați...", "network_address": "URL-ul rețelei de bază:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid URL rețea de bază", "customization_download_error": "Eroare la descărcarea resurselor. Invalid URL rețea de bază sau probleme de conexiune", "customization_file_system_error": "Eroare la salvarea resurselor. Asigurați-vă că cablul USB nu este conectat și încercați din nou.", "channel_name.colon": "Introduceți numele canalului:", "channel_description.colon": "Introduceți descrierea canalului mai jos:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Oricine poate asculta și vorbii", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Numai eu pot vorbii, oricine poate asculta", "": "Deschis", "option.protected": "Protejat", "option.broadcast": "Difuzare", "option.open_desc": "Oricine poate vorbi", "option.protected_desc": "Utilizatorii aprobați de tine sau moderatorii atribuiți de tine pot vorbii", "option.broadcast_desc": "Numai eu pot vorbi, oricine poate asculta", "set_password": "Setează parola", "create_channel": "Crează", "channel_created": "Canalul a fost creat și adăugat la contactele tale", "edit_channel": "Editare canal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Numele canalului:", "apply_changes": "Salvează schimbările", "channel_updated": "Canalul a fost actualizat", "show_online_channels_only": "Afișează numai canalele online", "no_channels_found": "Nu s-au găsit canale", "no_online_channels_found": "Nu s-au găsit canale online", "channel_added": "Canalul a fost adăugat la contactele tale", "add_channel": "Adaugă canal", "created_by.colon": "Creat de:", "subscribers.colon": "Subînscriși:", "channel_tos": "Când vorbești pe canalele publice te rugăm să folosești mesajele scurte și la obiect. Pentru siguranța ta propie, nu partaja informațiile tale personale cum ar fi adrese sau numere de telefon. Respectă ceilalți utilizatori, nu folosi limbaj ofensator sau nepoliticos.", "enter_channel_password": "Introduceți parola pentru '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Utilizatorii online pe canal", "getting_list_of_users": "Se obține lista utilizatorilor...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Eroare la obținerea listei cu utilizatorii. Încearcă din nou.", "no_other_users_connected": "Nu mai sunt alți utilizatori pe acest canal", "not_in_the_list": "Nu se află în listă", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Adaugă la contacte", "menu.block_user": "Blocare utilizator", "menu.blocked_users": "Utilizatori blocați...", "menu.moderators": "Moderatori...", "menu.mute_user": "Dezactivare sunet utilizator", "menu.unmute_user": "Activare sunet utilizator", "menu.refresh": "Reîmprospătare", "menu.report_user": "Raportează un utilizator", "menu.assign_moderator": "Desemnează ca moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revocă dreptul de moderator", "admin": "administrator", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Raportează pe '%username%' pentru:", "report_type.blocking": "Blocare canal", "report_type.rules": "Violarea regulilor canalului", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insultarea altor utilizatori", "report_type.criminal": "Activități ilegale", "user_report_sent": "Raportul s-a trimis cu succes. Mulțumim!", "channel_blocked_users": "Utilizatori blocați - ", "no_blocked_users": "Nu există utilizatori blocați pe canal", "channel_moderators": "Moderatori - ", "no_moderators": "Nu există moderatori pe canal", "history_title": "Istoric", "history_empty": "Istoricul este gol", "history_loading": "Se încarcă istoricul...", "": "Redă", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Șterge mesajul", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Șterge toate mesajele", "yesterday": "Ieri", "today": "Azi", "starting": "Pornește...", "paused": "Pe pauză", "error.player_error": "Eroare Player", "old_password.colon": "Parola curentă:", "new_password.colon": "Noua parolă:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirmă noua parolă:", "change_password": "Modifică", "password_changed": "Parola a fost modificată cu succes", "welcome": "Bun venit la %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Mulțumim că a-ți istalat %appname%! Să configurăm contul dumneavoastră acum.", "link.existing_account": "Am deja un cont %appname%", "link.new_account": "Nu am cont %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Probleme sau sugestii? Utilizați acest ecran pentru a trimite jurnalul de diagnostic pentru dezvoltatori, împreună cu mesajul tău. Includeți adresa dvs. de e-mail dacă doriți un răspuns.", "problem_description.colon": "Mesaj (Opțional):", "submit": "Trimite", "confirm_contact_delete": " a fi șters din contactele tale. Procedați?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Introduceți numele de utilizator al contactului sau adresa de email:", "no_users_found": "Nu s-au găsit utilizatori", "x_users_found": " utilizator(i) s-au găsit. Selectați utilizatorul care doriți să îl adăugați și apăsați butonul 'Adaugă utilizator' sau butonul de navigare:", "add_user": "Adaugă utilizator", "user_added": "Utilizatorul a fost adăugat la contactele tale. V-ei putea să îi vezi status-ul online și să îi vorbești după ce acceptă solicitarea ta.", "searching": "Se caută...", "close": "Închide", "test": "Testează", "sign_in": "Autentificare", "next": "Următorul >", "back": "< Înapoi", "menu.add_contact": "Adaugă un contact...", "menu.add_channel": "Adaugă un canal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Sterge elementele selectate", "menu.rename_selected": "Redenumește", "menu.change_status": "Schimbă starea [S]", "menu.cancel": "Anulare", "menu.options": "Opțiuni", "menu.close": "Închide", "menu.exit": "Ieșire", "menu.sign_in": "Autentificare", "menu.connect_channel": "Conectare canal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Deconectare canal", "menu.edit_channel": "Editare canal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Afișează utilizatori canului", "menu.show_history": "Afișează istoricul [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Comutare ieșire audio [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Setează textul pentru stare [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Răspunde la ultimul mesaj [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invită prieteni pe acest canal", "invite": "Invită", "no_online_friends": "Nu există prieteni online", "invited_x_friends": "%count% prieteni invitați", "empty_contact_list": "Lista contactelor este goală", "offline": "Deconectat", "standby": "În așteptare", "disconnected": "Deconectat", "online": "Disponibil", "solo": "Singur", "busy": "Ocupat", "away": "Plecat", "headphones": "Căști", "connecting": "Se conectează...", "unauthorized": "Solicitare în așteptare", "invalid_password": "Parola nevalidă", "muted": "Sonor dezactivat", "users_online": "utilizatori conectați", "contact_requests": "Solicitări contacte", "channel_invites": "Invitații canal", "invited_by": "invitat de", "accept_channel": "Adaugă canal", "decline_channel": "Refuză invitația", "update_available": "Este diponibilă o actualizare", "accept": "Acceptă și adaugă contactul", "decline": "Refuză solicitarea contactului", "block": "Utilizator blocat", "rename": "Redenumește", "update_now": "Actualizeză acum", "remind_later": "Aminește-mi mai târziu", "version": "Versiune", "is_available": "este disponibil", "not_signed_in": "Nu sunteți conectat", "no_blocked_contacts": "Nu aveți contacte blocate", "unblock": "Deblocare utilizator", "invite_email_to_install": "Invită %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Verifică %appname% pentru BlackBerry", "email_invite": "Este o aplicație gratuită Apasă și Vorbește și aș dori să o încerc cu tine. Obțineși aplicația de aici %download% și adăugași-mă. Numele meu de utilizator %appname% este %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Mențineți apăsat butonul 'Apasă și Vorbește' în timp ce vorbiți", "status.loading": "Se încarcă...", "status.connecting": "Se conectează la server...", "status.connected": "Conectat!", "status.signing_in": "Autentificare în curs...", "status.joining_network": "Conectare la rețea...", "status.loading_contacts": "Incărcare contacte...", "status.checking_username": "Verificare nume de utilizator...", "status.creating_account": "Se crează contul...", "status.updating_password": "Se actualizează parola...", "status.sending_report": "Se trimite raportul...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Căutare după contacte...", "status.signing_out": "Deautentificare...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Căutare după canale...", "status.creating_channel": "Se crează canalul...", "status.initial_configuration": "Configurare inițială", "status.getting_channel_details": "Se obțin detaliile canalului...", "status.updating_channel": "Actualizare canal...", "error.0": "Nu se poate conecta la serverul de autentificare", "error.1": "Numele de utilizator nu este valid", "error.2": "Parola nu este validă", "error.3": "Numele de utilizator este deja folosit", "error.4": "Acest utilizator pe care încerci să-l adaugi este deja în lista ta de contacte", "error.5": "A apărut o eroare la comunicarea cu serverul", "error.6": "Eroare necunoscută", "error.7": "Eroare la comunicarea cu serverul de autentificare", "error.8": "Eroare la comunicarea cu serverul de autentificare", "error.9": "%appname% nu se poate conecta la rețea.", "error.10": "%appname% nu se poate conecta la rețea.", "error.11": "V-ați autentificat pe un alt dispozitiv.", "error.12": "Vă rugă actualizați soft-ul de la $s.", "error.13": "Eroare la trimiterea raportului cu problema. Vă rugăm să contactați dezvoltatorul la %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Numele canalului nu este disponibil. Vă rugăm încercați un nume diferit pentru canalul dvs.", "error.15": "Canalul pe care încercați să-l adăugați este deja în lista ta de contacte", "error.16": "Serverul de autentificare este ocupat. Încercați mai târziu.", "error.17": "Nu există conexiune la internet", "error.18": "Eroare licență server.", "error.19": "Licența serverului a expirat.", "error.20": "Nu se poate conecta la o rețea străină.", "error.21": "Rețeaua este suspendată.", "error.22": "Alerta nu a putut fi trimisă.", "error.23": "Ați creat deja numărul maxim de conturi permise", "error.24": "Ați introdus un caracter incorect în numele de utilizator.", "error.25": "Ați depășit numărul maxim zilnic de autentificări. Încearcați din nou în 24 de ore.", "error.26": "Nume de utilizator prea scurt. Trebuie să conțină mai mult de 5 caractere", "error.27": "Parola este prea scurtă. Trebuie să conțină mai mult de 4 caractere.", "error.28": "Numele de utilizator este gol.", "error.29": "Parola este goală.", "error.30": "Rețeaua este goală.", "error.31": "rețeaua nu este validă.", "error.short_username": "Nume de utilizator prea scurt..\nTrebuie să conțină mai mult de 5 caractere.", "error.short_password": "Parola este prea scurtă.\nTrebuie să conțină mai mult de 4 caractere.", "error.invalid_email": "Email-ul nu este valid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Parolele nu se potrivesc.", "error.incorrect_password": "Parola actuală nu este corectă", "error.not_signed_in": "Nu sunteți autentificat. Vă rugăm autentificațivă pentru a folosi această opțiune.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Numele canalului este gol.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Numele contactului sau adresa de email este gol.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Eroare la accesarea dispozitivului audio. În dispozitiv \"Opțiuni > Aplicații > %appname% > Editare permisiuni\" setați \"Media\" și \"Înregistrare\" pentru a permite.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Ați fost blocat pe canalul %channel% de către canal sau administratorul de serviciu.", "toast_channel_busy": "Canalul %channel% este ocupat. Încercați din nou mai târziu.", "toast_channel_full": "Canalul %channel% este peste limita capacității. Încercați din nou mai târziu.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Canalul %channel% este numai pentru ascultare. Numai administratorul canalului poate vorbii.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Ați depășit rata maximă a mesajelor. Vă rugăm să așteptați înainte de a încerca din nou.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Sunteți doar pe modul ascultsre datorită încălcării regulilor. Trimiterea mesajelor va fi restabilită în %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Nu puteți trimite mesaje la %channel% dacă nu există un moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Nu există destinatari.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% este gol.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Nu aveți permisiunea de a comunica cu acest contact. Puteți răspunde fie la apelurile directe primite, fie utilizând canalele.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Mod silențios activat. Zello schimbă status-ul în Ocupat.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Mod silențios dezactivat. Zello schimbă status-ul în Disponibil.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% s fost blocat pe %channel% de %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% a fost deblocat pe %channel% de %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Alerta nu poate fi trimisă la %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Eroare la actualizarea profilului. Încercați din nou.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Eroare la actualizarea profilului canalului. Încercați mai târziu. ", "default_call_alert_text": "Vorbește-mi pe Zello!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% v-a trimis o alertă", "menu_send_call_alert": "Trimite o alertă de apel", "button_send": "Trimite", "talk_now": "Vorbește acum", "dismiss": "Revocă", "time_day": "zi", "time_days": "zile", "time_hour": "oră", "time_hours": "ore", "time_minute": "minut", "time_minutes": "minute", "time_second": "secundă", "time_seconds": "secunde" } Be{ "options": "Опции", "settings": "Настройки", "link.account": "Учетная запись", "link.ptt": "Кнопка push-to-talk", "link.connection": "Сеть", "link.configure_connection": "Настроить подключение", "link.contact_support": "Связаться с техподдержкой", "link.connection_apn": "Настройка APN", "link.user_interface": "Интерфейс", "": "Звук", "link.history": "История", "tools": "Инструменты", "link.invite_friends": "Пригласить друга", "link.create_account": "Создать новый аккаунт", "link.change_password": "Изменить пароль", "link.blocked_contacts": "Заблокированные контакты", "link.add_channel": "Добавить канал", "link.create_channel": "Создать новый канал", "link.support_faq": "Справка", "link.report_problem": "Сообщить о проблеме", "link.about": "О %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Восстановление пароля", "link.add_contact": "Добавить контакт", "volume": "Громкость", "silent": "Без звука", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Повтор через %time% секунд", "ptt.key.instructions": "Кликните по ссылке ниже и нажмите желаемую кнопку push-to-talk.", "set.ptt.key": "Назначить кнопку push-to-talk", "ptt.key.not.set": "< Кнопка не назначена >", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Назначена кнопка: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Назначена кнопка с кодом: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "<Нажмите кнопку сейчас…>", "enable_touch_ptt": "Включить режим передачи при удерживании контакта", "login_automatically": "Автоматически входить в сеть", "username.colon": "Имя пользователя:", "password.colon": "Пароль:", "link.check_availability": "Проверить имя", "username_available": "Имя свободно", "username_not_available": "Имя занято", "confirm_password.colon": "Пароль еще раз:", "email.colon": "E-mail:", "phone.colon": "Телефон:", "create_account": "Создать", "tip.username": "Имя должно быть не короче 5 букв", "tip.password": "Пароль должен быть не короче 4 символов", "": "E-mail используется для восстановления пароля (если вы его забыли)", "": "Укажите ваш номер, чтобы друзья смогли легко вас найти", "missing_required_permissions": "Требуемые разрешения не были получены. Программа завершит работу", "missing_servers_config": "Ошибка конфигурации. Программа завершит работу", "run_on_startup": "Запускать при загрузке", "bring_to_foreground": "Вывести на передний план", "show_when_sending": "При нажатии кнопки PTT", "show_when_receiving": "При получении входящего сообщения", "vibrate": "Вибрировать", "on_clear_to_send": "Готовность к передаче", "on_ptt_up": "Отпускание кнопки PTT", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Входящее сообщение в режиме Занят", "audio_alerts": "Звуковые уведомления", "on_incoming_message": "Входящее сообщение", "on_incoming_message_over": "Конец входящего сообщения", "on_new_conversation": "Новый разговор", "on_error": "Ошибка", "keep_history": "Хранить историю сообщений", "delete_history": "Удалить историю", "history_deleted": "История сообщений была удалена", "history_sdcard_required": "SD карта недоступна. Невозможно удалить историю.", "preferred_output": "Устройство воспроизведения", "output.default": "По-умолчанию", "output.speaker": "Громкоговоритель", "output.headset": "Гарнитура", "output.handset": "Телефон", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Микрофон", "input.default": "По-умолчанию", "input.builtin": "Встроенный", "input.headset": "Гарнитура", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Громкость", "voice": "Голос", "alerts": "Уведомления", "link.test_alert": "Тест", "failed_to_play_alert": "Ошибка при проигрывании уведомления", "playback_buffer_size": "Буферизация (мс)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN имя пользователя:", "apn_password.colon": "APN пароль:", "link.detect_apn": "Автоопределение настроек APN", "link.reset": "Сброс", "multiple_apns_found": "Найдены несколько APN профайлов. Выберите настройки, соответствующие вашему тарифному плану.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Невозможно определить настройки APN. Свяжитесь с вашим оператором связи или техподдержкой %appname%", "connection_type": "Подключение", "connection.automatic": "Авто", "connection.wifi": "Только WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Только мобильный интернет", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Использовать MDS/BIS (бета)", "use_only_tcp": "Только TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Разрешить DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Разрешить WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (сек)", "network_mobile": "Сеть (мобильный интернет)", "network_wifi": "Сеть (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Определяем параметры соединения", "link.connection_check": "Тест соединения", "link.skip_connection_check": "Пропустить проверку", "working": "Ждите, работаю…", "link.cancel": "Отменить", "link.try_again": "Попробовать еще раз", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Найти решение онлайн", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Отсутствует подключение к WiFi и выбран тип подключения \"Только WiFi\". Подключитесь к WiFi и попробуйте еще раз.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Отсутствует соединение с интернетом. Подключитесь к WiFi или мобильному интернету и попробуйте еще раз.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Соединение с интернетом не работает. Попробуйте отключить беспроводную связь и затем включить ее опять.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Невозможно определить корректные настройки APN. Уточните требуемые настройки у вашего оператора и введите их вручную.", "connection_success": "Соединение работает", "connection_problem": "Проблема с сетевым соединением", "data_use_warning_title": "Предупреждение о трафике", "data_use_warning": "%appname% использует ~20 kB в час в режиме ожидания и ~110 kB в минуту при разговоре. При использовании тарифов с ограничением на объем переданных данных, уточните лимиты и стоимость передачи данных у вашего оператора, либо используйте режим \"Только WiFi\"", "link.continue": "Продолжить", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Продолжить используя только WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Больше не показывать", "about_licensee": "Лицензировано для %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Загружаем ресурсы, подождите…", "network_address": "Базовый URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Некорректный базовый URL", "customization_download_error": "Ошибка при загрузке ресурсов. Некорректный базовый URL или ошибка сети", "customization_file_system_error": "Ошибка при сохранении ресурсов. Убедитесь, что USB кабель отключен и попробуйте снова.", "channel_name.colon": "Имя канала:", "channel_description.colon": "Описание канала:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Все могут говорить", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Я могу говорить, все могут слушать", "": "Открыть", "option.protected": "Защищенный", "option.broadcast": "Вещательный", "option.open_desc": "Все могут говорить", "option.protected_desc": "Пользователи одобренные модераторами могут говорить", "option.broadcast_desc": "Я могу говорить, все могут слушать", "set_password": "Защитить паролем", "create_channel": "Создать канал", "channel_created": "Канал был успешно создан и добавлен в ваши контакты", "edit_channel": "Редактировать канал", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Название канала:", "apply_changes": "Применить", "channel_updated": "Канал успешно обновлен", "show_online_channels_only": "Показывать только активные каналы", "no_channels_found": "Не найдено ни одного канала", "no_online_channels_found": "Активные каналы не найдены", "channel_added": "Канал был добавлен в ваши контакты", "add_channel": "Добавить канал", "created_by.colon": "Создан:", "subscribers.colon": "Подписчиков:", "channel_tos": "Общаясь на открытых каналах старайтесь говорить коротко и по теме. Никогда не делитесь приватной информацией такой как ваш адрес или номер телефона. Уважайте других, не используйте ненормативную лексику.", "enter_channel_password": "Пароль для '%channel%':", "channel_users_title": "Пользователи онлайн", "getting_list_of_users": "Получаем список пользователей…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Ошибка при попытке получить список. Попробуйте еще раз", "no_other_users_connected": "Вы единственный пользователь на канале", "not_in_the_list": "Нет в контактах", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Добавить в контакты", "menu.block_user": "Заблокировать", "menu.blocked_users": "Заблокированные пользователи…", "menu.moderators": "Модераторы…", "menu.mute_user": "Отключить звук", "menu.unmute_user": "Включить звук", "menu.refresh": "Обновить", "menu.report_user": "Пожаловаться", "menu.assign_moderator": "Назначить модератором", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Убрать из модераторов", "admin": "администратор", "moderator": "модератор", "report_user_title": "Пожаловаться на '%username%' за:", "report_type.blocking": "Блокирование канала", "report_type.rules": "Нарушение правил", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Оскорбления", "report_type.criminal": "Незаконные действия", "user_report_sent": "Ваше сообщене успешно отправлено. Спасибо", "channel_blocked_users": "Заблокированные - ", "no_blocked_users": "В канале нет ни одного заблокированного пользователя", "channel_moderators": "Модераторы - ", "no_moderators": "Модераторы не назначены", "history_title": "История", "history_empty": "История пуста", "history_loading": "Загружаем историю…", "": "Играть", "menu.stop": "Остановить", "menu.delete_message": "Удалить сообщение", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Удалить все сообщения", "yesterday": "Вчера", "today": "Сегодня", "starting": "Начинаем проигрывание…", "paused": "На паузе", "error.player_error": "Ошибка проигрывателя", "old_password.colon": "Текущий пароль:", "new_password.colon": "Новый пароль:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Подтвердить новый пароль:", "change_password": "Изменить", "password_changed": "Пароль был успешно изменен", "welcome": "Приветствуем в %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Спасибо что установили %appname%! Давайте настроим Вашу учетную запись.", "link.existing_account": "У меня уже есть аккаунт %appname%", "link.new_account": "У меня нет аккаунта %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Опишите проблему, с которой вы столкнулись. Не забудьте указать контактный e-mail, чтобы мы смогли вам ответить.", "problem_description.colon": "Сообщение:", "submit": "Отправить", "confirm_contact_delete": " будет удален из контактов. Продолжить?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Укажите имя пользователя или e-mail:", "no_users_found": "Ни одного пользователя не найдено", "x_users_found": " пользователей найдено. Выберите пользователя, которого вы хотите добавить:", "add_user": "Добавить", "user_added": "Пользователь добавлен в контакты. Вы сможене видеть его статус и общаться с ним, как только он авторизует вас", "searching": "Ищем…", "close": "Закрыть", "test": "Тест", "sign_in": "Войти", "next": "Дальше >", "back": "< Назад", "menu.add_contact": "Добавить контакт…", "menu.add_channel": "Добавить канал…", "menu.delete_selected": "Удалить", "menu.rename_selected": "Переименовать", "menu.change_status": "Статус [S]", "menu.cancel": "Отменить", "menu.options": "Опции…", "menu.close": "Закрыть", "menu.exit": "Выйти", "menu.sign_in": "Войти", "menu.connect_channel": "Подключить канал", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Отключить канал", "menu.edit_channel": "Редактировать канал", "menu.show_channel_users": "Список пользователей", "menu.show_history": "История [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Звуковое устройство [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Статус-текст [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Повтор [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Пригласить друзей в канал", "invite": "Пригласить", "no_online_friends": "Никого нет онлайн", "invited_x_friends": "Приглашено друзей: %count%", "empty_contact_list": "Контакт-лист пуст", "offline": "Не в сети", "standby": "Недоступен", "disconnected": "Отключен", "online": "Доступен", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Занят", "away": "Отсутствую", "headphones": "Наушники", "connecting": "Подключаем…", "unauthorized": "Неавторизован", "invalid_password": "Неверный пароль", "muted": "Без звука", "users_online": "пользователей", "contact_requests": "Запросы авторизации", "channel_invites": "Приглашения в каналы", "invited_by": "приглашен", "accept_channel": "Добавить канал", "decline_channel": "Отклонить приглашение", "update_available": "Доступно обновление", "accept": "Принять", "decline": "Отклонить", "block": "Заблокировать", "rename": "Переименовать", "update_now": "Обновить", "remind_later": "Напомнить потом", "version": "Версия", "is_available": "доступна", "not_signed_in": "Вы не в сети", "no_blocked_contacts": "У вас нет заблокированных контактов", "unblock": "Разблокировать", "invite_email_to_install": "Пригласить %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Попробуй %appname% для BlackBerry", "email_invite": "Это бесплатное push-to-talk приложение, и я хотел бы попробовать его с тобой. Установить программу можно отсюда %download%. Мой %appname% ник %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Удерживайте кнопку нажатой все время, пока говорите", "status.loading": "Загружаем…", "status.connecting": "Подключаемся к серверу…", "status.connected": "Подключились!", "status.signing_in": "Авторизуемся…", "status.joining_network": "Входим в сеть…", "status.loading_contacts": "Получаем список контактов…", "status.checking_username": "Проверям имя…", "status.creating_account": "Создаем учетную запись…", "status.updating_password": "Обновляем пароль…", "status.sending_report": "Отправляем сообщение…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Ищем контакты…", "status.signing_out": "Отключаемся…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Ищем каналы…", "status.creating_channel": "Создаем канал…", "status.initial_configuration": "Первоначальная настройка", "status.getting_channel_details": "Получаем описание канала…", "status.updating_channel": "Обновляем канал…", "error.0": "Не удается найти сервер", "error.1": "Неправильное имя", "error.2": "Неправильный пароль", "error.3": "Имя пользователя уже занято", "error.4": "Пользователь уже в вашем списке контактов", "error.5": "Ошибка связи с сервером", "error.6": "Произошла неизвестная ошибка", "error.7": "Ошибка связи с сервером", "error.8": "Ошибка связи с сервером", "error.9": "Не удается войти в сеть %appname%", "error.10": "Не удается войти в сеть %appname%", "error.11": "Вы вошли в сеть с другого устройства", "error.12": "Пожалуйста, установите новую версию с $s.", "error.13": "Ошибка при отправке сообщения. Свяжитесь с разработчиком по адресу %supportEmail%", "error.14": "Имя канала уже занято. Используйте другое имя для вашего канала.", "error.15": "Канал уже в вашем списке контактов", "error.16": "Сервер перегружен. Повторите попытку позже", "error.17": "Отсутствует соединение с интернетом", "error.18": "Ошибка при проверке лицензии сервером", "error.19": "Истек срок действия лицензии сервера", "error.20": "Невозможно войти в чужую сеть", "error.21": "Сеть заблокирована", "error.22": "Невозможно вызвать пользователя", "error.23": "Вы уже создали максимально допустимое число учетных записей.", "error.24": "Недопустимые символы в имени пользователя.", "error.25": "Превышено допустимое число регистраций на сегодня. Попробуйте снова через 24 часа.", "error.26": "Слишком короткое имя. Имя пользователя должно быть не короче 5 символов", "error.27": "Слишком короткий пароль. Пароль должен быть не короче 4 символов", "error.28": "Не указано имя пользователя", "error.29": "Пустой пароль", "error.30": "Пустое имя сети", "error.31": "Неправильное имя сети", "error.short_username": "Слишком короткое имя. Имя пользователя должно быть не короче 5 символов", "error.short_password": "Слишком короткий пароль. Пароль должен быть не короче 4 символов", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Введенные пароли не совпадают", "error.incorrect_password": "Текущий пароль указан неверно", "error.not_signed_in": "Авторизуйтесь чтобы использовать эту функцию", "error.empty_channel_name": "Не указано имя канала", "error.empty_contact_name": "Пустое имя пользователя или e-mail", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Ошибка доступа к звуковому устройству. В меню телефона \"Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions\" установите \"Media\" и \"Recording\" в Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Доступ к каналу %channel% закрыт администратором канала или сервиса.", "toast_channel_busy": "Канал %channel% занят. Повторите попытку позже.", "toast_channel_full": "Канал %channel% переполнен. Повторите попытку позже.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Канал %channel% доступен только для прослушивания. Только создатель канала может говорить.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Превышена частота отправки сообщений. Подождите перед тем, как повторить попытку.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Доступ ограничен. Вы можете только отвечать на входящие вызовы или использовать каналы.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Невозможно вызвать %user%", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Вызывает Zello!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% вызывает вас", "menu_send_call_alert": "Отправить сигнал вызова", "button_send": "Отправить", "talk_now": "Говорить", "dismiss": "Не сейчас", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul13[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/ $ $***** 77ڶʸ   RBB9 Iq⟀.W(ZaYm`."ߧ(<)dD=Kwk%arR D&PDtRAb?WDf'.s0WdwP4~L^-:jņDQ<RRTK\FΉ:zb2^k5丆01KsߐML|uuڬ y .c{ 8Ik G>>aKtl!zē=%CѠuGPYbkt}K{ "options": "Mogučnosti", "settings": "Postavke", "link.account": "Korisnički račun", "link.ptt": "Pritisni dugme za govor ", "link.connection": "Veza", "link.configure_connection": "Konfiguriranje veze", "link.contact_support": "Kontaktiraj podršku", "link.connection_apn": "Povezivanje (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Korisničko sučelje", "": "Zvuk", "link.history": "Povijest", "tools": "Alati", "link.invite_friends": "Pozovi društvo", "link.create_account": "Napravi novi račun", "link.change_password": "Promijeni zaporku", "link.blocked_contacts": "Onemogućeni korisnici", "link.add_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "link.create_channel": "Napravi novi kanal", "link.support_faq": "Podrška i najčešća pitanja", "link.report_problem": "Prijavi problem", "link.about": "O %appname% aplikaciji", "link.forgot_password": "Zaboravljena zaporka", "link.add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt", "volume": "Jacina zvuka", "silent": "Tiho", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Ponovno spajanje za %time% sekundi", "ptt.key.instructions": "Koristite donju prečicu i pritisnite tipku odabranu za PTT/PZR.", "set.ptt.key": "Odredi PTT/PZR dugme", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Sadašnji ključ: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Trenutni kodni ključ: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "<Čekam ključ>", "enable_touch_ptt": "Omoguči dodir i držanje tipke za govor", "login_automatically": "Automatsko uključenje", "username.colon": "Korisničko ime:", "password.colon": "Lozinka:", "link.check_availability": "Provjeri dostupnost", "username_available": "Možete koristiti to korisničko ime", "username_not_available": "To je korisničko ime već zauzeto", "confirm_password.colon": "Potvrdite zaporku:", "email.colon": "Adresa e-pošte:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Napravi račun", "tip.username": "Najmanje pet znakova", "tip.password": "Najmanje četri znaka", "": "Ako zaboravite lozinku E-pošta služi za resetovanje.", "": "Priložite telefonski broj da vas prijatelji lakše pronađu.", "missing_required_permissions": "Nisu odobrene potrebne dozvole. Aplikacija će se sada isključiti.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT/PZG Mreža nije ispravno postavljena. Aplikacija se isključuje.", "run_on_startup": "Auto-start kod paljenja", "bring_to_foreground": "Postavi ispred svega", "show_when_sending": "Kada je PTT/PZG pritisnut", "show_when_receiving": "Kada primam poruku", "vibrate": "Vibracija uključena", "on_clear_to_send": "Slobodno za slanje", "on_ptt_up": "PTT dugme otpušteno", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Dolazne poruke kad je zauzeto", "audio_alerts": "Tonska upozorenja", "on_incoming_message": "Dolazna poruka", "on_incoming_message_over": "Kraj dolazne poruke", "on_new_conversation": "Novi razgovor", "on_error": "Greška", "keep_history": "Zadrži prošle razgovore", "delete_history": "Izbriši prošlost", "history_deleted": "Prošlost je izbrisana iz vašeg uređaja", "history_sdcard_required": "SD kartica nije dostupna. Nemoguće brisati prošlost.", "preferred_output": "Izlaz", "output.default": "Sistemski zadano", "output.speaker": "Zvucnik", "output.headset": "Slusalice s mikrofonom", "output.handset": "Slusalica za uvo", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrofon", "input.default": "Sistemski zadano", "input.builtin": "Ugradjeno", "input.headset": "Slusalice s mikrofonom", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Glasnoca reprodukcije", "voice": "Glas", "alerts": "Upozorenja", "link.test_alert": "Test upozorenja", "failed_to_play_alert": "Greska tonskog upozorenja", "playback_buffer_size": "Reprodukcijski spremnik (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN korisnicko ime:", "apn_password.colon": "APN zaporka:", "link.detect_apn": "APN samougadjanje", "link.reset": "Vratiti na polazno", "multiple_apns_found": "Pronadjeni visestruki APN profili. Molimo odaberite jedan koji odgovara vašoj bežičnoj usluzi.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Otkrivanje APN postavki nije uspjelo. Kontaktirajte svog davaoca usluga ili %appname% podršku.", "connection_type": "Vrsta veze", "connection.automatic": "Automatski", "connection.wifi": "Samo Wi-Fi", "connection.cellular": "Samo mobilna mreza", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Prisili MDS/BIS (probno)", "use_only_tcp": "Koristi samo TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Dozvoli DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Dozvoli WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Drzi aktivnim (sek)", "network_mobile": "Umrezavanje (mobilne mreze)", "network_wifi": "Umrežavanje (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Otkrivanje veze", "link.connection_check": "Provera veze", "link.skip_connection_check": "Izbegni proveru veze", "working": "Radim, molim čekajte…", "link.cancel": "Odustani", "link.try_again": "Pokusaj ponovno", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Potrazi resenje na mrezi", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nemam WiFi veze, a način rada postavljen je na Samo WiFi. Prvo spojite uređaj na WiFi a zatim pokušajte ponovo.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nemam vezu prema internetu. Spojite uredjaj na WiFi ili mobilnu mrežu sa pristupom internetu i pokušajte ponovo.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet veza ne radi ispravno. Pokušajte bežičnu mrežu na uredjaju isključiti pa opet uključiti.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Ne mogu pronaći ispravne APN postavke za vašu mrežu. Tražite od operatera mobilne mreže informaciju o ispravnim APN postavkama i upišite ih ručno.", "connection_success": "Uspesno povezano", "connection_problem": "Problem sa povezivanjem", "data_use_warning_title": "Mobilna mreza ima upozorenje", "data_use_warning": "%appname% će koristiti ~ 20 kB po satu čekanja i ~ 110 kB po minuti razgovora. BIS nije podržan. Ako koristite neograničen podatkovni paket proverite s davaocem usluga brzinu prenosa i količinu podataka. \nAko niste sigurni koristite \"samo WiFi\" način rada.", "link.continue": "Nastavi", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Nastavi samo na Wi-Fi-u", "dont_show_it_again": "Ne pokazuj vise ovu poruku", "about_licensee": "Dozvoljeno korisniku %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Preuzimanje sadržaja, molim sačekajte…", "network_address": "Osnovna mrezna URL adresa:", "invalid_base_url": "Neispravna mrežna adresa (URL)", "customization_download_error": "Greška preuzimanja sadržaja. Neispravna URL adresa ili problem sa povezivanjem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Greska resursa. Proverite da USB kabal nije spojen i pokusajte ponovno.", "channel_name.colon": "Upisite ime kanala:", "channel_description.colon": "Dole opišite kanal:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Svako moze slusati i govoriti", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Samo ja mogu govoriti, svi mogu slusati", "": "Otvoren", "option.protected": "Zasticen", "option.broadcast": "Emitiranje", "option.open_desc": "Svatko moze govoriti", "option.protected_desc": "Govoriti mogu samo korisnici kojima ste dozvolili ili posrednici koje ste dodelili", "option.broadcast_desc": "Samo ja mogu govoriti, svi mogu slusati", "set_password": "Postavi pasvord", "create_channel": "Kreiraj", "channel_created": "Kanal je napravljen i dodan vasim kontaktima", "edit_channel": "Uredi kanal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Naziv kanala:", "apply_changes": "Primeni izmene", "channel_updated": "Kanal je osvezen", "show_online_channels_only": "Prikazi samo umrezene kanale", "no_channels_found": "Nema nadjenih kanala", "no_online_channels_found": "Nema umrezenih kanala", "channel_added": "Kanal je dodan vasim kontaktima", "add_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "created_by.colon": "Napravio:", "subscribers.colon": "Korisnici:", "channel_tos": "Na javnim kanalima,budite kratki i sazeti. Zbog svoje sigurnosti nikada ne delite vase privatne informacije poput adrese ili telefonskog broja. Postujte druge korisnike, ne koristite uvredljive ili pogrdne izraze.", "enter_channel_password": "Upisi pasvord za '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Korisnici prisutni na kanalu", "getting_list_of_users": "Preuzimam popis korisnika…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Greška preuzimanja popisa korisnika. Pokušajte ponovo.", "no_other_users_connected": "Na ovon kanalu nema drugih korisnika", "not_in_the_list": "Nije na popisu", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Dodaj kontaktima", "menu.block_user": "Onemoguci korisnika", "menu.blocked_users": "Onemogućeni korisnici…", "menu.moderators": "Kontrolori…", "menu.mute_user": "Zabrani govor korisniku", "menu.unmute_user": "Dozvoli govor korisniku", "menu.refresh": "Osvezi", "menu.report_user": "Prijavi korisnika", "menu.assign_moderator": "Dodaj posrednika", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Povuci posrednicka prava", "admin": "administrator", "moderator": "kontrolor", "report_user_title": "Prijava korisnika '%username%' zbog:", "report_type.blocking": "Onemogucavanje kanala", "report_type.rules": "Povreda pravila kanala", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Vredjanje drugih korisnika", "report_type.criminal": "Nedozvoljene aktivnosti", "user_report_sent": "Prijava je poslata. Hvala Vam", "channel_blocked_users": "Onemogučeni korisnici - ", "no_blocked_users": "Na kanalu nema onemogucenih korisnika.", "channel_moderators": "Kontrolori - ", "no_moderators": "Na kanalu nema posrednika", "history_title": "Istorija", "history_empty": "Istorija je prazna", "history_loading": "Učitavanje povijesti…", "": "Pokreni", "menu.stop": "Zaustavi", "menu.delete_message": "Obrisi poruku", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Obrisi sve poruke", "yesterday": "Juce", "today": "Danas", "starting": "Počinjem…", "paused": "Pauzirano", "error.player_error": "Greska igraca", "old_password.colon": "Sadašnji pasvord:", "new_password.colon": "Nova zaporka:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Potvrdi novi pasvord:", "change_password": "Zameni", "password_changed": "Pasvord je promenjen.", "welcome": "Dobro dosli na %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Hvala sto ste instalirali %appname%! Idemo konfigurisati vas nalog.", "link.existing_account": "Ja vec imam %appname% nalog", "link.new_account": "Ja nemam %appname% nalog", "report_problem_intro": "Problemi ili predlozi? Iskoristite ovaj zaslon za slanje dijagnostičkog dnevnika programerima zajedno sa svojom porukom. Uključite svoju e-mail adresu ako želite odgovor.", "problem_description.colon": "Poruka (mogucnost):", "submit": "Posalji", "confirm_contact_delete": "bi ce izbrisani iz vasih kontakata. Nastaviti?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Upišite korisničko ime ili e-adresu:", "no_users_found": "Korisnici nisu nadjeni", "x_users_found": "korisnik(a) je nađeno. Odaberi korisnika kojeg želiš dodati i pritisni taster \"Dodaj korisnika\" ili navigacijsko dugme:", "add_user": "Dodaj korisnika", "user_added": "Korisnik je dodan vašim kontaktima. Možete videti njegov status i razgovarati kad prihvati vaš zahtev.", "searching": "Tražim…", "close": "Zatvori", "test": "Proba", "sign_in": "Prijavite se", "next": "Dalje >", "back": "< Natrag", "menu.add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt…", "menu.add_channel": "Dodaj kanal…", "menu.delete_selected": "Brisati odabrano", "menu.rename_selected": "Preimenuj", "menu.change_status": "Promeni stanje [S]", "menu.cancel": "Odustani", "menu.options": "Mogućnosti…", "menu.close": "Zatvori", "menu.exit": "Izlaz", "menu.sign_in": "Upisi se", "menu.connect_channel": "Spoji kanal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Odspoji kanal", "menu.edit_channel": "Uredi kanal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Prikazi korisnike kanala", "menu.show_history": "Prikazi istoriju [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Promijeni zvucni izlaz [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Postavi poruku stanja [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Ponovi zadnju poruku [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Pozovi prijatelje na ovaj kanal", "invite": "Pozovi", "no_online_friends": "Nema umrezenih prijatelja", "invited_x_friends": "Pozvano prijatelja %count%", "empty_contact_list": "Prazan imenik", "offline": "Neumrezen", "standby": "U pripravnosti", "disconnected": "Iskljucen", "online": "Dostupan", "solo": "Sami", "busy": "Zauzet", "away": "Odsutan", "headphones": "Slusalice", "connecting": "Povezujem se…", "unauthorized": "Cekanje autorizacije", "invalid_password": "Neispravan pasvord", "muted": "Utisan zvuk", "users_online": "korisnika umrezeno", "contact_requests": "Kontaktni upiti", "channel_invites": "Poziva na kanal", "invited_by": "pozvao", "accept_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "decline_channel": "Odbij poziv", "update_available": "Dostupna nadogradnja", "accept": "Prihvati i dodaj korisnika", "decline": "Odbij kontaktni zahev", "block": "Onemoguci korisnika", "rename": "Promijeni ime", "update_now": "Osvezite sada", "remind_later": "Podsjeti me kasnije", "version": "Verzija", "is_available": "je dostupna", "not_signed_in": "Vi niste upisani", "no_blocked_contacts": "Vi nemate onemogucenih korisnika", "unblock": "Skini zabranu korisniku", "invite_email_to_install": "Pozovi %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Proveri %appname% za BlackBerry", "email_invite": "To je besplatna aplikacija pritisni-za-razgovor (PTT/PZR) aplikacija i pozivam te da se priključiš. Nalazi se na %download% i dodaj mene. Moje %appname% korisničko ime je %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Drži pritisnut PTT/PZR taster dok govoriš", "status.loading": "Učitavam…", "status.connecting": "Spajanje sa poslužiteljem…", "status.connected": "Spojeno!", "status.signing_in": "Umreženje u tijeku…", "status.joining_network": "Pridruživanje mreži…", "status.loading_contacts": "Preuzimanje kontakata…", "status.checking_username": "Provjera korisničkog imena…", "status.creating_account": "Stvaranje računa…", "status.updating_password": "Osvježavanje zaporke…", "status.sending_report": "Slanje prijave…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Traženje kontakata…", "status.signing_out": "Izlaz iz mreže…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Traženje kanala…", "status.creating_channel": "Izrada kanala…", "status.initial_configuration": "Početne postavke", "status.getting_channel_details": "Prijem detalja kanala…", "status.updating_channel": "Osvježenje kanala…", "error.0": "Ne mogu da se povežem sa serverom za prijavljivanje", "error.1": "Neispravno korisničko ime", "error.2": "Neispravan pasvord", "error.3": "To korisničko ime već je upotrebljeno.", "error.4": "Korisnik je u vašim kontaktima.", "error.5": "Serverna komunikacija greška", "error.6": "Nepoznata greska", "error.7": "Greška u komunikaciji sa serverom za prijavu", "error.8": "Greška u komunikaciji sa serverom za prijavu", "error.9": "Ne mogu se priključiti %appname% mreži.", "error.10": "Ne mogu se priključiti %appname% mreži.", "error.11": "Priključeni ste sa drugog uređaja.", "error.12": "Molim obnovite svoj program sa $s.", "error.13": "Greška slanja prijave problema. Molim obavestite razvoj na %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Naziv kanala nije dostupan. Odaberite drugačije ime za kanal.", "error.15": "Kanal koji želite dodati već je u vašim kontaktima", "error.16": "Server za prijavljivanje je zauzet. Molimo pokusajte kasnije.", "error.17": "Nema veze prema internetu", "error.18": "Greska dozvole provajdera.", "error.19": "Dozvola posluzitelja istekla.", "error.20": "Ne mogu se spojiti na stranu mrezu.", "error.21": "Mreza je iskljucena.", "error.22": "Dojava nije mogla biti dostavljena.", "error.23": "Stvorili ste vec najveci dozvoljeni broj racuna.", "error.24": "Upisali ste nedopusteni znak u korisnicko ime.", "error.25": "Dostigli ste dnevnu granicu prijave. Probajte ponovo za 24 sata.", "error.26": "Korisnicko ime je prekratko. Mora sadrzavati barem 5 karaktera.", "error.27": "Lozinka je prektarka. Mora sadrzati barem 4 karaktera.", "error.28": "Korisnicko ime je prazno.", "error.29": "Lozinka je prazna.", "error.30": "Mreza je prazna.", "error.31": "Mreza je neispravna.", "error.short_username": "Korisničko ime je prekratko. Korisničko ime mora sadržavati barem 5 znakova.", "error.short_password": "Lozinka je prekratka. Lozinka mora sadrzati barem 4 znaka.", "error.invalid_email": "Email adresa je netačna.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Pasvord ne odgovara.", "error.incorrect_password": "Lozinka je netacna", "error.not_signed_in": "Prijavite se da biste koristili ovu opciju.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Ime kanala nije upisano.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Nije upisano ime kontakta ili e-pošta.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio uredjaj prikazuje gresku. Odaberite Options > Applications > %appname% > dozvolite \"Media\" i \"Recording\".", "toast_channel_blocked": "Kanal ili administrator kanala blokirao je tvoje korisničko ime na %channel% kanalu.", "toast_channel_busy": "Kanal %channel% je zauzet. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.", "toast_channel_full": "Na kanalu %channel% je gužva. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% je samo za čitanje. Govoriti može samo administrator kanala.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Dostigli ste najveći broj poruka. Molim pričekajte pre ponovnog pokušaja.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Zbog kršenja pravila sada možete samo slušati. Mogucnost pricanja ce vam poslati porukom za %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Ne možete slati poruke na kanal %channel% ako kontrolor nije prisutan.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Nema primalaca.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% je prazan.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Nije vam dozvoljeno započeti razgovor sa ovim korisnikom. Možete odgovarati na direktne dolazne pozive ili koristiti kanale.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Tihi mod telefona je ukljucen. Promenite %appname% status na Zauzet.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Tihi nacin rada je isključen. Promjenite %appname% status u Dostupan.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%moderator% je onemogućio korisnika %user% na kanalu %channel%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%moderator% je omogućio pristup korisniku %user% na kanalu %channel%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Upozorenje nije bilo moguće dostaviti korisniku %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Greška osvežananja profila. Molim pokušajte ponovo.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Greška osveženja profila kanala. Molim probajte ponovo.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% poslao vam je poziv", "menu_send_call_alert": "Posalji poziv", "button_send": "Poslati", "talk_now": "Govori sada", "dismiss": "Odbaci", "time_day": "dan", "time_days": "dana", "time_hour": "sat", "time_hours": "sati", "time_minute": "minut", "time_minutes": "minute", "time_second": "sekund", "time_seconds": "sekundi" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul14[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/ $ $***** 77ktZOL  RBB=#Z u_ :HWa淓#V2쓭o7 d4[z?9J)8uOA8>rAUxDNDFR龒[K*x!z|=RQLǤ;RRTVA,j;)*xlK=c^kB\[bNfwwCOK5?:;PNkGN̮s+mk]Hrտ #NHwB;Y 5f: )9RCR{=", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Nuvarande knapp: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Nuvarande knappkod:", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "< Väntar på knappen... >", "enable_touch_ptt": "Aktivera tryck och håll nedtryckt på kontakt för att prata", "login_automatically": "Logga in automatiskt", "username.colon": "Användarnamn:", "password.colon": "Lösenord:", "link.check_availability": "Kontrollera tillgänglighet", "username_available": "Du kan använda detta användarnamn", "username_not_available": "Användarnamnet är redan taget", "confirm_password.colon": "Bekräfta lösenord:", "email.colon": "E-postadress:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Skapa", "tip.username": "Minst fem tecken", "tip.password": "Minst fyra tecken", "": "E-postadressen används för att återställa ditt lösenord (om du glömmer det)", "": "Lämna ut ditt telefonnummer för att vänner ska hitta dig lätt", "missing_required_permissions": "Behörigheterna som krävs har inte beviljats. Programmet kommer nu att avslutas.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT-nätverket inte korrekt konfigurerat. Programmet kommer nu att avslutas.", "run_on_startup": "Starta automatiskt vid uppstart", "bring_to_foreground": "Ta till förgrunden", "show_when_sending": "När PTT trycks ned", "show_when_receiving": "Vid mottagning av ett meddelande", "vibrate": "Vibration på", "on_clear_to_send": "Klar att skicka", "on_ptt_up": "PTT-knapp upp", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Inkommande meddelande vid upptagen", "audio_alerts": "Ljudsignaler", "on_incoming_message": "Inkommande meddelande", "on_incoming_message_over": "Inkommande meddelande slut", "on_new_conversation": "Ny konversation", "on_error": "Fel", "keep_history": "Behåll meddelandehistorik", "delete_history": "Radera historik", "history_deleted": "Historiken raderades från din enhet", "history_sdcard_required": "SD-kortet är inte tillgängligt. Omöjligt att radera historiken.", "preferred_output": "Utgång", "output.default": "Systemstandard", "output.speaker": "Högtalare", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Hörlur", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrofon", "input.default": "Systemstandard", "input.builtin": "Inbyggd", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Uppspelningsvolym", "voice": "Röst", "alerts": "Signaler", "link.test_alert": "Testsignal", "failed_to_play_alert": "Misslyckades med att spela upp ljudsignal", "playback_buffer_size": "Uppspelningsbuffert (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN-användarnamn:", "apn_password.colon": "APN-lösenord:", "link.detect_apn": "Upptäck APN-inställningar automatiskt", "link.reset": "Återställ", "multiple_apns_found": "Flera APN-profiler hittades. Vänligen välj den som passar din trådlösa tjänst", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Misslyckades med att upptäcka APN-inställningar. Kontakta din leverantör eller %appname%-supporten", "connection_type": "Anslutningstyp", "connection.automatic": "Automatisk", "connection.wifi": "Endast WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Endast mobilt", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Tvinga MDS/BIS (experimentellt)", "use_only_tcp": "Använd endast TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Aktivera DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Aktivera WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Håll vaken (sek)", "network_mobile": "Nätverk (mobil)", "network_wifi": "Nätverk (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Upptäcker anslutning", "link.connection_check": "Anslutningskontroll", "link.skip_connection_check": "Hoppa över anslutningskontrollen", "working": "Arbetar, vänligen vänta...", "link.cancel": "Avbryt", "link.try_again": "Försök igen", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Leta efter lösning online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Ingen WiFi-anslutning upptäcktes och ditt anslutningsläge är inställt på endast WiFi. Anslut till ett WiFi-nätverk, och försök igen", "detection_error_no_connection": "Ingen Internetanslutning upptäcktes. Anslut till WiFi eller mobilnätet, och försök igen.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internetanslutningen fungerar inte korrekt. Försök att stänga av det trådlösa nätverket, och sedan slå på det igen", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Kunde inte hitta fungerande APN-inställningar för din anslutning. Kontakta din mobiloperatör för korrekta APN-inställningar, och konfigurera dem manuellt.", "connection_success": "Ansluten", "connection_problem": "Anslutningsproblem", "data_use_warning_title": "Mobildataanvändning varning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% kommer att använda ~20 kB per timme i vänteläge och ~110 kB per minut när du pratar. BIS stöds inte. Om du inte använder obegränsad datatrafik bör du kontrollera med din operatör om dataavgifter och maxgräns.\nÄr du osäker, använd läget \"Endast WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Fortsätt", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Fortsätt med endast WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Visa inte detta meddelande igen", "about_licensee": "Licensierad till %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Laddar ned resurser, vänligen vänta...", "network_address": "Nätverkets huvudadress:", "invalid_base_url": "Ogiltig huvudadress", "customization_download_error": "Fel vid nedladdning av resurser. Ogiltig huvudadress eller anslutningsproblem", "customization_file_system_error": "Fel vid sparande av resurser. Kontrollera att USB-kabeln inte är ansluten, och försök igen.", "channel_name.colon": "Ange kanalnamn:", "channel_description.colon": "Ange kanalbeskrivning nedan:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Alla kan lyssna och prata", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Endast jag kan prata, alla kan lyssna", "": "Öppen", "option.protected": "Skyddad", "option.broadcast": "Utsändning", "option.open_desc": "Alla kan prata", "option.protected_desc": "Användare godkända av dig eller moderatorer du tilldelar kan prata", "option.broadcast_desc": "Endast jag kan prata, alla kan lyssna", "set_password": "Ange lösenord", "create_channel": "Skapa", "channel_created": "Kanalen skapades och lades till dina kontakter", "edit_channel": "Redigera kanal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Kanalnamn:", "apply_changes": "Verkställ ändringar", "channel_updated": "Kanalen uppdaterades", "show_online_channels_only": "Visa endast online-kanaler", "no_channels_found": "Inga kanaler hittades", "no_online_channels_found": "Inga online-kanaler hittades", "channel_added": "Kanalen lades till i dina kontakter", "add_channel": "Lägg till kanal", "created_by.colon": "Skapad av:", "subscribers.colon": "Prenumeranter:", "channel_tos": "När man pratar i offentliga kanaler, håll dina meddelanden korta och tydliga. För din egen säkerhet, dela aldrig din privata information som till exempel en adress eller ett telefonnummer. Respektera andra användare, använd inte kränkande eller olämpligt språk.", "enter_channel_password": "Ange lösenordet för '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Online-användare i kanalen", "getting_list_of_users": "Hämtar listan över användare...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Fel vid hämtning av kanalanvändare. Försök igen", "no_other_users_connected": "Inga andra användare i denna kanalen", "not_in_the_list": "Inte i listan", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Lägg till i kontakter", "menu.block_user": "Blockera användare", "menu.blocked_users": "Blockerade användare...", "menu.moderators": "Moderatorer...", "menu.mute_user": "Tysta användare", "menu.unmute_user": "Ljud på på användare", "menu.refresh": "Uppdatera", "menu.report_user": "Rapportera användare", "menu.assign_moderator": "Ange som moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Återkalla moderatorrättigheter", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Rapporterar '%username%' för:", "report_type.blocking": "Kanalblockering", "report_type.rules": "Överträdelse av kanalregler", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Förolämpar andra användare", "report_type.criminal": "Olaglig verksamhet", "user_report_sent": "Din rapport har skickats. Tack", "channel_blocked_users": "Blockerade användare - ", "no_blocked_users": "Inga blockerade användare i kanalen", "channel_moderators": "Moderatorer - ", "no_moderators": "Inga moderatorer i kanalen", "history_title": "Historik", "history_empty": "Historiken är tom", "history_loading": "Laddar historik...", "": "Spela upp", "menu.stop": "Stoppa", "menu.delete_message": "Radera meddelande", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Radera alla meddelanden", "yesterday": "Igår", "today": "Idag", "starting": "Startar...", "paused": "Pausad", "error.player_error": "Uppspelningsfel", "old_password.colon": "Nuvarande lösenord:", "new_password.colon": "Nytt lösenord:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Bekräfta nytt lösenord:", "change_password": "Ändra", "password_changed": "Lösenordet har ändrats", "welcome": "Välkommen till %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Tack för att du installerar %appname%! Låt oss konfigurera ditt konto nu.", "link.existing_account": "Jag har redan ett %appname%-konto", "link.new_account": "Jag har inget %appname%-konto", "report_problem_intro": "Problem eller förslag? Använd denna skärm för att skicka diagnostiskloggen till utvecklarna tillsammans med ditt meddelande. Inkludera din e-postadress om du vill ha ett svar", "problem_description.colon": "Meddelande (frivilligt):", "submit": "Skicka", "confirm_contact_delete": " kommer att tas bort från dina kontakter. Fortsätt?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Ange kontaktens användarnamn eller e-post:", "no_users_found": "Inga användare hittade", "x_users_found": " användare hittade. Välj användaren som du vill lägga till och tryck på knappen 'Lägg till användare' eller navigationsknappen:", "add_user": "Lägg till användare", "user_added": "Användaren lades till i dina kontakter. Du kommer att kunna se dennes online-status och prata efter att han har accepterat din förfrågan", "searching": "Söker...", "close": "Stäng", "test": "Testa", "sign_in": "Logga in", "next": "Nästa >", "back": "< Tillbaka", "menu.add_contact": "Lägg till en kontakt...", "menu.add_channel": "Lägg till en kanal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Radera valda objekt", "menu.rename_selected": "Döp om", "menu.change_status": "Ändra status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Avbryt", "menu.options": "Alternativ...", "menu.close": "Stäng", "menu.exit": "Avsluta", "menu.sign_in": "Logga in", "menu.connect_channel": "Anslut kanal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Koppla ifrån kanal", "menu.edit_channel": "Redigera kanal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Visa kanalanvändare", "menu.show_history": "Visa historik [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Växla ljudutgång [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Ange statustext [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Svara på senaste meddelande [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Bjud in vänner till denna kanal", "invite": "Bjud in", "no_online_friends": "Inga online-vänner", "invited_x_friends": "Bjöd in %count% vänner", "empty_contact_list": "Tom kontaktlista", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Vänteläge", "disconnected": "Frånkopplad", "online": "Tillgänglig", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Upptagen", "away": "Borta", "headphones": "Hörlurar", "connecting": "Ansluter...", "unauthorized": "Inväntar godkännande", "invalid_password": "Ogiltigt lösenord", "muted": "Tystad", "users_online": "användare online", "contact_requests": "Kontaktförfrågningar", "channel_invites": "Kanalinbjudningar", "invited_by": "inbjuden av", "accept_channel": "Lägg till kanal", "decline_channel": "Avvisa inbjudan", "update_available": "En uppdatering finns tillgänglig", "accept": "Acceptera och lägg till kontakt", "decline": "Avvisa kontaktförfrågan", "block": "Blockera användare", "rename": "Döp om", "update_now": "Uppdatera nu", "remind_later": "Påminn senare", "version": "Version", "is_available": "är tillgänglig", "not_signed_in": "Du är inte inloggad", "no_blocked_contacts": "Du har inga blockerade kontakter", "unblock": "Avblockera användare", "invite_email_to_install": "Bjud in %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Kolla in %appname% för BlackBerry", "email_invite": "Det är en gratis tryck-och-prata app och jag vill prova den med dig. Hämta den från %download% och lägg till mig. Mitt %appname%-användarnamn är %username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "Håll PTT-knappen nedtryckt medan du talar", "status.loading": "Laddar...", "status.connecting": "Ansluter till servern...", "status.connected": "Ansluten!", "status.signing_in": "Loggar in...", "status.joining_network": "Ansluter till nätverk...", "status.loading_contacts": "Tar emot kontakter...", "status.checking_username": "Kontrollerar användarnamn...", "status.creating_account": "Skapar konto...", "status.updating_password": "Uppdaterar lösenord...", "status.sending_report": "Skickar rapport...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Söker efter kontakter...", "status.signing_out": "Loggar ut...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Söker efter kanaler...", "status.creating_channel": "Skapar kanal...", "status.initial_configuration": "Grundkonfiguration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Hämtar kanaldetaljer...", "status.updating_channel": "Uppdaterar kanal...", "error.0": "Kan inte ansluta till inloggningsservern", "error.1": "Ogiltigt användarnamn", "error.2": "Ogiltigt lösenord", "error.3": "Användarnamnet är redan taget", "error.4": "Användaren som du försökte lägga till finns redan i dina kontakter", "error.5": "Fel vid serverkommunikation", "error.6": "Okänt fel", "error.7": "Fel vid kommunikation med inloggningsservern", "error.8": "Fel vid kommunikation med inloggningsservern", "error.9": "Kan inte ansluta till %appname%-nätverket", "error.10": "Kan inte ansluta till %appname%-nätverket", "error.11": "Du har loggat in på en annan enhet.", "error.12": "Vänligen uppdatera ditt program från $s.", "error.13": "Fel vid sändning av problemrapporten. Vänligen kontakta utvecklaren på %supportEmail%", "error.14": "Kanalnamnet är inte tillgängligt. Vänligen välj ett annat namn för din kanal", "error.15": "Kanalen som du försökte lägga till finns redan i dina kontakter", "error.16": "Inloggningsservern upptagen. Försök igen senare", "error.17": "Ingen Internetanslutning", "error.18": "Fel på serverlicens.", "error.19": "Serverlicensen har upphört.", "error.20": "Kan inte ansluta till ett främmande nät.", "error.21": "Nätverket har upphört.", "error.22": "Signalen kunde inte levereras.", "error.23": "Du har redan skapat det högsta tillåtna antalet konton.", "error.24": "Du har angett ett ogiltigt tecken i användarnamnet.", "error.25": "Du har nått den dagliga gränsen av registreringar. Försök igen om 24 timmar.", "error.26": "Användarnamnet är för kort. Det måste innehålla minst 5 tecken.", "error.27": "Lösenordet är för kort. Det måste innehålla minst 4 tecken.", "error.28": "Användarnamn är tomt.", "error.29": "Lösenord är tomt.", "error.30": "Nätverk är tomt.", "error.31": "Nätverket är ogiltigt.", "error.short_username": "Användarnamnet är för kort.\nAnvändarnamn måste innehålla minst 5 tecken", "error.short_password": "Lösenordet är för kort.\nLösenord måste innehålla minst 4 tecken", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Lösenorden matchar inte", "error.incorrect_password": "Nuvarande lösenord är inte rätt", "error.not_signed_in": "Du är inte inloggad. Vänligen logga in för att använda detta alternativ", "error.empty_channel_name": "Kanalnamn är tomt", "error.empty_contact_name": "Kontaktnamn eller e-post är tomt", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Åtkomstfel till ljudenhet. Ställ in \"Media\" och \"Inspelning\" på Tillåt i telefonen \"Alternativ > Program > %appname% > Ändra behörigheter\".", "toast_channel_blocked": "Du har blockerats från kanalen %channel% av kanal- eller tjänstadministratören.", "toast_channel_busy": "Kanalen %channel% är upptagen. Försök igen senare.", "toast_channel_full": "Kanalen %channel% är överbelastad. Försök igen senare", "toast_channel_readonly": "Kanalen %channel% är skrivskyddad. Endast kanaladministratören kan prata.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Du har överskridit det maximala antalet meddelanden. Vänligen vänta innan du försöker igen.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Du får inte starta en kommunikationen med denna kontakt. Du kan antingen svara på inkommande direktsamtal eller använda kanaler.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Signalen kunde inte levereras till %user%", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello mig!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% skickade en signal till dig", "menu_send_call_alert": "Skicka ringsignal", "button_send": "Skicka", "talk_now": "Prata nu", "dismiss": "Avvisa", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } UH{ "options": "Seçenekler", "settings": "Ayarlar", "link.account": "Hesap", "link.ptt": "Bas-Konuş tuşu", "link.connection": "Bağlantı", "link.configure_connection": "Bağlantıyı yapılandır", "link.contact_support": "Destek irtibat", "link.connection_apn": "Bağlantı (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Kullanıcı arayüzü", "": "Ses", "link.history": "Geçmiş", "tools": "Araçlar", "link.invite_friends": "Arkadaşlarını davet et", "link.create_account": "Yeni hesap oluştur", "link.change_password": "Şifreni değiştir", "link.blocked_contacts": "Engellenmiş kişiler", "link.add_channel": "Kanal ekle", "link.create_channel": "Yeni kanal oluştur", "link.support_faq": "Destek SSS", "link.report_problem": "Sorun bildir", "link.about": "%appname% Hakkında", "link.forgot_password": "Şifremi unuttum", "link.add_contact": "Kişi ekle", "volume": "Ses", "silent": "Sessiz", "reconnect_in_seconds": "%time% saniye içinde yeniden bağlanacak", "ptt.key.instructions": "Aşağıdaki bağlantıyı kullanarak BK tuşunuzu belirleyin.", "set.ptt.key": "BK tuşunu ayarla", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Geçerli tuş: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Geçerli tuş kodu:", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Konuşmak için bas ve basılı tutmayı etkinleştir", "login_automatically": "Otomatik oturum aç", "username.colon": "Kullanıcı adı:", "password.colon": "Şifre:", "link.check_availability": "Kullanılabilirliği denetle", "username_available": "Bu kullanıcı adını kullanabilirsiniz", "username_not_available": "Kullanıcı adı zaten alınmış", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "E-posta adresi:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Oluştur", "tip.username": "En az beş karakter", "tip.password": "En az dört karakter", "": "E-postanız, şifrenizi unuttuğunuzda sıfırlama işlemi yapmanız için kullanılacaktır.", "": "Telefon numaranızı eklerseniz arkadaşlarınız sizi bulabilir.", "missing_required_permissions": "Gerekli izinler verilmemiş. Uygulama kapatılıyor.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Ağı düzgün yapılandırılmamış. Uygulama kapatılıyor.", "run_on_startup": "Başlangıçta çalıştır", "bring_to_foreground": "Ön plana getir", "show_when_sending": "BK basıldığında", "show_when_receiving": "Mesaj alındığında", "vibrate": "Titreşim", "on_clear_to_send": "Göndermeye hazır", "on_ptt_up": "BK tuşu yukarda", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Meşgulken gelen mesaj", "audio_alerts": "Sesli uyarılar", "on_incoming_message": "Gelen mesaj", "on_incoming_message_over": "Gelen mesaj sonu", "on_new_conversation": "Yeni görüşme", "on_error": "Hata", "keep_history": "Mesaj geçmişini sakla", "delete_history": "Geçmişi temizle", "history_deleted": "Cihazınızdan geçmişi temizleyin", "history_sdcard_required": "SD karta erişilemiyor. Geçmiş temizlenemiyor", "preferred_output": "Çıkış", "output.default": "Sistem varsayılan", "output.speaker": "Hoparlör", "output.headset": "Kulaklık", "output.handset": "Diafon", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrafon", "input.default": "Sistem varsayılanı", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Kulaklık", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Yürütme sesi", "voice": "Ses", "alerts": "Uyarılar", "link.test_alert": "Uyarı dene", "failed_to_play_alert": "Ses uyarısını yürütmede hata", "playback_buffer_size": "Yürütme amplifikatör (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Kullanıcıadı:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Şifresi:", "link.detect_apn": "APN ayarlarını otomatik tanımla", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Birden fazla APN profili bulundu. Lütfen wireless servisinizle uyumlu olanı seçin.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "APN ayarları bulunamadı. Servis sağlayıcınızla veya %appname% desteği ile irtibata geçin.", "connection_type": "Bağlantı tipi", "connection.automatic": "Otomatik", "connection.wifi": "Sadece Wi-Fi", "connection.cellular": "Sadece hücresel", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Sadece TCP kullan", "enable_dtcpsr": "DTCPSR aktif et", "enable_wap2sr": "WAP2SR aktif et", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Internet (mobil)", "network_wifi": "Internet (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Bağlantı tespit edildi", "link.connection_check": "Bağlantı kontrolü", "link.skip_connection_check": "Bağlantı kontrolünü atla", "working": "Çalışıyor, lütfen bekleyin...", "link.cancel": "İptal", "link.try_again": "Tekrar dene", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Online çözüm için kontrol edin", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul15[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/$json/ $ $ $\(((***** 77j1o:Fa;8   RRT:U$./%xaADv,4VkW 1 7C 49S9{FA}!T֠fj֞*^,Ēc3EX-q`LԂ:FRCRV,rLk(#tB;KRSJpֿɌ5?0fc_1Wg!:)UɪK 7+>'l>Tk[: iG |KVlv2/)dSUTQPK S)sؗ*ll Zello-14.codQTNڋ'-OGV?(0@?(@-FGV?(@@?(@-F`V?(X@?(@-V?(x@?(@-V?(@?( @zzڤ z dړؘآب lt|لٌٰٜٔع$-6?HQZcOG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } F{ "options": "选项", "settings": "设置", "link.account": "帐号", "link.ptt": "通话键设置", "link.connection": "连接设置", "link.configure_connection": "配置连接", "link.contact_support": "联系技术支持", "link.connection_apn": "配置(APN)", "link.user_interface": "用户界面", "": "音频", "link.history": "历史", "tools": "工具", "link.invite_friends": "邀请朋友", "link.create_account": "创建一个新帐户", "link.change_password": "更改密码", "link.blocked_contacts": "黑名单", "link.add_channel": "添加频道", "link.create_channel": "创建新频道", "link.support_faq": "常见问题解答", "link.report_problem": "报告问题", "link.about": "关于%appname%", "link.forgot_password": "忘记密码", "link.add_contact": "新增联系人", "volume": "音量", "silent": "静音", "reconnect_in_seconds": "在%time%秒钟内重新连接", "ptt.key.instructions": "请使用下面的链接修改通话键", "set.ptt.key": "设置通话键", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "当前的通话键: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "当前设置的通话键: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "启用触摸并保持触摸联系人来通话", "login_automatically": "自动登录", "username.colon": "用户名:", "password.colon": "密码:", "link.check_availability": "检查是否可用", "username_available": "此用户名可用", "username_not_available": "此用户名已经被占用", "confirm_password.colon": "确认密码:", "email.colon": "电子邮箱:", "phone.colon": "电话号码:", "create_account": "创建", "tip.username": "最少五个字符", "tip.password": "最少四个字符", "": "E-mail是用来重置您的密码(当您忘记密码时)", "": "请输入电话号码,让朋友更方便做找到您", "missing_required_permissions": "未授予所需的权限,应用程序将立即退出", "missing_servers_config": "PTT网络配置不正确,应用程序将立即退出", "run_on_startup": "开机时自动运行", "bring_to_foreground": "自动弹出主界面", "show_when_sending": "当按下通话键时", "show_when_receiving": "当接收到新信息时", "vibrate": "振动", "on_clear_to_send": "发送语音信息", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "传入消息遇忙", "audio_alerts": "提示音", "on_incoming_message": "传入信息", "on_incoming_message_over": "传入邮件权", "on_new_conversation": "新的对话", "on_error": "错误", "keep_history": "保持消息历史记录", "delete_history": "删除历史记录", "history_deleted": "历史已被删除从您的设备", "history_sdcard_required": "SD卡是不能访问。无法删除的历史", "preferred_output": "声音输出", "output.default": "系统默认", "output.speaker": "扬声器", "output.headset": "耳机", "output.handset": "听筒", "output.bluetooth": "蓝牙设备", "preferred_input": "声音输入", "input.default": "系统默认", "input.builtin": "麦克风", "input.headset": "外接麦克风", "input.bluetooth": "蓝牙设备", "playback_volume": "音量", "voice": "语音", "alerts": "提示音", "link.test_alert": "测试提示音", "failed_to_play_alert": "无法播放音频警报", "playback_buffer_size": "播放缓冲区(MS)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN帐号:", "apn_password.colon": "APN密码:", "link.detect_apn": "自动检测APN设置", "link.reset": "重置", "multiple_apns_found": "发现多个APN的配置文件,请您选择一个匹配您无线服务的配置", "failed_to_detect_apn": "无法检测APN设置。联系您的服务提供商或%appname%支持", "connection_type": "连接类型", "connection.automatic": "自动", "connection.wifi": "仅WIFI", "connection.cellular": "仅移动网络", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "部队的MDS/BIS(实验)", "use_only_tcp": "仅TCP直连", "enable_dtcpsr": "启用DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "启用WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "心跳包连接间隔(秒)", "network_mobile": "网络设备(手机)", "network_wifi": "网络(WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "检测连接", "link.connection_check": "连接检查", "link.skip_connection_check": "跳过连接检查", "working": "连接中,请稍候…", "link.cancel": "取消", "link.try_again": "重试", "link.check_for_solution_online": "在线查找解决方案", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "没有检测到WIFI连接,但是您的连接模式设置为仅WIFI,请确保WIFI连接正常,然后重试", "detection_error_no_connection": "没有检测到网络,请确保WIFI或移动网络正常,然后重试", "detection_error_bad_connection": "网络连接可能没有正常工作,请尝试关闭无线网络然后再重新开启", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "无法找到可用的APN设置,请联系您的移动运营商索取正确的APN设置,并手动配置。", "connection_success": "连接成功", "connection_problem": "连接出现问题", "data_use_warning_title": "移动数据使用警告", "data_use_warning": "%appname%不支持BIS,在待机时每小时大约消耗20kb的数据流量,通信时每分钟大约消耗110kb的数据流量。当您不确定您是否为“仅WIFI”模式时,请一定要检查您的服务提供商的数据传输速率和剩余数据流量,除非您使用的是无限数据流量套餐。", "link.continue": "继续", "link.continue_wifi_only": "以仅WIFI方式连接", "dont_show_it_again": "不再提示", "about_licensee": "关于授权许可%licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "下载数据中,请稍候…", "network_address": "网络URL:", "invalid_base_url": "无效的URL", "customization_download_error": "由于无效的URL或连接问题,下载资源时出错。", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "输入频道名称:", "channel_description.colon": "输入频道描述:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "任何人都可以收听并参与讨论", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "要求输入密码", "create_channel": "创建", "channel_created": "该频道已经创建并成功添加到您的联系人中", "edit_channel": "编辑频道", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "输入频道名", "apply_changes": "应用", "channel_updated": "房间已成功更新", "show_online_channels_only": "只显示在线频道", "no_channels_found": "未找到频道", "no_online_channels_found": "未找到在线频道", "channel_added": "该频道已经成功添加到您的联系人中", "add_channel": "添加频道", "created_by.colon": "创建者:", "subscribers.colon": "订阅者:", "channel_tos": "在公共频道时,为了您的安全,请不要随意向他人分享您的私人信息,如地址或电话号码等。也请尊重其他用户,不要使用冒犯或亵渎的语言。", "enter_channel_password": "%channel%口令", "channel_users_title": "频道在线用户人数", "getting_list_of_users": "获取用户列表…", "error_getting_channel_users": "无法获取用户列表,请重试", "no_other_users_connected": "该频道中无其他用户", "not_in_the_list": "不在列表中", "menu.add_to_contacts": "添加到联系人", "menu.block_user": "添加到黑名单", "menu.blocked_users": "黑名单…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "静音用户", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "刷新", "menu.report_user": "举报用户", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "举报 '%username%' 的理由:", "report_type.blocking": "恶意刷频", "report_type.rules": "违反频道规定", "report_type.dirty_talk": "辱骂其他用户", "report_type.criminal": "非法操作", "user_report_sent": "您的反馈信息已发送成功,谢谢合作", "channel_blocked_users": "频道黑名单 - ", "no_blocked_users": "不在频道黑名单的用户", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "历史", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "搜索中…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "当前密码:", "new_password.colon": "新密码:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "确认新密码:", "change_password": "修改", "password_changed": "密码修改成功", "welcome": "欢迎使用%appname%", "welcome_intro": "感谢您安装%appname%!现在请配置您的帐号。", "link.existing_account": "我已经拥有%appname%帐号", "link.new_account": "我没有%appname%帐号", "report_problem_intro": "有问题或者建议?请将您的建议和诊断日志发送给软件开发者。如果希望回复,请附上e-mail地址", "problem_description.colon": "留言(可选):", "submit": "提交", "confirm_contact_delete": "将会从联系人中删除,是否执行?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "请输入联系人的用户名或E-mail:", "no_users_found": "此用户不存在", "x_users_found": "用户已找到。请选择你想要添加的用户,然后按“添加用户”键或导航键:", "add_user": "添加用户", "user_added": "该用户已经被添加到您的联系人中。当他接受您的请求后,您将能看到他的在线状态并和他通话", "searching": "搜索中…", "close": "关闭", "test": "检测", "sign_in": "登录", "next": "下一步", "back": "返回", "menu.add_contact": "添加联系人…", "menu.add_channel": "添加频道…", "menu.delete_selected": "删除选定的项目", "menu.rename_selected": "重命名", "menu.change_status": "更改状态", "menu.cancel": "取消", "menu.options": "选项", "menu.close": "关闭", "menu.exit": "退出", "menu.sign_in": "登录", "menu.connect_channel": "连接频道", "menu.disconnect_channel": "断开频道", "menu.edit_channel": "编辑频道", "menu.show_channel_users": "显示频道用户", "menu.show_history": "显示历史", "menu.audio_output": "切换声音输出", "menu.set_status_text": "编辑状态", "menu.repeat_last_message": "重播最后一条信息[R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "清空联系人列表", "offline": "待机", "standby": "离线", "disconnected": "断开", "online": "在线", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "忙碌", "away": "离开", "headphones": "耳机", "connecting": "连接中…", "unauthorized": "等待对方接受请求", "invalid_password": "密码无效", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "在线用户", "contact_requests": "添加好友请求", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "添加频道", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "有可用的更新", "accept": "接受并添加为好友", "decline": "拒绝添加好友请求", "block": "添加到黑名单", "rename": "重命名", "update_now": "现在更新", "remind_later": "稍候提醒", "version": "版本", "is_available": "可用的", "not_signed_in": "您还未登录", "no_blocked_contacts": "您的黑名单内无联系人", "unblock": "解除黑名单", "invite_email_to_install": "邀请 %email%", "email_invite_subject": "亲~来看一下黑莓的这款%appname%软件", "email_invite": "这是一个免费的对讲机软件,我想跟你一起使用,你可以从这里下载到Zello:%download%,然后加我为好友,我的%appname%用户名是%username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "你说话时,按住PTT键", "status.loading": "读取中…", "status.connecting": "正在连接到服务器…", "status.connected": "连接成功!", "status.signing_in": "登录中…", "status.joining_network": "正在加入网络…", "status.loading_contacts": "正在同步联系人列表…", "status.checking_username": "正在检测用户名…", "status.creating_account": "正在创建帐号…", "status.updating_password": "正在更新密码…", "status.sending_report": "正在报告发送…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "正在搜索联系人…", "status.signing_out": "正在退出…", "status.searching_for_channels": "正在搜索频道…", "status.creating_channel": "正在创建频道…", "status.initial_configuration": "初始配置", "status.getting_channel_details": "获取渠道的详细信息…", "status.updating_channel": "更新通道…", "error.0": "无法连接到服务器", "error.1": "此用户名无效", "error.2": "此密码无效", "error.3": "此用户名已经被占用", "error.4": "您试图添加的用户已经在您的联系人列表中", "error.5": "服务器连接错误", "error.6": "未知错误", "error.7": "与登录服务器通信时发生错误", "error.8": "与登录服务器通信时发生错误", "error.9": "不能加入%appname%网络", "error.10": "不能加入%appname%网络", "error.11": "您已经在另一台设备登录该帐号", "error.12": "请从$s更新您的软件", "error.13": "正在发送错误并报告,请通过%supportEmail%联系软件开发者", "error.14": "该频道名称无法使用。请换一个频道名称", "error.15": "您试图加入的频道已经在您的联系人列表中", "error.16": "登录服务器繁忙,请稍后重试", "error.17": "未连接Internet", "error.18": "服务器许可证错误", "error.19": "服务器许可证过期", "error.20": "无法连接到外地网络", "error.21": "网络是挂起", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "用户名太短。用户名必须包含至少5个字符", "error.short_password": "密码太短。密码必须包含至少4个字符", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "密码不匹配", "error.incorrect_password": "当前密码不正确", "error.not_signed_in": "您还没有登录,请登陆后使用该选项", "error.empty_channel_name": "频道名称为空", "error.empty_contact_name": "联系人名称或者E-mail地址为空", "error.missing_media_permissions": "音频设备访问错误,请在手机的选项>设备>应用程序管理>%appname%>编辑权限,设置交互为“允许”", "toast_channel_blocked": "你已经被 %channel% 频道或者管理员屏蔽 .", "toast_channel_busy": "%channel%:频道现在繁忙,请稍后再试", "toast_channel_full": "频道:%channel% 已经满员. 请稍后再试.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel%:此频道属于只读状态,只有管理员才能打开", "toast_channel_speeding": "你已经达到最大消息发送限制,请稍后再试.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "访问受限制。您可以答复传入的直接调用,或利用渠道。", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } F{ "options": "選項", "settings": "設置", "link.account": "帳號", "link.ptt": "通話鍵設置", "link.connection": "連接設置", "link.configure_connection": "配置連接", "link.contact_support": "聯繫技術支持", "link.connection_apn": "配置(APN)", "link.user_interface": "用戶界面", "": "音頻", "link.history": "歷史", "tools": "工具", "link.invite_friends": "邀請朋友", "link.create_account": "創建一個新帳戶", "link.change_password": "更改密碼", "link.blocked_contacts": "黑名單", "link.add_channel": "添加頻道", "link.create_channel": "創建新頻道", "link.support_faq": "常見問題解答", "link.report_problem": "報告問題", "link.about": "關於%appname%", "link.forgot_password": "忘記密碼", "link.add_contact": "新增聯繫人", "volume": "音量", "silent": "靜音", "reconnect_in_seconds": "在%time%秒鐘內重新連接", "ptt.key.instructions": "請使用下面的鏈接修改通話鍵", "set.ptt.key": "設置通話鍵", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "當前的通話鍵: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "當前設置的通話鍵: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "啓用觸摸並保持觸摸聯繫人來通話", "login_automatically": "自動登錄", "username.colon": "用戶名:", "password.colon": "密碼:", "link.check_availability": "檢查是否可用", "username_available": "此用戶名可用", "username_not_available": "此用戶名已經被佔用", "confirm_password.colon": "確認密碼:", "email.colon": "電子郵箱:", "phone.colon": "電話號碼:", "create_account": "創建", "tip.username": "最少五個字符", "tip.password": "最少四個字符", "": "E-mail是用來重置您的密碼(當您忘記密碼時)", "": "請輸入電話號碼,讓朋友更方便做找到您", "missing_required_permissions": "未授予所需的權限,應用程序將立即退出", "missing_servers_config": "PTT網絡配置不正確,應用程序將立即退出", "run_on_startup": "開機時自動運行", "bring_to_foreground": "自動彈出主界面", "show_when_sending": "當按下通話鍵時", "show_when_receiving": "當接收到新信息時", "vibrate": "振動", "on_clear_to_send": "發送語音信息", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "傳入消息遇忙", "audio_alerts": "提示音", "on_incoming_message": "傳入信息", "on_incoming_message_over": "傳入郵件權", "on_new_conversation": "新的對話", "on_error": "錯誤", "keep_history": "保持消息歷史記錄", "delete_history": "刪除歷史記錄", "history_deleted": "歷史已被刪除從您的設備", "history_sdcard_required": "SD卡是不能訪問。無法刪除的歷史", "preferred_output": "聲音輸出", "output.default": "系統默認", "output.speaker": "揚聲器", "output.headset": "耳機", "output.handset": "聽筒", "output.bluetooth": "藍牙設備", "preferred_input": "聲音輸入", "input.default": "系統默認", "input.builtin": "麥克風", "input.headset": "外接麥克風", "input.bluetooth": "藍牙設備", "playback_volume": "音量", "voice": "語音", "alerts": "提示音", "link.test_alert": "測試提示音", "failed_to_play_alert": "無法播放音頻警報", "playback_buffer_size": "播放緩衝區(MS)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN帳號:", "apn_password.colon": "APN密碼:", "link.detect_apn": "自動檢測APN設置", "link.reset": "重置", "multiple_apns_found": "發現多個APN的配置文件,請您選擇一個匹配您無線服務的配置", "failed_to_detect_apn": "無法檢測APN設置。聯繫您的服務提供商或%appname%支持", "connection_type": "連接類型", "connection.automatic": "自動", "connection.wifi": "僅WIFI", "connection.cellular": "僅移動網絡", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "部隊的MDS/BIS(實驗)", "use_only_tcp": "僅TCP直連", "enable_dtcpsr": "啓用DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "啓用WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "心跳包連接間隔(秒)", "network_mobile": "網絡設備(手機)", "network_wifi": "網絡(WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "檢測連接", "link.connection_check": "連接檢查", "link.skip_connection_check": "跳過連接檢查", "working": "連接中,請稍候…", "link.cancel": "取消", "link.try_again": "重試", "link.check_for_solution_online": "在線查找解決方案", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "沒有檢測到WIFI連接,但是您的連接模式設置為僅WIFI,請確保WIFI連接正常,然後重試", "detection_error_no_connection": "沒有檢測到網絡,請確保WIFI或移動網絡正常,然後重試", "detection_error_bad_connection": "網絡連接可能沒有正常工作,請嘗試關閉無線網絡然後再重新開啓", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "無法找到可用的APN設置,請聯繫您的移動運營商索取正確的APN設置,並手動配置。", "connection_success": "連接成功", "connection_problem": "連接出現問題", "data_use_warning_title": "移動數據使用警告", "data_use_warning": "%appname%不支持BIS,在待機時每小時大約消耗20kb的數據流量,通信時每分鐘大約消耗110kb的數據流量。當您不確定您是否為“僅WIFI”模式時,請一定要檢查您的服務提供商的數據傳輸速率和剩餘數據流量,除非您使用的是無限數據流量套餐。", "link.continue": "繼續", "link.continue_wifi_only": "以僅WIFI方式連接", "dont_show_it_again": "不再提示", "about_licensee": "關於授權許可%licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "下載數據中,請稍候…", "network_address": "網絡URL:", "invalid_base_url": "無效的URL", "customization_download_error": "由於無效的URL或連接問題,下載資源時出錯。", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "輸入頻道名稱:", "channel_description.colon": "輸入頻道描述:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "任何人都可以收聽並參與討論", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "要求輸入密碼", "create_channel": "創建", "channel_created": "該頻道已經創建並成功添加到您的聯繫人中", "edit_channel": "編輯頻道", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "輸入頻道名", "apply_changes": "應用", "channel_updated": "房間已成功更新", "show_online_channels_only": "只顯示在線頻道", "no_channels_found": "未找到頻道", "no_online_channels_found": "未找到在線頻道", "channel_added": "該頻道已經成功添加到您的聯繫人中", "add_channel": "添加頻道", "created_by.colon": "創建者:", "subscribers.colon": "訂閱者:", "channel_tos": "在公共頻道時,為了您的安全,請不要隨意向他人分享您的私人信息,如地址或電話號碼等。也請尊重其他用戶,不要使用冒犯或褻瀆的語言。", "enter_channel_password": "%channel%口令", "channel_users_title": "頻道在線用戶人數", "getting_list_of_users": "獲取用戶列表…", "error_getting_channel_users": "無法獲取用戶列表,請重試", "no_other_users_connected": "該頻道中無其他用戶", "not_in_the_list": "不在列表中", "menu.add_to_contacts": "添加到聯繫人", "menu.block_user": "添加到黑名單", "menu.blocked_users": "黑名單…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "靜音用戶", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "刷新", "menu.report_user": "舉報用戶", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "舉報 '%username%' 的理由:", "report_type.blocking": "惡意刷頻", "report_type.rules": "違反頻道規定", "report_type.dirty_talk": "辱罵其他用戶", "report_type.criminal": "非法操作", "user_report_sent": "您的反饋信息已發送成功,謝謝合作", "channel_blocked_users": "頻道黑名單 - ", "no_blocked_users": "不在頻道黑名單的用戶", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "歷史", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "搜索中…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "當前密碼:", "new_password.colon": "新密碼:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "確認新密碼:", "change_password": "修改", "password_changed": "密碼修改成功", "welcome": "歡迎使用%appname%", "welcome_intro": "感謝您安裝%appname%!現在請配置您的帳號。", "link.existing_account": "我已經擁有%appname%帳號", "link.new_account": "我沒有%appname%帳號", "report_problem_intro": "有問題或者建議?請將您的建議和診斷日誌發送給軟件開發者。如果希望回復,請附上e-mail地址", "problem_description.colon": "留言(可選):", "submit": "提交", "confirm_contact_delete": "將會從聯繫人中刪除,是否執行?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "請輸入聯繫人的用戶名或E-mail:", "no_users_found": "此用戶不存在", "x_users_found": "用戶已找到。請選擇你想要添加的用戶,然後按“添加用戶”鍵或導航鍵:", "add_user": "添加用戶", "user_added": "該用戶已經被添加到您的聯繫人中。當他接受您的請求後,您將能看到他的在線狀態並和他通話", "searching": "搜索中…", "close": "關閉", "test": "檢測", "sign_in": "登錄", "next": "下一步", "back": "返回", "menu.add_contact": "添加聯繫人…", "menu.add_channel": "添加頻道…", "menu.delete_selected": "刪除選定的項目", "menu.rename_selected": "重命名", "menu.change_status": "更改狀態", "menu.cancel": "取消", "menu.options": "選項", "menu.close": "關閉", "menu.exit": "退出", "menu.sign_in": "登錄", "menu.connect_channel": "連接頻道", "menu.disconnect_channel": "斷開頻道", "menu.edit_channel": "編輯頻道", "menu.show_channel_users": "顯示頻道用戶", "menu.show_history": "顯示歷史", "menu.audio_output": "切換聲音輸出", "menu.set_status_text": "編輯狀態", "menu.repeat_last_message": "重播最後一條信息[R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "清空聯繫人列表", "offline": "待機", "standby": "離線", "disconnected": "斷開", "online": "在線", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "忙碌", "away": "離開", "headphones": "耳機", "connecting": "連接中…", "unauthorized": "等待對方接受請求", "invalid_password": "密碼無效", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "在線用戶", "contact_requests": "添加好友請求", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "添加頻道", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "有可用的更新", "accept": "接受並添加為好友", "decline": "拒絕添加好友請求", "block": "添加到黑名單", "rename": "重命名", "update_now": "現在更新", "remind_later": "稍候提醒", "version": "版本", "is_available": "可用的", "not_signed_in": "您還未登錄", "no_blocked_contacts": "您的黑名單內無聯繫人", "unblock": "解除黑名單", "invite_email_to_install": "邀請 %email%", "email_invite_subject": "親~來看一下黑莓的這款%appname%軟件", "email_invite": "這是一個免費的對講機軟件,我想跟你一起使用,你可以從這裡下載到Zello:%download%,然後加我為好友,我的%appname%用戶名是%username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "你說話時,按住PTT鍵", "status.loading": "讀取中…", "status.connecting": "正在連接到服務器…", "status.connected": "連接成功!", "status.signing_in": "登錄中…", "status.joining_network": "正在加入網絡…", "status.loading_contacts": "正在同步聯繫人列表…", "status.checking_username": "正在檢測用戶名…", "status.creating_account": "正在創建帳號…", "status.updating_password": "正在更新密碼…", "status.sending_report": "正在報告發送…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "正在搜索聯繫人…", "status.signing_out": "正在退出…", "status.searching_for_channels": "正在搜索頻道…", "status.creating_channel": "正在創建頻道…", "status.initial_configuration": "初始配置", "status.getting_channel_details": "獲取渠道的詳細信息…", "status.updating_channel": "更新通道…", "error.0": "無法連接到服務器", "error.1": "此用戶名無效", "error.2": "此密碼無效", "error.3": "此用戶名已經被佔用", "error.4": "您試圖添加的用戶已經在您的聯繫人列表中", "error.5": "服務器連接錯誤", "error.6": "未知錯誤", "error.7": "與登錄服務器通信時發生錯誤", "error.8": "與登錄服務器通信時發生錯誤", "error.9": "不能加入%appname%網絡", "error.10": "不能加入%appname%網絡", "error.11": "您已經在另一台設備登錄該帳號", "error.12": "請從$s更新您的軟件", "error.13": "正在發送錯誤並報告,請通過%supportEmail%聯繫軟件開發者", "error.14": "該頻道名稱無法使用。請換一個頻道名稱", "error.15": "您試圖加入的頻道已經在您的聯繫人列表中", "error.16": "登錄服務器繁忙,請稍後重試", "error.17": "未連接Internet", "error.18": "服務器許可證錯誤", "error.19": "服務器許可證過期", "error.20": "無法連接到外地網絡", "error.21": "網絡是掛起", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "用戶名太短。用戶名必須包含至少5個字符", "error.short_password": "密碼太短。密碼必須包含至少4個字符", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "密碼不匹配", "error.incorrect_password": "當前密碼不正確", "error.not_signed_in": "您還沒有登錄,請登陸後使用該選項", "error.empty_channel_name": "頻道名稱為空", "error.empty_contact_name": "聯繫人名稱或者E-mail地址為空", "error.missing_media_permissions": "音頻設備訪問錯誤,請在手機的選項>設備>應用程序管理>%appname%>編輯權限,設置交互為“允許”", "toast_channel_blocked": "你已經被 %channel% 頻道或者管理員屏蔽 .", "toast_channel_busy": "%channel%:頻道現在繁忙,請稍後再試", "toast_channel_full": "頻道:%channel% 已經滿員. 請稍後再試.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel%:此頻道屬於只讀狀態,只有管理員才能打開", "toast_channel_speeding": "你已經達到最大消息發送限制,請稍後再試.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "訪問受限制。您可以答復傳入的直接調用,或利用渠道。", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "分鐘", "time_minutes": "分鐘", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } { "title": "link.ptt", "fields": [ { "type": "label", "caption": "ptt.key.instructions", "is_multiline": true }, { "name": "set_ptt_button", "type": "link", "caption": "set.ptt.key", "action": "setPTTkey" },{ "name": "key_label", "type": "label", "caption": "" },{ "name": "touchPtt", "type": "checkbox", "caption": "enable_touch_ptt", "condition": "isTouch" } ], "buttons": [] }{ "title": "link.report_problem", "fields": [ { "type": "anchor" }, { "type": "label", "caption": "report_problem_intro", "is_multiline": true }, { "name": "problem_description", "type": "text", "is_multiline": true, "caption": "problem_description.colon", "value": "\n\n" } ], "buttons": [ {"caption": "submit", "action": "submit"} ] }Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul16[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/lng.zh-Hans.json$json/lng.zh.json$json/ptt.dlg.json$json/report_problem.dlg.json $$lng.zh-Hans.json $lng.zh.jsonnet_rim_cldc $ptt.dlg.json$report_problem.dlg.jsonu_(((***** 77QZځ      RBBѶ# Bg@b7cMqOݔD{ܞQoYj+J  Rv.`P8?SC s̗ yקG֘kc"L?Q *(Z=7B5kRCR(gF}g5/39CIyΫ2hM/fGus_/]\V#hG̵% 8o{02Kc0;kt1|eP}HQxmG Cv+RRTdɏ>_,YQGvz6 `qi {tS'^헹WILܝ/F#IВC vYJC]WCg}٨6&OU\EyPK S)sdD Zello-15.codQTNHv'-$>V?(H@?(@-S V?(h@?(@-~V?(@?(@-3V?(Ĕ@?( @- >V?(@?(@- ^V?(@?(@zz֔֔"$&>z@BDF֔ϒ6^fnv~ƒϒؒ (1:CLU$>}]o$u_)3b}weIwvC=̮%Buw]Ujr8p `I` 6؉?^ +Rr$?y}W˰E9U؝u=~{SE7v`;h%|L vb/wC 信Bhߋe"oog2'"H$"ۑ<툡Aۃ  d^`N,Bs *ar !8]~CFH> xQ;9|j,pBc%bLDґMؐ #}?Ίy #ȃ! #cߓ6(!GqOAsC P*pt}>졨 Y?X"%i=\e> YFH 8 5-  XOЌ ؄š5 ຋Fph?y <C<6}!.ola;=Ѡ@ZuFpPb '` d} #V; *'lJ˜M9+%C9w;}H7ZQȐah CІj"rB9')WAdp494 |JC>\C\QBXA$r" P:D\*N]Ѫ Gy\U@4'4'(;#kQA'8%mb('b"N|"טuG›x΀xH"~KQ"68Cvu"'MpsBxNj%5xr?>6m$z9!o%! 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a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } 1c{ "options": "Опции", "settings": "Настройки", "link.account": "Регистрация", "link.ptt": "Клавиш push-to-talk", "link.connection": "Свързване", "link.configure_connection": "Настройка свързване", "link.contact_support": "Связаться с техподдержкой", "link.connection_apn": "Връзка APN", "link.user_interface": "Интерфейс", "": "Звук", "link.history": "История", "tools": "Инструменти", "link.invite_friends": "Покани приятел", "link.create_account": "Създаване на нов потребител", "link.change_password": "Промяна на парола", "link.blocked_contacts": "Блокирани контакти", "link.add_channel": "Добавяне на канал", "link.create_channel": "Создаване на нов канал", "link.support_faq": "Справка", "link.report_problem": "Съобщи за проблем", "link.about": "За %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Възстановяване на парола", "link.add_contact": "Добавяне на контакт", "volume": "Усилване", "silent": "Без звук", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Свързване след %time% секунди", "ptt.key.instructions": "Кликнете на долния линк и натиснете желания клавиш за push-to-talk.", "set.ptt.key": "Избор на клавиш push-to-talk", "ptt.key.not.set": "<Клавиш не е избран>", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Избран клавиш: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Избран клавиш с код: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "<Натиснете клавиша сега…>", "enable_touch_ptt": "Включване на режим предаване при задържане върху контакта", "login_automatically": "Автоматично свързване", "username.colon": "Потребител:", "password.colon": "Парола:", "link.check_availability": "Проверка на име", "username_available": "Името е свободно", "username_not_available": "Името е заето", "confirm_password.colon": "Повтори паролата:", "email.colon": "E-mail:", "phone.colon": "Телефон:", "create_account": "Създай", "tip.username": "Името да е поне 5 букви", "tip.password": "Паролата да бъде поне 4 символов", "": "E-mail за възстановяване на забравена парола.", "": "Споделете телефонния си номер за да се откриете с приятели.", "missing_required_permissions": "Изискванията не са изпълнени. Програмата се изключва.", "missing_servers_config": "Неправилна конфигурация. Програмата се изключва.", "run_on_startup": "Автоматичен старт", "bring_to_foreground": "Отваряне на преден план", "show_when_sending": "При натиснат клавиш PTT", "show_when_receiving": "При получено входящо повикване", "vibrate": "Вибрация", "on_clear_to_send": "Готовност за предаване", "on_ptt_up": "Отпускане на клавиш PTT", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Входящо съобщение в режим Отсъстващ", "audio_alerts": "Звукови съобщения", "on_incoming_message": "Входящо повикване", "on_incoming_message_over": "Край на входящо повикване", "on_new_conversation": "Нов разговор", "on_error": "Грешка", "keep_history": "История на съобщенията", "delete_history": "Изтриване на историята", "history_deleted": "Историята е изтрита", "history_sdcard_required": "SD картата е недостъпна. Историята не е изтрита.", "preferred_output": "Устройство за възпроизвеждане", "output.default": "По-подразбиране", "output.speaker": "Високоговорител", "output.headset": "Слушалки", "output.handset": "Телефон", "output.bluetooth": "Блутут", "preferred_input": "Микрофон", "input.default": "По-подразбиране", "input.builtin": "Вграден", "input.headset": "Слушалки", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Усилване", "voice": "Звук", "alerts": "Предупреждения", "link.test_alert": "Тест", "failed_to_play_alert": "Грешка при подаване на предупреждение", "playback_buffer_size": "Буферизация (мс)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN потребител:", "apn_password.colon": "APN парола:", "link.detect_apn": "Автоматични настройки на APN", "link.reset": "Нулиране", "multiple_apns_found": "Открити са няколко APN профила. Изберете настройките, съответстващи на вашия тарифен план.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Настройките на APN не са разпознати. Свържете се с мобилния си оператор или теническата поддръжка %appname% .", "connection_type": "Свързване", "connection.automatic": "Авто", "connection.wifi": "Само WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Само мобилен интернет", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Исползвай MDS/BIS (бета)", "use_only_tcp": "Само TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Разрешаване на DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Разрешаване на WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (сек)", "network_mobile": "Мрежа (мобилен интернет)", "network_wifi": "Мрежа (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Разпознаване на връзката", "link.connection_check": "Проверка на връзката", "link.skip_connection_check": "Пропускане на проверката", "working": "Изчакайте края на процеса…", "link.cancel": "Отмяна", "link.try_again": "Повторно свързване", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Потърси онлайн помощ", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Няма връзка с WiFi, а е избрано \"Само WiFi\". Свържете се с WiFi и опитайте отново.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Няма връзка с интернет. Свържете се с WiFi или мобилния интернет и опитайте отново.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Няма връзка с интернет. Изключете безжичната връзка и я включете отново.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Настройките на APN не могат да бъдат определени. Уточнете необходимите настройки от мобилния си оператор и ги въведете ръчно.", "connection_success": "Свързан", "connection_problem": "Проблем с мрежовата връзка", "data_use_warning_title": "Предупреждение за трафик", "data_use_warning": "%appname% използват ~20 kB в час в стенбай режим и ~110 kB в минута при разговор. При използване на абонаментни планове с ограничен трафик на данни, проверете лимита си и стойността на услугата, \nИли използвайте режим \"Само WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Продължи", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Продължи с използване само на WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Повече не питай", "about_licensee": "Лицензирано за %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Зареждане, изчакайте…", "network_address": "Базов URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Неправилен базов URL", "customization_download_error": "Грешка при зареждане. Неправилен базов URL или мрежова грешка.", "customization_file_system_error": "Грешка при записване. Уверете се, че USB-кабелът не е свързан и опитайте отново.", "channel_name.colon": "Име на канала:", "channel_description.colon": "Описание на канала:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Всички могат да говорят", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Аз говоря, останалите само слушат", "": "Отвори", "option.protected": "Защитено", "option.broadcast": "Излъчване", "option.open_desc": "Всички могат да говорят", "option.protected_desc": "Утвърдените потребители и модераторите могат да говорят", "option.broadcast_desc": "Аз говоря, останалите само слушат", "set_password": "Защита с парола", "create_channel": "Създаване на канал", "channel_created": "Каналът бе успешно създаден и добавен в контактите ви", "edit_channel": "Редактиране на канал", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Наименование на канала:", "apply_changes": "Запомни", "channel_updated": "Каналът е обновен успешно", "show_online_channels_only": "Показване само на активните канали", "no_channels_found": "Не е открит канал", "no_online_channels_found": "Не е открит активен канал", "channel_added": "Каналът бе добавен в контактите ви", "add_channel": "Добавяне на канал", "created_by.colon": "Създаден:", "subscribers.colon": "Участници:", "channel_tos": "На отворените канали говорете кратко и по темата. Не споделяйте лична информация, като адрес или телефонен номер. Уважавайте останалите, за да уважават и Вас.", "enter_channel_password": "Парола за '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Потребители онлайн", "getting_list_of_users": "Зареждане на списъка с потребители…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Грешка при зареждане на списъка. Опитайте отново.", "no_other_users_connected": "Вие сте сам на канала", "not_in_the_list": "Не е в контактите", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Добавяне в контакти", "menu.block_user": "Блокиране", "menu.blocked_users": "Блокирани потребители…", "menu.moderators": "Модератори…", "menu.mute_user": "Выкл. звук", "menu.unmute_user": "Вкл. звук", "menu.refresh": "Обновяване", "menu.report_user": "Оплакване", "menu.assign_moderator": "Направете модератор", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Снеми модераторство", "admin": "админ", "moderator": "модератор", "report_user_title": "Оплакване от '%username%' за:", "report_type.blocking": "Блокиране на канал", "report_type.rules": "Нарушение правилата на канала", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Обида на потребител", "report_type.criminal": "Незаконни действия", "user_report_sent": "Заявката Ви е изпратена. Благодарим ", "channel_blocked_users": "Блокирани - ", "no_blocked_users": "В канала няма блокирани потребители.", "channel_moderators": "Модератори -", "no_moderators": "Няма модератори на канала", "history_title": "История", "history_empty": "Историята е празна", "history_loading": "Зареждане на историята…", "": "Прослушване", "menu.stop": "Стоп", "menu.delete_message": "Изтриване на съобщение", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Изтриване на всички", "yesterday": "Вчера", "today": "Днес", "starting": "Стартиране…", "paused": "Пауза", "error.player_error": "Грешка при прослушване", "old_password.colon": "Текуща парола:", "new_password.colon": "Нова парола:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Повтори новата парола:", "change_password": "Промяна", "password_changed": "Паролата е променена.", "welcome": "Добре дошли в %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Благодарим ви, че използвате %appname%! Остава да уточните профила си.", "link.existing_account": "Вече имам профил %appname%", "link.new_account": "Все още нямам профил %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Опишете проблема, на който сте се натъкнали. Не забравяйте да посочите e-mail, за да ви отговорим.", "problem_description.colon": "Съобщение:", "submit": "Изпрати", "confirm_contact_delete": " премахване от контактите. Изтриване?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Име на потребител или e-mail:", "no_users_found": "Няма такъв потребител", "x_users_found": " открити потребители. Изберете този, който ще добавите в контактите:", "add_user": "Добавяне", "user_added": "Потребителят е добавен. Ще можете да виждате статуса му и да разговаряте с него, след като ви оторизира.", "searching": "Търсене…", "close": "Затвори", "test": "Проба", "sign_in": "Влез", "next": "Продължи >", "back": "< Назад", "menu.add_contact": "Добавяне на контакт…", "menu.add_channel": "Добавяне на канал…", "menu.delete_selected": "Изтриване", "menu.rename_selected": "Преименоване", "menu.change_status": "Статус [S]", "menu.cancel": "Отмяна", "menu.options": "Опции…", "menu.close": "Затвори", "menu.exit": "Изход", "menu.sign_in": "Вход", "menu.connect_channel": "Включване на канал", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Изключване на канал", "menu.edit_channel": "Редактиране на канал", "menu.show_channel_users": "Участници в канала", "menu.show_history": "История [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Звуково устройство [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Статус-текст [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Повтори [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Поканете приятели на канала", "invite": "Покана", "no_online_friends": "Няма включени приятели", "invited_x_friends": "Поканете %count% приятели", "empty_contact_list": "Празен списък с контакти", "offline": "Извън обхват", "standby": "Режим на готовност", "disconnected": "Изключен", "online": "Достъпен", "solo": "Соло", "busy": "Занят", "away": "Отсъстващ", "headphones": "на слушалки", "connecting": "Свързване…", "unauthorized": "Неоторизиран", "invalid_password": "Грешна парола", "muted": "Заглушен", "users_online": "потребители", "contact_requests": "Заявки за оторизация", "channel_invites": "Покани за канал", "invited_by": "Покана от", "accept_channel": "Добавяне на канал", "decline_channel": "Отхвърли покана", "update_available": "Достъпно обновяване", "accept": "Приеми", "decline": "Откажи", "block": "Блокирай", "rename": "Преименовай", "update_now": "Обнови сега", "remind_later": "Напомни по-късно", "version": "Версия", "is_available": "достъпна", "not_signed_in": "Не сте в мрежата", "no_blocked_contacts": "Нямате блокирани контакти", "unblock": "Разблокиране", "invite_email_to_install": "Покани %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Изпробвай %appname% за BlackBerry", "email_invite": "Това е безплатна интернет-радиостанция, по която се разговаря. Можеш да изтеглиш програмата от тук %download%. Моят %appname% ник е %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Задръжте клавиша натиснат, докато говорите", "status.loading": "Зареждане…", "status.connecting": "Свързване със сървъра…", "status.connected": "Свързан!", "status.signing_in": "Свързване…", "status.joining_network": "Вход в мрежата…", "status.loading_contacts": "Зареждане на контактите…", "status.checking_username": "Проверка на името…", "status.creating_account": "Регистрация…", "status.updating_password": "Промяна на парола…", "status.sending_report": "Изпращане на съобщение…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Търсене на контакти…", "status.signing_out": "Излизане…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Търсене на канали…", "status.creating_channel": "Създаване на канал…", "status.initial_configuration": "Первоначальна настройка", "status.getting_channel_details": "Зареждане описание на канала…", "status.updating_channel": "Обновяване на канал…", "error.0": "Не е открит сървър", "error.1": "Грешно име", "error.2": "Грешна парола", "error.3": "Името вече се използва.", "error.4": "Потребителят е в контактите ви.", "error.5": "Няма връзка със сървъра", "error.6": "Настъпи грешка", "error.7": "Грешка при свързване със сървъра", "error.8": "Грешка при свързване със сървъра", "error.9": "Неуспешен вход в %appname%.", "error.10": "Не може да се влезе в %appname%.", "error.11": "Вече сте свързан от друго устройство.", "error.12": "Моля, инсталирайте новата версия от $s.", "error.13": "Грешка при изпращане на сигнал. Свържете се с разработчиците на %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Името на канала вече е заето. Изберете друго.", "error.15": "Каналът е вече добавен в контактите ви", "error.16": "Сървърът е претоварен. Опитайте отново по-късно.", "error.17": "Няма връзка с интернет", "error.18": "Нелицензиран сървър.", "error.19": "Изтекъл лиценз на сървъра.", "error.20": "Нямате достъп до тази мрежа.", "error.21": "Мрежата е блокирана", "error.22": "Сигналът не може да бъде изпратен.", "error.23": "Създали сте максималния брой профили.", "error.24": "Въвели сте грешно име или парола.", "error.25": "Достигнали сте дневния лимит на Записвания. Опитайте отново след 24 часа.", "error.26": "Твърде кратко име. Името не може да бъде по-малко от 5 символа.", "error.27": "Твърде кратка парола. Паролата не може да бъде по-малка от 4 символа.", "error.28": "Не сте задали потребителско име.", "error.29": "Не сте задали парола.", "error.30": "Не е зададена мрежа.", "error.31": "Грешно зададена мрежа.", "error.short_username": "Твърде кратко име. Името не може да бъде по-малко от 5 символа", "error.short_password": "Твърде кратка парола. Паролата не може да бъде по-малка от 4 символа", "error.invalid_email": "грешна поща", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Паролите не съвпадат.", "error.incorrect_password": "Текущата парола е сгрешена", "error.not_signed_in": "Влезте в профила си, за да използвате функцията.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Не е зададено име на канала.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Липсва име на потребител или e-mail.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Неизправно звуково устройство. От менюто на телефона \"Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions\" избери \"Media\" и разреши \"Recording\".", "toast_channel_blocked": "Достъпа Ви до канала %channel% е ограничен от администратор.", "toast_channel_busy": "Каналът %channel% е зает. Опитайте по-късно.", "toast_channel_full": "Каналът %channel% е препълнен. Опитайте по-късно.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Каналът %channel% е достъпен само за слушане. Само създателя му може да говори.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Твърде много изходящи обаждания. По-спокойно! Изчакайте и продължете.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Вие сте в режим само на приемане заради нарушения. За възстановяване изпратете съобщение на %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Не можете да разговаряте на %channel% освен ако няма модератор на линия.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Липсват кореспонденти.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% е празен.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Този контакт желае комуникация с вас. Можете да отговаряте на входящите повиквания или да използвате каналите.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Телефонът е на безшумен режим. Промяна на статуса %appname% като Зает.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Изключване на безшумен режим. Промяна статуса %appname% на достъпен.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% е блкокиран в канал %channel% от %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% е разблокиран за канал %channel% от %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Сигналът не бе изпратен до %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Грешка при редактиране на профила. Опитайте отново.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Грешка при редактиране профила на канала. Опитайте отново.", "default_call_alert_text": "Обади ми се!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% ви сигнализира", "menu_send_call_alert": "Изпрати сигнал повикване", "button_send": "Изпрати", "talk_now": "Говори сега", "dismiss": "Откажи", "time_day": "ден", "time_days": "дни", "time_hour": "час", "time_hours": "часа", "time_minute": "минута", "time_minutes": "минути", "time_second": "секунда", "time_seconds": "секунди" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul2[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/ $ $***** 77=B4  RBBcwB67QPE5q*^48\ęQ1.kgi <Ј~u0TH0ߚnZ(׷fʎoQp֒8914M [K]RRTlBT o~b,qw+" 4U+<~C|Pk&vFS` HwT*K9|Rh1 qVgLf^O40]sRCRA䰚L )z_#a%[3lEKQW6]PbgkosHvyT{'}~xm{~}1{xvrHo@kfb\[WQlKEf>7s02)!E /rk܈G@gιuc0[}dvYl n=$FJ%JdKfЭߧEt7 #^+29c@FLMGSYg^c+h{lgpsvy{}~95~|zAxeurdn|}  }<|)zwtBqrm6id_XZTNvHA2;94 -%AGrjFŶњBOۀ4SM*GTMϾř ۫2_ u q'.5janrduDxz|2~=~}{yvsbp}l.hycr^YNSIMFf@92]+#~6 sLߩiGj¶J(DģB&>p ! rTvb [.avϹdCEΉmo2 C!4)q07g> ErKQ`W\bf@kKorvx4{}|~lw~-}K{ y>v%szokgVb1]WQKoE>70)<"` .sQմΧ3̳ĭ~gCEφ`  KLnDl̮W>ק3C n#*%2)9?FLRX^4cg=l-psvvy{n}~P?~|zkxuLrnjf&a[aVPVJC2=N6+/'v G _: 8[[D9Gc݈Dg]-Ѐps̊ ّpL4kݼÇʬkY9H%,3:AH_NTTZW_Xdh1mqrt{wy)|}~}\|Gzwtvqmwid_ZUOHYB;4z-)&wDJل^fĪ&Z O$<=J8ڃӒq1:WӾ-s*X  'Q.y5g<CIOUM[`xei"nq1uxz|~3~}{y'wtplshc^ZYSMWG@92+j$U )rе֞}hr2:" iDX7MҏœԜڡO ktHq 3^!( 07=DK8Q W\afkorux{|f~g~E}k{/yrvOsok^gb]XHR)LE5?T8O1 *"% ZOb0.HТ|㌺ς}~˄#)!u{Ȍ6޿cM #*18?3FLR\X]bgkosvSy{]}~YV~|zxurnjHfsaB\VPJJD=6/Z( ] Hܨwfƨ²җm.~/a &ÀρVN썜ÕA'bݯ~5Fцߊ,aa$3,f3]:1AGNTY_ dhlpBtMwy|}~& ~u|kzwuqmi1e@`Z^UnO8IB;5-& 8qWE HQ[_ǖXcՅă@@ƃԅcXgTVAFTp6&-5;B4IqO\UZ?`4eimq uwozt| ~%~}|yPwBtplh d_YTMG-A_:g3/,$\c/ߊA9x֯_*>ĕ퍚TOՁ+ `1z2kЗmsͩ܇J _ V(/6=JDJPVB\paMfjnruxz|V~V~V}{Kyvysokgb]^XRL:F?81z*#K ^6֒tȞﺐp("̈́򂂁vׂvߘˢL48 #aL_  "*H1[81?E-LDR X]bcgkoMstv,yp{C}~`i~|{xurokfa\W1QKD>7 0(X!*z @wo K͜“ՏL7TDi %65rgٞ´؆o0 Ri$+29@ZGMS[Y^cshlpt%wy{}~1~|z x0uq#niye`O[UOI"CfrP M`׆E?_г/ǹYy-^ <")07>lEKQW-]XbgkosKvxZ{!}~vnz~}3{xvr gHو`I;BV_9 7Ԝ R Ar '//H69=CYJPaV[&afjnFruexz|B~O~o}{uyvs-p>lg3c"^XRLF?192*# l B1?SƮnBqHE}cՆH<^γ2ǴV|&k 5")07>kEKQW3]Pb g~kosEvyP{)}~ttx~}4{xvrKo?kfb\_WQoKEc>7r0-)!7 8ml܇H>j˹uf7a~`nPv !$ p>)@L!McMgЩߠI}, x#X+29a@FEMPSYo^{c.h|lepsvy{}~@0~|zGx`ur]n?je`[ V#PIC<5.x' x _8(ӡ̚׾FWH *#QS4ۀQE̚ğöIgmED%-346;A|HNTUZ_d8irm@qtw)z?|} }=|(zwtAqpm;id_RZTNtHA.;<4 -%=Lqg;Ҷ֚=O Ӏ=WM+ KOG׾š*ۢ8b {{'.5xz|4~>~}{yvsdp}l)hcd^YFSLMFa@92b+#~- HߧlFjµL%Hģ72|Ao !" xNo` Y/fqѹf?J΄lj9 =!1)s07f>EoKQ\W\ bfFkHorvx5{}~~j}~,}N{ yAv"s|okgTb2]WQKqE>70)<"a (|ZպΣ0ϳ񧃢^>DՆ` GFqCnɮUCץ3F j #*2,9?FLRX ^3cgAl&psvy{y}~NB~|zhxuMrnjf*a[bVPUJC1=O6)/'o > Z>:`V=@Hf@e]1̀nu͊ؑvL7f伖ÌʧjX8J%,3:AHaNSTZZ_Udh4m qxttwz|}~}[|Jzwtxqm{id_ZUOHXB;4|-&&z>QًWlĥ(Z T)93 D8ك̒ r36\Ӻ/s)]'S.z5e< CIOUJ[`pejnq3uxz|~6~}{y$wtplthc^ZYSMTG@92+k$R +rг~ٞdj.< iBQ3OӏÓ͜M iv@y -Z!( 07=DK:QW\afkorux{|g~d~G}k{.ysvNsok^gb]XHR*LE3?X8M1 *"& VK^"33M͢{ጽւsЄ&mȅ5bN #*18?3FLRcX]bg losvPy{T}~ZS~|zxurnjEfva>\VPJDD=6/R( [ GܮooƟؗb9u4_ )ՁPT鍠A(`֯y7Bъߐ'_`$3,c3b:-AGNSY _ dhlpItJwy|}~'~w|mzw uqmi5e?`Z\UoO7IB< 5-&"4rZMJPUdÖY]ۅ$FL)܅^Y̖\\QJGQ|-"&-5;B9ImOaUZH`)eimquwjzw| ~%~}{yHwItplh d_YSNG-Aa:c33,$^d,߇B5{ ׯa(A덙NUс+c0y4g ӗ kvͦ ܂$D ] X(/6=LDJPV>\uaFfjnruxz|X~W~\}{Ryvsolgb]_XRL3F?81|*#K ]8֎yȖu"-#̈́tׂ~|阧ѢK23cQX )"*H1X85?E1LAR X~]b[gkoTsov.yo{C}~ed~| {xurojfa\ W2QKD>70(X!.v Ewm NޡМ“ҏQ1NBj #<-iaԞµ؍j2 Si$+29@VGMS`Y^cohlpt#wy{}~3~|zx1uq$ni{e`N[UOICg7s01)!? 4oh܄J>hϹrf/X \mPu "nB~+=J$KdLeа߫Ct6 }#Z+29`@FBMSSYs^xc/h{lepsvy{}~>1~|zDxeurcn=je`[ V&PIC<5.w' w ]>-Ӡ̝վKMR3 JL 2ۀ SDК̶AjoDB% -:4.;AvHNTVZ_d4iwm;qtw'zA|} }A|%zwt>qsm9id_QZTNyHA/;<4 -%>PohHö ӚCW܀3RQ&* MSG׾ţ+۟:^ v x'.5IΈkq2 ?!0)r07e>EpKQbW\ bf?kLorvx2{}{~m}~0}K{ yEvsokgWb/]WQKoE>70)="d %}TճΩ1ѳ~c=IԆ_ LOnDmɮS7׭0? k #*"2(9@FLRX!^2cg>l+psvxy{r}~MB~|zexuFrnjf)a[dV~PWJC2=N6+/'v G X;7Z]F8DdވCa"Y/΀smƊ"בtP2j㼓ÐʥjV5F%,3:AH]NTTZY_Udh0m qvtvwz#|}~}]|Gzwtvqmwid_ZUOHTB;4|-)& w>Lل_eĩ([|\.5;N;ڃǒn72_ӹ-q)` 'O.{5d70(W!*x Hpm MߡΜēҏN7YDk)81pfܞº؆l1 Of$+29@VGMS]Y^cohlpt"wy{}~1~|zx4uq%ni{e`N[UOI CerEKQW4]TbgkosKvxZ{!}~tj~~}2{xvrKo@kfb\]WQkKEf>7s04)!I ,si܄J>i̹vb/X }fuPw # 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Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul3[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/lng.cs.json$json/ $ $lng.cs.json $\(((***** 77[#`,:R/,   RRT9fAbbSܼ;w4)Bjr4m=q۸199BU|s罡 E\Hu? = `(NR"٘t9 cRCRm0TFxd/!x%e_UqN ʖGQڴ_-mN8y{1Mr7ߌb -ӿ"n.Ő}B(YZ#B#}JY'RBBjҚ#aÌGDG!zT[Og7;P& ;;[Fh"],15}Da6ҜpTV]h%[ SK5wɩ PK S)s@bTT Zello-24.codQTNDL :d'-OGV?(@?(@-^JGV?(ȓ@?(@zz .02BzDFHJԓsxLT\dlt|ƒϒؒ (1:COG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } ^J{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS\/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait\u2026", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait\u2026", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users\u2026", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users\u2026", "menu.moderators": "Moderators\u2026", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history\u2026", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting\u2026", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching\u2026", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact\u2026", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel\u2026", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options\u2026", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting\u2026", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading\u2026", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server\u2026", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in\u2026", "status.joining_network": "Joining network\u2026", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts\u2026", "status.checking_username": "Checking username\u2026", "status.creating_account": "Creating account\u2026", "status.updating_password": "Updating password\u2026", "status.sending_report": "Sending report\u2026", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts\u2026", "status.signing_out": "Signing out\u2026", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels\u2026", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel\u2026", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details\u2026", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel\u2026", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" }Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul4[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/lng.el.json$json/lng.en.json $lng.el.json $lng.en.jsonnet_rim_cldcU@A(((***** 77j2o;a  RRTZlmh/#Sw'gĂbxWToYNN*jb =!1$f>Pj$ s8¨ @!awHM)g(vf &Foh]DRBBXh M%*}gx#3@./x3yUFxB>m. 3Z&N >r!.ٱQKەipFFq ~R( 1iIQ9ZPjלmf=RCR t|*"Uܯ3(B.{&ۆE(9UǻSdl$ [lBy'At زFᒼN5 nPO~ڬxR󮻣`:UfLhDR{Hsc!MPK S)sXxCXX Zello-25.codQTN\8U!'-PV?(@?(H@-OGPV?(@?(`@-OGPV?(@?(x@zzʙʙ,z.024ʙܘ05?E !)19MV_hqzʘӘܘP{ "options": "Opciones", "settings": "Ajustes", "link.account": "Cuenta", "link.ptt": "Botón pulsar-para-hablar", "link.connection": "Conexión", "link.configure_connection": "Configurar conexión", "link.contact_support": "Contactar soporte", "link.connection_apn": "Conexión (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Interfaz de usuario", "": "Audio", "link.history": "Historial", "tools": "Herramientas", "link.invite_friends": "Invitar amigos", "link.create_account": "Crear nueva cuenta", "link.change_password": "Cambiar contraseña", "link.blocked_contacts": "Contactos bloqueados", "link.add_channel": "Añadir un canal", "link.create_channel": "Crear un nuevo canal", "link.support_faq": "Preguntas más frecuentes", "link.report_problem": "Reportar problema", "link.about": "Acerca de %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Olvidé la contraseña", "link.add_contact": "Añadir contacto", "volume": "Volumen", "silent": "Silencio", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconectando en %time% segundos", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use el link de abajo y luego presione la tecla PTT deseada.", "set.ptt.key": "Establecer Botón PTT", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Botón actual: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Código de botón actual: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Habilitar tocar y mantener pulsado el contacto para hablar", "login_automatically": "Iniciar sesión automáticamente", "username.colon": "Nombre de usuario:", "password.colon": "Contraseña:", "link.check_availability": "Comprobar disponibilidad", "username_available": "Puede usar este nombre de usuario", "username_not_available": "Nombre de usuario no disponible", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirmar contraseña:", "email.colon": "Correo electrónico:", "phone.colon": "Teléfono", "create_account": "Crear", "tip.username": "Mínimo cinco caracteres", "tip.password": "Mínimo cuatro caracteres", "": "El correo electrónico se usa para restablecer su contraseña en caso de que la olvide.", "": "Ingrese su número de teléfono para que sus amigos puedan encontrarlo.", "missing_required_permissions": "Permisos necesarios no concedidos. La aplicación se cerrará ahora.", "missing_servers_config": "La red PTT (Pulsar para hablar) no está configurada correctamente. La aplicación se cerrará ahora.", "run_on_startup": "Ejecutar en arranque", "bring_to_foreground": "Traer al primer plano", "show_when_sending": "Cuando PTT (Pulsar para hablar) esté presionado", "show_when_receiving": "Cuando se reciba un mensaje", "vibrate": "Vibración activada", "on_clear_to_send": "Listo para enviar", "on_ptt_up": "Dejar de pulsar el botón PTT (Pulsar para hablar)", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Mensaje entrante cuando está ocupado/a", "audio_alerts": "Alertas de audio", "on_incoming_message": "Mensaje entrante", "on_incoming_message_over": "El mensaje entrante ha terminado", "on_new_conversation": "Nueva conversación", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Guardar el historial de mensajes", "delete_history": "Borrar historial", "history_deleted": "El historial ha sido eliminado de su dispositivo", "history_sdcard_required": "La tarjeta SD no es accesible. No se puede eliminar el historial.", "preferred_output": "Salida", "output.default": "Definido por el sistema", "output.speaker": "Altavoz", "output.headset": "Audífonos", "output.handset": "teléfono audifónico", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Micrófono", "input.default": "Definido por sistema", "input.builtin": "Incorporado", "input.headset": "Audífonos", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volúmen de reproducción", "voice": "Voz", "alerts": "Alertas", "link.test_alert": "Alerta de prueba", "failed_to_play_alert": "Falló la reproducción del audio de alerta", "playback_buffer_size": "Búfer de reproducción (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN (Nombre del punto de acceso):", "apn_username.colon": "Nombre de usuario del APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Contraseña del APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetectar la configuración del APN", "link.reset": "Restablecer", "multiple_apns_found": "Se encontraron múltiples perfiles APN. Por favor seleccione el que corresponda con su servicio de comunicación inalámbrica (wifi).", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Error al detectar configuración APN. Contacte su proveedor de servicio o asistencia %appname%.", "connection_type": "Tipo de conexión", "connection.automatic": "Automático", "connection.wifi": "Solo Wi-Fi", "connection.cellular": "Sólo celular", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Usar sólo TCP (Protocolo de Control de Transmisión)", "enable_dtcpsr": "Habilitar DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Habilitar WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Mantener activo (sec)", "network_mobile": "Opciones de red (móvil)", "network_wifi": "Opciones de red (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detectando conexión", "link.connection_check": "Comprobar conexión", "link.skip_connection_check": "Saltar la comprobación de conexión", "working": "Procesando, por favor espere...", "link.cancel": "Cancelar", "link.try_again": "Inténtelo de nuevo", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Buscar solución en línea", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No se ha detectado una conexión Wi-Fi y el modo de conexión está establecido solo para Wi-Fi. Por favor conecte una red Wi-Fi e intente de nuevo.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No se ha detectado una conexión a Internet. Por favor conéctese a una red Wi-Fi o celular e intente de nuevo.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "La conexión a Internet no esta funcionando correctamente. Por favor intente apagando su red inalámbrica y volviéndola a prender.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "No se pudo encontrar la configuración de APN correcta para su conexión. Por favor contacte su operador móvil para obtener la configuración correcta de APN y configúrela manualmente.", "connection_success": "Conexión exitosa", "connection_problem": "Problema de conexión.", "data_use_warning_title": "Datos celulares utilizan advertencia", "data_use_warning": "%appname% usará ~20 kB por hora en modo de espera y ~110 kB por minuto hablado. BIS no es compatible. A menos que esté usando un plan de datos ilimitado, asegúrese de consultar con su proveedor de servicios las tarifas de datos. \nSi tiene dudas use el modo \"solo Wi-Fi\".", "link.continue": "Continuar", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continuar solo con Wi-Fi", "dont_show_it_again": "No volver a mostrar este aviso de nuevo", "about_licensee": "Сon licencia para %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Descargando recursos, por favor espere...", "network_address": "URL base de la red:", "invalid_base_url": "URL base inválida", "customization_download_error": "Error al descargar recursos. La URL base no es válida o hay un problema de conexión", "customization_file_system_error": "Error al guardar recursos. Asegúrese que el cable USB no este conectado y vuelva a intentarlo.", "channel_name.colon": "Introduzca el nombre del canal:", "channel_description.colon": "Introduzca la descripción del canal:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Cualquiera puede escuchar y hablar", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Solo yo puedo hablar, nadie puede escuchar", "": "Abrir", "option.protected": "Protegido", "option.broadcast": "Emisión", "option.open_desc": "Cualquiera puede hablar", "option.protected_desc": "Usuarios aprovados o moderadores asignados por ti pueden hablar", "option.broadcast_desc": "Solo yo puedo hablar, nadie puede escuchar", "set_password": "Establecer contraseña", "create_channel": "Crear", "channel_created": "El canal fue creado y agregado a tus contactos", "edit_channel": "Editar el canal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nombre del canal:", "apply_changes": "Aplicar los cambios", "channel_updated": "El canal se ha actualizado correctamente", "show_online_channels_only": "Mostrar solo canales en línea", "no_channels_found": "No se encontraron canales", "no_online_channels_found": "No se encontraron canales en línea", "channel_added": "El canal fue agregado a tus contactos", "add_channel": "Añadir un canal", "created_by.colon": "Creado por:", "subscribers.colon": "Suscriptores:", "channel_tos": "Cuando hable en canales públicos, por favor mantenga sus mensajes cortos. Para su seguridad, nunca comparta su información personal como su dirección o número de teléfono. Respete a los demás y no utilice lenguaje ofensivo o grosero.", "enter_channel_password": "Introduzca la contraseña '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Canal usuarios en línea", "getting_list_of_users": "Obteniendo lista de usuarios...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error al obtener usuarios del canal. Por favor intente de nuevo.", "no_other_users_connected": "Ningún otro usuario en este canal", "not_in_the_list": "No en la lista de contactos", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Añadir a contactos", "menu.block_user": "Bloquear al usuario", "menu.blocked_users": "Usuarios bloqueados...", "menu.moderators": "Moderadores...", "menu.mute_user": "Silenciar al usuario/a", "menu.unmute_user": "Activar el sonido del usuario", "menu.refresh": "Actualizar", "menu.report_user": "Reportar a usuario", "menu.assign_moderator": "Asignar como moderador", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revocar los derechos de moderador", "admin": "administrador/a", "moderator": "moderador/a", "report_user_title": "Reportar '%username%' para:", "report_type.blocking": "Bloqueo de canales", "report_type.rules": "Violación de las normas del canal", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insultar a otros usuarios", "report_type.criminal": "Actividades ilegales", "user_report_sent": "Su reporte ha sido enviado. Gracias", "channel_blocked_users": "Usuarios bloqueados - ", "no_blocked_users": "No hay usuarios bloqueados en el canal.", "channel_moderators": "Moderadores - ", "no_moderators": "No hay moderadores en el canal", "history_title": "Historial", "history_empty": "El historial está vacío", "history_loading": "Cargando historial...", "": "Reproducir", "menu.stop": "Pausar", "menu.delete_message": "Borrar mensaje", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Borrar todos los mensajes", "yesterday": "Ayer", "today": "Hoy", "starting": "Iniciando...", "paused": "En pausa", "error.player_error": "Error de reproductor", "old_password.colon": "Contraseña actual:", "new_password.colon": "Contraseña nueva:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirmar nueva contraseña:", "change_password": "Cambiar", "password_changed": "Contraseña cambiada.", "welcome": "Bienvenido a %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Gracias por instalar %appname%! Ahora configure su cuenta.", "link.existing_account": "Ya tengo una cuenta %appname%", "link.new_account": "No tengo una cuenta %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Problemas o sugerencias? Use esta pantalla para enviar un mensaje y diagnostico a los programadores. Por favor incluya su correo electrónico si desea una recibir respuesta.", "problem_description.colon": "Mensaje (opcional):", "submit": "Enviar", "confirm_contact_delete": " se eliminará de sus contactos. Proceder?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Introduzca nombre de usuario o correo electrónico:", "no_users_found": "No se encontraron usuarios", "x_users_found": " usuario(s) encontrado(s). Seleccione el usuario que desea agregar y presione 'Agregar usuario' o el botón de navegación:", "add_user": "Agregar usuario", "user_added": "El usuario ha sido agregado a sus contactos. Después de que su solicitud sea aceptada podrá hablar y ver el usuario en linea.", "searching": "Buscando...", "close": "Cerrar", "test": "Probar", "sign_in": "Registrarse", "next": "Siguiente >", "back": "< Atrás", "menu.add_contact": "Agregar un contacto...", "menu.add_channel": "Agregar un canal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Borrar elemento(s) seleccionado(s)", "menu.rename_selected": "Renombrar", "menu.change_status": "Cambiar estado [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancelar", "menu.options": "Opciones...", "menu.close": "Cerrar", "menu.exit": "Salir", "menu.sign_in": "Registrarse", "menu.connect_channel": "Conectar canal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Desconectar canal", "menu.edit_channel": "Editar canal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Mostrar los usuarios del canal", "menu.show_history": "Mostrar historial [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Cambiar salida de audio [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Establecer mi estado [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Repetir el último mensaje [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invita amigos a este canal", "invite": "Invitar", "no_online_friends": "No hay amigos en línea", "invited_x_friends": "%count% amigos invitados", "empty_contact_list": "Vaciar lista de contactos", "offline": "Desconectado", "standby": "En espera", "disconnected": "Desconectado/a", "online": "Disponible", "solo": "Modo solitario", "busy": "Ocupado", "away": "Ausente", "headphones": "Audífonos", "connecting": "Conectando...", "unauthorized": "Esperando autorización", "invalid_password": "Contraseña inválida", "muted": "Silenciado", "users_online": "usuarios en línea", "contact_requests": "Solicitudes de contacto", "channel_invites": "Invitaciones de canal", "invited_by": "Invitado por", "accept_channel": "Añadir canal", "decline_channel": "Rechazar invitación", "update_available": "Actualización disponible", "accept": "Aceptar y agregar contacto", "decline": "Rechazar solicitud de contacto", "block": "Bloquear usuario", "rename": "Renombrar", "update_now": "Actualizar ahora", "remind_later": "Recordarme después", "version": "Versión", "is_available": "está disponible", "not_signed_in": "No estás registrado", "no_blocked_contacts": "No tienes contactos bloqueados", "unblock": "Desbloquear usuario", "invite_email_to_install": "Invitar %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Echa un vistazo a %appname% para Blackberry", "email_invite": "Es una aplicación PTT gratis y me gustaría comunicarme contigo. Descarga desde %download% y agrégame. Mi usuario %appname% es %username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "Mantenga presionado el botón Pulsar para hablar mientras habla", "status.loading": "Cargando...", "status.connecting": "Conectando al servidor...", "status.connected": "¡Conectado!", "status.signing_in": "Entrando...", "status.joining_network": "Uniéndose a la red...", "status.loading_contacts": "Recibiendo contactos...", "status.checking_username": "Comprobando nombre de usuario...", "status.creating_account": "Creando cuenta...", "status.updating_password": "Actualizando contraseña...", "status.sending_report": "Enviando reporte...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Buscando contactos...", "status.signing_out": "Saliendo...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Buscando canales...", "status.creating_channel": "Creando canal...", "status.initial_configuration": "Configuración inicial", "status.getting_channel_details": "Obteniendo los detalles del canal...", "status.updating_channel": "Actualizando canal...", "error.0": "No se puede conectar al servidor", "error.1": "Nombre de usuario inválido", "error.2": "Contraseña inválida", "error.3": "Nombre de usuario no disponible", "error.4": "El usuario que intentaste añadir ya existe en tus contactos", "error.5": "Error de comunicación con servidor", "error.6": "Error desconocido", "error.7": "No se puede conectar al servidor", "error.8": "No se puede conectar al servidor", "error.9": "No se pudo unir a la red %appname%", "error.10": "No se pudo unir a la red %appname%", "error.11": "Iniciaste sesión en otro dispositivo.", "error.12": "Por favor actualiza el software de $s.", "error.13": "Error al enviar el reporte de problema. Favor de contactar al programador en %supportEmail%", "error.14": "Nombre de canal no disponible. Por favor use otro nombre para el canal", "error.15": "El canal que intentaste añadir ya existe en los contactos", "error.16": "El servidor para iniciar sesión está ocupado. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde", "error.17": "Sin conexión a Internet", "error.18": "Error de licencia del servidor.", "error.19": "Licencia del servidor ha expirado.", "error.20": "No se puede conectar a una red externa.", "error.21": "La red se ha suspendido.", "error.22": "La alerta no se pudo entregar.", "error.23": "Ya ha creado el número máximo de cuentas permitidas.", "error.24": "Ha introducido un caracter inválido en el nombre de usuario.", "error.25": "Has alcanzado el límite de inicios de sesión al día. Inténtelo de nuevo en 24 horas.", "error.26": "Nombre de usuario es muy corto. Debe contener al menos 5 caracteres.", "error.27": "Contraseña es muy corta. Debe contener al menos 4 caracteres", "error.28": "El nombre de usuario está vacio.", "error.29": "Contraseña esta vacia.", "error.30": "La red esta vacia.", "error.31": "La red es invalida.", "error.short_username": "Nombre de usuario muy corto.\nDebe contener al menos 5 caracteres", "error.short_password": "Contraseña muy corta.\nDebe contener al menos 4 caracteres", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", "error.incorrect_password": "La contraseña actual está incorrecta", "error.not_signed_in": "No se encuentra conectado. Favor de conectarse para usar esta opcion", "error.empty_channel_name": "El nombre del canal está vacio", "error.empty_contact_name": "El nombre de contacto o correo electrónico está vacío", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Error de acceso en dispositivo de audio. En teléfono \"Opciones > Aplicaciones > %appname% > Editar permisos\" establece \"Acceso Multimedia\" y \"Grabando\" a Permitir.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Te bloquearon en el canal %channel% por el canal o por el administrador de servicios.", "toast_channel_busy": "El canal %channel% está ocupado. Inténtelo más tarde.", "toast_channel_full": "El canal %channel% está sobre la capacidad. Inténtelo más tarde.", "toast_channel_readonly": "El canal %channel% es solamente de lectura. Sólo el administrador del canal puede hablar.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Ha superado el número máximo de mensajes. Por favor, espere antes de volver a intentarlo de nuevo.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "No estás permitido para empezar una conversación con este contacto. Usted puede responder a llamadas entrantes directas o utilizar los canales.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "La alerta no pudo ser entregadoa a %user%", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "¡Mándame un Zello!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% te ha enviado un alerta", "menu_send_call_alert": "Enviar alerta de llamada", "button_send": "Enviar", "talk_now": "Hable ahora", "dismiss": "Descartar", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul5[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/$json/ $ $ $\(((***** 77',   RRT&7̕A^;~ݴ4^sxx>|G:cNF"%X2&A]F( {}e iDƉ/(b0e#'X PP"!,P8Pw|?LgRBB\wD5;_\Svx?11&PJv]#Ow!~J)KWvlj c9a +bYNH TЕrgtAnѥth X@ Tnrn@Wp@2RCRQ aIz󱉼2/$yUsI୥~rQ{+:;҂2 $5$kEp\^ hq3鐋ϗ @C1\@UPzhFnfI7֢׷+-xy+*PK c)s^"dd Zello-26.codQTN\DU-'-OGdKV?(@?(T@-JV?(@?(l@-CJV?(@?(@zz"$&8z:<>@", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Botón actual: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Código do botón actual: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Habilitar tocar e manter pulsado o contacto para falar", "login_automatically": "Iniciar sesión automaticamente", "username.colon": "Nome de usuario:", "password.colon": "Contrasinal:", "link.check_availability": "Comprobar dispoñibilidade", "username_available": "Podes usar este nome de usuario", "username_not_available": "Nome de usuario xa está en uso", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirmar o contrasinal:", "email.colon": "Enderezo de correo electrónico:", "phone.colon": "Teléfono:", "create_account": "Crear", "tip.username": "Mínimo cinco caracteres", "tip.password": "Mínimo catro caracteres", "": "O correo electrónico é utilizado para recompoñer o seu contrasinal en caso de que vostede o esqueza.", "": "Proporciona o teu número de teléfono para que os teus amigos te atopen facilmente", "missing_required_permissions": "Non se concederon os permisos necesarios. A aplicación pecharase agora.", "missing_servers_config": "A rede PTT non está configurada correctamente. A aplicación pecharase agora.", "run_on_startup": "Executar automaticamente ó arrancar", "bring_to_foreground": "Traer ó primeiro plano", "show_when_sending": "Cando PTT estea premido", "show_when_receiving": "Ó recibir unha mensaxe", "vibrate": "Activar a vibración", "on_clear_to_send": "Listo para enviar", "on_ptt_up": "Deixar de pulsar o botón PTT (Pulsar para falar)", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Mensaxe entrante cando está ocupado/a", "audio_alerts": "Alertas de audio", "on_incoming_message": "Mensaxe entrante", "on_incoming_message_over": "Mensaxe entrante ó finalizar", "on_new_conversation": "Nova conversa", "on_error": "Erro", "keep_history": "Gardar o historial de mensaxes", "delete_history": "Borrar o historial", "history_deleted": "O historial eliminouse do teu dispositivo", "history_sdcard_required": "A tarxeta SD non é accesible. Non se pode borrar o historial.", "preferred_output": "Saída", "output.default": "Definido polo sistema", "output.speaker": "Altofalante", "output.headset": "Auriculares", "output.handset": "Auricular", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Micrófono", "input.default": "Definido polo sistema", "input.builtin": "Incorporado", "input.headset": "Auriculares", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volume de reprodución", "voice": "Voz", "alerts": "Alertas", "link.test_alert": "Probar a alerta", "failed_to_play_alert": "Fallou a reprodución do audio de alerta", "playback_buffer_size": "Búfer de reprodución (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN (Nome do punto de acceso):", "apn_username.colon": "Nome de usuario do APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Contrasinal do APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetectar a configuración do APN", "link.reset": "Restablecer", "multiple_apns_found": "Atopáronse moitos perfiles de APN. Por favor selecciona o que corresponda co teu servizo de comunicación inalámbrica ", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Tipo de conexión", "connection.automatic": "Automático", "connection.wifi": "Só WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Só móbil", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Habilitar DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Habilitar WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detectando conexión", "link.connection_check": "Comprobar conexión", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Procesando, por favor espera...", "link.cancel": "Cancelar", "link.try_again": "Inténtao outra vez", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Buscar solución en internet", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Non se detectou unha conexión WiFi e a túa configuración está configurada para só WiFi. Conéctate a unha rede WiFi e inténtao outra vez.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Non se detectou conexión a Internet. Conéctate a unha rede WiFi o móbil e inténtao outra vez.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Non se atopou a configuración de APN de traballo para a túa conexión. Contacta coa túa compañía móbil para saber a configuración correcta de APN e establécea manualmente.", "connection_success": "Conectado satisfactoriamente", "connection_problem": "Problema de conexión", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% usará ~20 kB de datos por hora en modo espera e ~110 kB por minuto falado. BIS non é compatible. A menos que esteas usando un plan de datos ilimitado, asegúrate de comprobar co teu provedor de servizos os costos e límites dos datos. \nEn caso de dúbida usa o modo \"Só WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Continuar", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continuar só co WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Non volver a amosar este aviso outra vez", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Descargando os recursos, por favor espera...", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "URL base inválida", "customization_download_error": "Erro ó descargar os recursos. A URL base no é válida ou hai un problema coa conexión", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Introducir o nome da canle:", "channel_description.colon": "Introduce a descrición da canle abaixo:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Calquera pode escoitar e falar", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Só eu podo falar, calquera pode escoitar", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Calquera pode escoitar e falar", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Só eu podo falar, calquera pode escoitar", "set_password": "Establecer contrasinal", "create_channel": "Crear", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } CJ{ "options": "אפשרויות", "settings": "הגדרות", "link.account": "חשבון", "link.ptt": "כפתור לחיצה לדיבור", "link.connection": "חיבור", "link.configure_connection": "הגדרות חיבור", "link.contact_support": "צור קשר עם התמיכה", "link.connection_apn": "חיבור (APN)", "link.user_interface": "ממשק משתמש", "": "אודיו", "link.history": "היסטוריה", "tools": "כלים", "link.invite_friends": "הזמן חבר", "link.create_account": "צור חשבון חדש", "link.change_password": "שנה סיסמא", "link.blocked_contacts": "אנשי קשר חסומים", "link.add_channel": "הוסף ערוץ", "link.create_channel": "צור ערוץ חדש", "link.support_faq": "שאלות נפוצות", "link.report_problem": "דווח על באג", "link.about": "אודות %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "שכחת סיסמא", "link.add_contact": "הוסף איש קשר", "volume": "עוצמה", "silent": "שקט", "reconnect_in_seconds": "מתחבר מחדש תוך %time% שניות", "ptt.key.instructions": "השתמש בקישור הבא ולאחר מכן לחץ על מקש ה-PTT הרצוי", "set.ptt.key": "הגדר לחצן PPT", "ptt.key.not.set": "< לחצן PPT טרם הוגדר >", "current.ptt.key.colon": "לחצן נוכחי:", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "קוד לחצן נוכחי:", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "< ממתין ללחצן... >", "enable_touch_ptt": "הפעל לחץ והחזק כדי לדבר", "login_automatically": "התחבר אוטומטית", "username.colon": "שם משתמש:", "password.colon": "סיסמא:", "link.check_availability": "בדוק זמינות", "username_available": "שם המשתמש פנוי לשימוש", "username_not_available": "שם המשתמש תפוס", "confirm_password.colon": "אימות סיסמא:", "email.colon": "דואר אלקטרוני:", "phone.colon": "טלפון:", "create_account": "צור", "tip.username": "מינימום חמש תווים", "tip.password": "מינימום ארבע תווים", "": "מייל לשימוש במקרה של איפוס סיסמא (אם תשכח אותה)", "": "ספק את הדואר האלקטרוני ומספר הטלפון שלך כדי שחבריך יוכלו למצוא אותך בקלות.", "missing_required_permissions": "את ההרשאות הנדרשות לא היו מובן מאליו, את היישום יצא עכשיו", "missing_servers_config": "PTT הרשת אינה מוגדרת כראוי, היישום יצא עכשיו", "run_on_startup": "הפעל עם הפעלת המערכת", "bring_to_foreground": "מביא לקדמת הבמה", "show_when_sending": "כאשר PTT נלחץ", "show_when_receiving": "בעת קבלת הודעה", "vibrate": "רטט מופעל", "on_clear_to_send": "נקה כדי לשלוח", "on_ptt_up": "לחצן PTT למלה", "on_incoming_when_busy": "הודעה נכנסת כאשר עסוק", "audio_alerts": "התראות אודיו", "on_incoming_message": "הודעה נכנסת", "on_incoming_message_over": "הודעה שנכנסת נגמרה", "on_new_conversation": "שיחה חדשה", "on_error": "שגיאה", "keep_history": "שמור על היסטוריית הודעות", "delete_history": "מחיקת ההיסטוריה", "history_deleted": "ההיסטוריה נמחקה מהמכשיר שלך", "history_sdcard_required": "כרטיס SD הוא לא נגיש. אין אפשרות למחוק את ההיסטוריה.", "preferred_output": "פלט", "output.default": "ברירת מחדל", "output.speaker": "רמקול", "output.headset": "אוזניות", "output.handset": "אפרכסת", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "מיקרופון", "input.default": "ברירת מחדל", "input.builtin": "מובנה", "input.headset": "אוזניות", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "עוצמת השמעה", "voice": "קול", "alerts": "התראות", "link.test_alert": "התראת מבחן", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "צור", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "היסטוריה", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul6[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/$json/lng.he.json $ $ $lng.he.jsonnet_rim_cldc \(((***** 7738*   RBBТ[ꩠiO4hT+!P}\Jũol?8[IM:~Xezi0X$慽.ZaJ* ~-+Y/bjH6UA;nN)RRT#+reRNP' (@ǀuak~x(s͎ (af=P$Ş.7-rc񃹸{g?A>V;RCRAb~lEdfu_#w/~JܱiG%;m*:ѭXTC#_ل#sʔ'F˜9(1$!>Kfp:.O <rElFqmPK c)sj Zello-27.codQTN\ܖUŔ'-OGDMV?(4@?(@-LV?(D@?(@-OGDMV?(T@?(@zznnЖzҖԖ֖ؖn`ԔٔKŕ͕Օݕ '09BS\enwL{ "options": "Mogućnosti", "settings": "Postavke", "link.account": "Korisnički račun", "link.ptt": "Tipka pritisni za govor (PTT/PZG)", "link.connection": "Veza", "link.configure_connection": "Uređenje veze", "link.contact_support": "Kontaktiraj podršku", "link.connection_apn": "Povezivanje (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Korisničko sučelje", "": "Zvuk", "link.history": "Povijest", "tools": "Alati", "link.invite_friends": "Pozovi društvo", "link.create_account": "Otvaranje novog računa", "link.change_password": "Promjeni zaporku", "link.blocked_contacts": "Onemogućeni korisnici", "link.add_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "link.create_channel": "Napravi novi kanal", "link.support_faq": "Podrška i najčešća pitanja", "link.report_problem": "Prijavi problem", "link.about": "O %appname% aplikaciji", "link.forgot_password": "Zaboravljena zaporka", "link.add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt", "volume": "Glasnoća zvuka", "silent": "Tiho", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Ponovno spajanje za %time% sekundi", "ptt.key.instructions": "Koristite dolnju prečicu i pritisnite tipku odabranu za PTT/PZR.", "set.ptt.key": "Odredi PTT/PZR tipku", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Sadašnja tipka: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Sadašnji kodni ključ: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "<Čekam ključ…>", "enable_touch_ptt": "Omogući dodir i držanje tipke za govor", "login_automatically": "Automatsko uključenje", "username.colon": "Korisničko ime:", "password.colon": "Zaporka:", "link.check_availability": "Provjeri dostupnost", "username_available": "Možete koristiti to korisničko ime", "username_not_available": "To je korisničko ime već zauzeto", "confirm_password.colon": "Potvrdite zaporku:", "email.colon": "Adresa e-pošte:", "phone.colon": "Telefon:", "create_account": "Napravi račun", "tip.username": "Najmanje pet znakova", "tip.password": "Najmanje četri znaka", "": "E-pošta služi za resetiranje ako zaboravite zaporku.", "": "Priložite telefonski broj da vas prijatelji lakše pronađu.", "missing_required_permissions": "Nisu dana potrebna odobrenja. Aplikacija će se sada isključiti.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT/PZG Mreža nije ispravno postavljena. Aplikacija se isključuje.", "run_on_startup": "Auto-start kod paljenja", "bring_to_foreground": "Postavi ispred svega", "show_when_sending": "Kada je PTT/PZG pritisnut", "show_when_receiving": "Kada primam poruku", "vibrate": "Vibracija uključena", "on_clear_to_send": "Slobodno za slanje", "on_ptt_up": "PTT tipka otpuštena", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Dolazne poruke kad je zauzeto", "audio_alerts": "Tonska upozorenja", "on_incoming_message": "Dolazna poruka", "on_incoming_message_over": "Kraj dolazne poruke", "on_new_conversation": "Novi razgovor", "on_error": "Greška", "keep_history": "Zadrži prošle razgovore", "delete_history": "Izbriši povijest", "history_deleted": "Povijest je izbrisana iz vašeg uređaja", "history_sdcard_required": "SD kartica nije dostupna. Nije moguće brisati povijest.", "preferred_output": "Izlaz", "output.default": "Sistemski postavljeno", "output.speaker": "Zvučnik", "output.headset": "Slušalice s mikrofonom", "output.handset": "Slušalica za uho", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrofon", "input.default": "Sistemski postavljeno", "input.builtin": "Ugrađeno", "input.headset": "Slušalice s mikrofonom", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Glasnoća reprodukcije", "voice": "Glas", "alerts": "Upozorenja", "link.test_alert": "Test upozorenja", "failed_to_play_alert": "Greška tonskog upozorenja", "playback_buffer_size": "Reprodukcijski spremnik (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN korisničko ime:", "apn_password.colon": "APN zaporka:", "link.detect_apn": "Otkrivanje APN postavki", "link.reset": "Vrati na početno", "multiple_apns_found": "Pronađeni višestruki APN profili. Molimo odaberite jedan koji odgovara vašoj bežičnoj usluzi.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Otkrivanje APN postavki nije uspjelo. Kontaktirajte svog davatelja usluga ili %appname% podršku.", "connection_type": "Vrsta veze", "connection.automatic": "Automatski", "connection.wifi": "Samo Wi-Fi", "connection.cellular": "Samo ćelijska mreža", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Uključi MDS/BIS (probno)", "use_only_tcp": "Koristi samo TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Dozvoli DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Dozvoli WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Drži aktivnim (sek)", "network_mobile": "Umreženje (mobilne mreže)", "network_wifi": "Umreženje (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Otkrivanje veze", "link.connection_check": "Provjera veze", "link.skip_connection_check": "Izbjegni provjeru veze", "working": "Radim, molim čekajte…", "link.cancel": "Odustani", "link.try_again": "Pokušaj ponovno", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Potraži riješenje na mreži", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nema WiFi veze, a način rada postavljen je na Samo WiFi. Prvo spojite uređaj na WiFi a zatim pokušajte ponovo.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nemam vezu prema internetu. Spojite uređaj na WiFi ili mobilnu mrežu sa pristupom internetu i pokušajte ponovo.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet veza ne radi ispravno. Pokušajte bežičnu mrežu na uredjaju isključiti pa opet uključiti.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Ne mogu pronači ispravne APN postavke za vašu mrežu. Tražite od operatera mobilne mreže informaciju o ispravnim APN postavkama i upišite ih ručno.", "connection_success": "Uspješno povezano", "connection_problem": "Problem sa povezivanjem", "data_use_warning_title": "Upozorenje na upotrebu čelijskea mreže", "data_use_warning": "%appname% će koristiti ~ 20 kB po satu čekanja i ~ 110 kB po minuti razgovora. BIS nije podržan. Ako koristite neograničen podatkovni paket, provjerite s davateljem usluga brzinu prijenosa i količinu podataka. \nAko niste sigurni koristite \"samo WiFi\" način rada.", "link.continue": "Nastavi", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Nastavi samo na Wi-Fi-u", "dont_show_it_again": "Ne pokazuj više ovu poruku", "about_licensee": "Dozvoljeno korisniku %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Preuzimanje sadržaja, molim pričekajte…", "network_address": "Osnovna mrežna URL adresa:", "invalid_base_url": "Neispravna mrežna adresa (URL)", "customization_download_error": "Greška preuzimanja sadržaja. Neispravna URL adresa ili problem sa povezivanjem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Greška spremanja resursa. Provjerite da USB kabel nije spojen i pokušajte ponovno.", "channel_name.colon": "Upišite ime kanala:", "channel_description.colon": "Dolje opišite kanal:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Svatko može slušati i govoriti", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Samo ja mogu govoriti, svi mogu slušati", "": "Otvori", "option.protected": "Zaštićen", "option.broadcast": "Emitiranje", "option.open_desc": "Svatko može govoriti", "option.protected_desc": "Govoriti mogu samo vaši kontrolori i odobreni korisnici", "option.broadcast_desc": "Samo ja mogu govoriti, svi mogu slušati", "set_password": "Postavi zaporku", "create_channel": "Napravi kanal - OPREZ! Nema brisanja", "channel_created": "Kanal je napravljen i dodan vašim kontaktima", "edit_channel": "Uredi kanal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Naziv kanala:", "apply_changes": "Primjeni izmjene", "channel_updated": "Kanal je osvježen", "show_online_channels_only": "Prikaži samo uključene kanale", "no_channels_found": "Nema nađenih kanala", "no_online_channels_found": "Nema uključenih kanala", "channel_added": "Kanal je dodan vašim kontaktima", "add_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "created_by.colon": "Napravio:", "subscribers.colon": "Korisnici:", "channel_tos": "Na javnim kanalima budite kratki i sažeti. Zbog osobne sigurnosti, nemojte nikada dijeliti vaše privatne informacije poput adrese ili telefonskog broja. Poštujte druge korisnike, nemojte koristiti uvredljive ili pogrdne izraze.", "enter_channel_password": "Upiši zaporku za '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Korisnici prisutni na kanalu", "getting_list_of_users": "Preuzimam popis korisnika…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Greška preuzimanja popisa korisnika. Pokušajte ponovo.", "no_other_users_connected": "Na ovom kanalu nema drugih korisnika", "not_in_the_list": "Nije na popisu", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Dodaj kontaktima", "menu.block_user": "Onemogući korisnika", "menu.blocked_users": "Onemogućeni korisnici…", "menu.moderators": "Kontrolori…", "menu.mute_user": "Zabrani govor korisniku", "menu.unmute_user": "Dozvoli govor korisniku", "menu.refresh": "Osviježi", "menu.report_user": "Prijavi korisnika", "menu.assign_moderator": "Dodjeli kontrolorske ovlasti", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Ukini kontrolorske ovlasti", "admin": "administrator", "moderator": "kontrolor", "report_user_title": "Prijavi korisnika '%username%' zbog:", "report_type.blocking": "Onemogućavanje kanala", "report_type.rules": "Povreda pravila kanala", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Vrijeđanje ostalih korisnika", "report_type.criminal": "Nedozvoljene aktivnosti", "user_report_sent": "Prijava je poslana. Hvala Vam", "channel_blocked_users": "Onemogućeni korisnici - ", "no_blocked_users": "Na kanalu nema onemogućenih korisnika.", "channel_moderators": "Kontrolori - ", "no_moderators": "Na kanalu nema kontrolora", "history_title": "Povijest", "history_empty": "Povijest nema zabilježbi", "history_loading": "Učitavanje povijesti…", "": "Pokreni", "menu.stop": "Zaustavi", "menu.delete_message": "Obriši poruku", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Obriši sve poruke", "yesterday": "Jučer", "today": "Danas", "starting": "Počinjem…", "paused": "Stanka", "error.player_error": "Greška reproduktora", "old_password.colon": "Postojeća zaporka:", "new_password.colon": "Nova zaporka:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Potvrdi novu zaporku:", "change_password": "Zamijeni", "password_changed": "Zaporka je promijenjena.", "welcome": "Dobro došli na %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Hvala što ste instalirali %appname%! Idemo urediti vaš račun.", "link.existing_account": "Ja već imam %appname% račun", "link.new_account": "Ja nemam %appname% račun", "report_problem_intro": "Problemi ili prijedlozi? Iskoristite ovaj zaslon za slanje dijagnostičkog dnevnika programerima zajedno sa svojom porukom. Uključite svoju e-mail adresu ako želite odgovor.", "problem_description.colon": "Poruka (mogučnost):", "submit": "Pošalji", "confirm_contact_delete": " nestati će iz vaših kontakata. Nastaviti?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Upišite korisničko ime ili e-adresu:", "no_users_found": "Korisnici nisu pronađeni", "x_users_found": " korisnik(a) je nađeno. Odaberi korisnika kojeg želiš dodati i pritisni tipku \"Dodaj korisnika\" ili navigacijsku tipku:", "add_user": "Dodaj korisnika", "user_added": "Korisnik je dodan vašim kontaktima. Možete vidjeti njegov status i razgovarati kad prihvati vaš zahtjev.", "searching": "Tražim…", "close": "Zatvori", "test": "Proba", "sign_in": "Uključi se", "next": "Dalje >", "back": "< Natrag", "menu.add_contact": "Dodaj kontakt…", "menu.add_channel": "Dodaj kanal…", "menu.delete_selected": "Brisati odabrano", "menu.rename_selected": "Promijeni ime", "menu.change_status": "Promijeni stanje [S]", "menu.cancel": "Odustani", "menu.options": "Mogućnosti…", "menu.close": "Zatvori", "menu.exit": "Izlaz", "menu.sign_in": "Uključi se", "menu.connect_channel": "Uključi kanal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Isključi kanal", "menu.edit_channel": "Uredi kanal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Prikaži korisnike kanala", "menu.show_history": "Prikaži povijest [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Promijeni zvučni izlaz [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Postavi poruku stanja [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Ponovi zadnju poruku [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Pozovi prijatelje na ovaj kanal", "invite": "Pozovi", "no_online_friends": "Nema uključenih kontakata", "invited_x_friends": "Pozvano %count% prijatelja", "empty_contact_list": "Prazan popis kontakata", "offline": "Neumrežen", "standby": "U pripravnosti", "disconnected": "Odspojen", "online": "Dostupan", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Zauzet", "away": "Udaljio se", "headphones": "Slušalice", "connecting": "Povezujem se…", "unauthorized": "Čekanje autorizacije", "invalid_password": "Neispravna zaporka", "muted": "Utišan zvuk", "users_online": "korisnika umreženo", "contact_requests": "Kontaktni upiti", "channel_invites": "Poziva na kanal", "invited_by": "pozvao", "accept_channel": "Dodaj kanal", "decline_channel": "Odbij poziv", "update_available": "Dostupno je osvježenje", "accept": "Prihvati i dodaj korisnika", "decline": "Odbij kontaktni zahtjev", "block": "Onemogući korisnika", "rename": "Promijeni ime", "update_now": "Osvježite sada", "remind_later": "Podsjeti me kasnije", "version": "Verzija", "is_available": "je dostupna", "not_signed_in": "Vi niste uključeni", "no_blocked_contacts": "Vi nemate onemogućenih korisnika", "unblock": "Skini zabranu korisniku", "invite_email_to_install": "Pozovi %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Provjeri %appname% za BlackBerry", "email_invite": "To je besplatna pritisni-za-razgovor PZR aplikacija i pozivam te da se priključiš. Nalazi se na %download% i dodaj mene. Moje %appname% korisničko ime je %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Drži pritisnutu PTT/PZR tipku dok govoriš", "status.loading": "Učitavam…", "status.connecting": "Spajanje sa poslužiteljem…", "status.connected": "Spojeno!", "status.signing_in": "Uključivanje…", "status.joining_network": "Pridruživanje mreži…", "status.loading_contacts": "Preuzimanje kontakata…", "status.checking_username": "Provjera korisničkog imena…", "status.creating_account": "Stvaranje računa…", "status.updating_password": "Osvježavanje zaporke…", "status.sending_report": "Slanje prijave…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Traženje kontakata…", "status.signing_out": "Isključivanje…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Traženje kanala…", "status.creating_channel": "Izrada kanala…", "status.initial_configuration": "Početne postavke", "status.getting_channel_details": "Prijem detalja kanala…", "status.updating_channel": "Osvježenje kanala…", "error.0": "Ne mogu se spojiti na poslužitelj za uključenje", "error.1": "Neispravno korisničko ime", "error.2": "Neispravna zaporka", "error.3": "To korisničko ime već je upotrebljeno.", "error.4": "Korisnik je u vašim kontaktima.", "error.5": "Greška komunikacije sa poslužiteljem", "error.6": "Nepoznata greška", "error.7": "Greška komunikacije sa poslužiteljem za prijavu", "error.8": "Greška komunikacije sa poslužiteljem za prijavu", "error.9": "Ne mogu se priključiti %appname% mreži.", "error.10": "Ne mogu se priključiti %appname% mreži.", "error.11": "Priključeni ste na drugom uređaju.", "error.12": "Molim obnovite svoj program sa $s.", "error.13": "Greška slanja prijave problema. Molim izvjestite nas na %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Naziv kanala nije dostupan. Odaberite drugačije ime za kanal.", "error.15": "Kanal koji želite dodati već je u vašim kontaktima", "error.16": "Poslužitelj za upis je zauzet. Pokušajte kasnije.", "error.17": "Nema veze prema internetu", "error.18": "Greška dozvole poslužitelja.", "error.19": "Dozvola poslužitelja je istekla.", "error.20": "Nemogu se spojiti na stranu mrežu.", "error.21": "Mreža je isključena.", "error.22": "Dojava nije mogla biti dostavljena.", "error.23": "Već ste stvorili najveći dozvoljeni broj računa.", "error.24": "Upisali ste nedozvoljeni znak u korisničko ime.", "error.25": "Dostigli ste dnevnu granicu prijave. Probajte ponovo za 24 sata.", "error.26": "Korisničko ime je prekratko. Mora sadržavati barem 5 karaktera.", "error.27": "Zaporka je prekratka. Mora sadržavati barem 4 karaktera.", "error.28": "Korisničko ime je prazno.", "error.29": "Zaporka je prazna.", "error.30": "Mreža je prazna.", "error.31": "Mreža nije ispravna.", "error.short_username": "Korisničko ime je prekratko.\nKorisničko ime mora sadržavati barem 5 znakova.", "error.short_password": "Zaporka je prekratka.\nZaporka mora sadržavati barem 4 znaka.", "error.invalid_email": "E-adresa je neispravna.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Zaporka ne odgovara.", "error.incorrect_password": "Zaporka nije točna", "error.not_signed_in": "Molim uključite se da bi mogli koristiti ovu mogučnost.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Ime kanala nije upisano.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Nije upisano ime kontakta ili e-pošta.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Greška pristupa zvukovnom uređaju. Odaberite Options > Applications > %appname% >dozvolite \"Media\" i \"Recording\".", "toast_channel_blocked": "Vlasnik ili kontrolor kanala onemogućili su vam pristup kanalu %channel%.", "toast_channel_busy": "Kanal %channel% je zauzet. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.", "toast_channel_full": "Na kanalu %channel% je gužva. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Kanal %channel% je samo za slušanje. Govoriti može samo administrator kanala.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Dostigli ste najveći broj poruka. Molim pričekajte prije ponovnog pokušaja.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Zbog kršenja pravila sada možete samo slušati. Mogućnost odašiljanja biti će vam dostupna za %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Nemožete emitirati poruke na kanal %channel% ako kontrolor nije prisutan.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Nema nikoga na slušanju.", "toast_channel_empty": "Kanal %channel% je prazan.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Taj korisnik mora započeti komunikaciju sa Vama. Možete odgovarati na izravne dolazne pozive ili koristiti kanale.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Telefonu je uključen tihi način rada. Promjenite %appname% status u Zauzet.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Tihi način rada je isključen. Promjenite %appname% status u Dostupan.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%moderator% je onemogućio korisnika %user% na kanalu %channel%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%moderator% je omogućio pristup korisniku %user% na kanalu %channel%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Upozorenje nije bilo moguće dostaviti korisniku %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Greška osvježavanja profila. Molim pokušajte ponovo.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Greška osvježavanja profila kanala. Molim ponovite.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zovi me pomoću Zello aplikacije!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% poslao vam je poziv", "menu_send_call_alert": "Pošalji pozivni ton", "button_send": "Poslati", "talk_now": "Govori sada", "dismiss": "Raspusti", "time_day": "dan", "time_days": "dana", "time_hour": "sat", "time_hours": "sati", "time_minute": "minutu", "time_minutes": "minuta", "time_second": "sekundu", "time_seconds": "sekundi" } OG{ "options": "Options", "settings": "Settings", "link.account": "Account", "link.ptt": "Push-to-talk button", "link.connection": "Connection", "link.configure_connection": "Configure connection", "link.contact_support": "Contact support", "link.connection_apn": "Connection (APN)", "link.user_interface": "User interface", "": "Audio", "link.history": "History", "tools": "Tools", "link.invite_friends": "Invite friends", "link.create_account": "Create a new account", "link.change_password": "Change password", "link.blocked_contacts": "Blocked contacts", "link.add_channel": "Add a channel", "link.create_channel": "Create a new channel", "link.support_faq": "Support FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Report a problem", "link.about": "About %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Forgot password", "link.add_contact": "Add a contact", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Silent", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Reconnecting in %time% seconds", "ptt.key.instructions": "Use the link below and then press the desired PTT key.", "set.ptt.key": "Set PTT key", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Current key: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Current key code: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Enable touch and hold contact to talk", "login_automatically": "Login automatically", "username.colon": "Username:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Check availability", "username_available": "You can use this username", "username_not_available": "Username already taken", "confirm_password.colon": "Confirm password:", "email.colon": "Email address:", "phone.colon": "Phone:", "create_account": "Create", "tip.username": "Minimum five characters", "tip.password": "Minimum four characters", "": "Email is used to reset your password in case you forget it.", "": "Add your phone number so friends can find you.", "missing_required_permissions": "Required permissions not granted. Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul7[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/lng.hi.json$json/$json/ $lng.hi.json $ $\(((***** 77˔Д”   RBB7WtI?fQfgH3L>kqߣ=W} '%x(`^o+[IUGپCjP*Dhp["sC{>!NpjGRRT-jWzc6b_V!E ,>v&fzیYvnk(϶#3IWёog=ѴJ}"!!(!E-6", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Tasto attuale:", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Codice tasto attuale:", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Abilita 'tocca e tieni premuto' su un contatto per parlare", "login_automatically": "Accedi automaticamente", "username.colon": "Utente:", "password.colon": "Password:", "link.check_availability": "Verifica disponibilità", "username_available": "Puoi usare questo nominativo", "username_not_available": "Questo nominativo non è disponibile", "confirm_password.colon": "Conferma password:", "email.colon": "Indirizzo e-mail:", "phone.colon": "Telefono:", "create_account": "Crea", "tip.username": "Minimo cinque caratteri", "tip.password": "Minimo quattro caratteri", "": "L'indirizzo e-mail è necessario per reimpostare la password (se la dimentichi)", "": "Inserisci il tuo numero di telefono per permettere ai tuoi amici di trovarti", "missing_required_permissions": "I permessi richiesti non sono garantiti, l'applicazione sta per chiudersi.", "missing_servers_config": "La rete PTT non è configurata propriamente, l'applicazione sta per chiudersi.", "run_on_startup": "Auto-esecuzione all'avvio", "bring_to_foreground": "Porta in primo piano", "show_when_sending": "Quando il PTT è premuto", "show_when_receiving": "Quando ricevi un messaggio", "vibrate": "Vibrazione attivata", "on_clear_to_send": "Pronto all'invio", "on_ptt_up": "Avviso rilascio PTT", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Messaggi in entrata quando occupato", "audio_alerts": "Avvisi audio", "on_incoming_message": "Messaggio in entrata", "on_incoming_message_over": "Messaggio in entrata completato", "on_new_conversation": "Nuova conversazione", "on_error": "Errore", "keep_history": "Tieni cronologia messaggi", "delete_history": "Cancella cronologia", "history_deleted": "La cronologia è stata cancellata dal tuo dispositivo", "history_sdcard_required": "La card SD non è accessibile. Impossibile cancellare la cronologia.", "preferred_output": "Uscita", "output.default": "Default di sistema", "output.speaker": "Altoparlante", "output.headset": "Cuffia+microfono", "output.handset": "Auricolare", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microfono", "input.default": "Default di sistema", "input.builtin": "Installato", "input.headset": "Cuffia+microfono", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volume di riproduzione", "voice": "Voce", "alerts": "Avvisi", "link.test_alert": "Avviso di prova", "failed_to_play_alert": "Riproduzione avviso audio fallita", "playback_buffer_size": "Buffer di riproduzione (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "Nominativo APN:", "apn_password.colon": "Password APN:", "link.detect_apn": "Rilevamento automatico impostazioni APN", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Trovati più profili APN. Per favore, scegline uno coincidente con il tuo servizio wireless", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Rilevamento impostazioni APN fallito. Contatta il tuo service provider o il supporto %appname%", "connection_type": "Tipo di connessione", "connection.automatic": "Automatico", "connection.wifi": "Solo WiFi", "connection.cellular": "Solo Cellulare", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Forza MDS/BIS (sperimentale)", "use_only_tcp": "Usa solo TCP", "enable_dtcpsr": "Abililta DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Abilita WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Mantieni attivo (sec)", "network_mobile": "Rete (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Rete (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Rilevamento connessione", "link.connection_check": "Verifica connessione", "link.skip_connection_check": "Salta verifica connessione", "working": "Elaboro, per favore attendi...", "link.cancel": "Annulla", "link.try_again": "Prova ancora", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Cerca soluzione online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Nessuna connessione WiFi rilevata mentre la tua connessione è impostata su Solo WiFi. Connettiti ad una rete WiFi e prova ancora.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Nessuna connessione internet rilevata. Connettiti a WiFi o ad una rete cellulare e prova ancora.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "La connessione internet non sta funzionando correttamente. Prova a spegnere e riaccendere le reti wireless", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Impossibile trovare impostazioni APN funzionanti per la tua connessione. Contatta il tuo operatore mobile per correggere le impostazioni APN e configurale manualmente.", "connection_success": "Connesso con successo", "connection_problem": "Problema di connessione", "data_use_warning_title": "Avvertenza uso dati cellulare", "data_use_warning": "%appname% userà circa 20 kB per ora in standby e circa 110 kB per minuto in conversazione. BIS non è supportato. A meno che non stiate usando un piano dati illimitato, assicuratevi di verificare costi e limiti presso il vostro provider. Nel dubbio, usate il modo \"Solo WiFi\".", "link.continue": "Continua", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continua solo con il WiFi", "dont_show_it_again": "Non mostrare più questo avviso", "about_licensee": "Licenziato a %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Scarico risorse, per favore attendi...", "network_address": "URL rete base:", "invalid_base_url": "URL base non valido", "customization_download_error": "Errore scaricamento risorse. URL base non valido o problema di connessione", "customization_file_system_error": "Errore salvataggio risorse. Verifica la connessione USB e riprova.", "channel_name.colon": "Inserisci nome del canale:", "channel_description.colon": "Inserisci descrizione del canale:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Chiunque può parlare e ascoltare", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Solo io posso parlare, chiunque può ascoltare", "": "Apri", "option.protected": "Protetto", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Chiunque può parlare", "option.protected_desc": "Gli utenti approvati da te o dai tuoi moderatori possono parlare", "option.broadcast_desc": "Solo io posso parlare, chiunque può ascoltare", "set_password": "Imposta password", "create_channel": "Crea", "channel_created": "Il canale è stato creato e aggiunto ai tuoi contatti", "edit_channel": "Modifica canale", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nome del canale:", "apply_changes": "Applica modifiche", "channel_updated": "Il canale è stato aggiornato", "show_online_channels_only": "Mostra solo canali online", "no_channels_found": "Nessun canale trovato", "no_online_channels_found": "Nessun canale online trovato", "channel_added": "Il canale è stato aggiunto ai tuoi contatti", "add_channel": "Aggiungi un canale", "created_by.colon": "Creato da:", "subscribers.colon": "Iscritti:", "channel_tos": "Quando parli nei canali pubblici fai interventi brevi e pertinenti. Per la tua sicurezza, non condividere informazioni private come indirizzi o numeri di telefono. Rispetta gli altri utenti e non usare linguaggio offensivo.", "enter_channel_password": "Inserisci password per '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Utenti del canale online", "getting_list_of_users": "Acquisisco la lista utenti...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Errore nell'acquisizione della lista utenti. Prova ancora", "no_other_users_connected": "Nessun utente in questo canale", "not_in_the_list": "Non in lista", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Aggiungi ai contatti", "menu.block_user": "Blocca utente", "menu.blocked_users": "Utenti bloccati...", "menu.moderators": "Moderatori...", "menu.mute_user": "Silenzia utente", "menu.unmute_user": "De-silenzia utente", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Segnala utente", "menu.assign_moderator": "Nomina moderatore", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoca diritti moderatore", "admin": "Amministratore", "moderator": "Moderatore", "report_user_title": "Segnala %username% per:", "report_type.blocking": "Blocco del canale", "report_type.rules": "Violazione regole del canale", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulti ad altri utenti", "report_type.criminal": "Attività illegali", "user_report_sent": "Segnalazione inviata con successo. Grazie", "channel_blocked_users": "Utenti bloccati -", "no_blocked_users": "Nessun utente bloccato in questo canale", "channel_moderators": "Moderatori -", "no_moderators": "Nessun moderatore nel canale", "history_title": "Cronologia", "history_empty": "La cronologia è vuota", "history_loading": "Carico cronologia...", "": "Riproduci", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Cancella messaggio", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Cancella tutti i messaggi", "yesterday": "Ieri", "today": "Oggi", "starting": "Avvio...", "paused": "In pausa", "error.player_error": "Errore del player", "old_password.colon": "Password attuale:", "new_password.colon": "Nuova password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Conferma nuova password:", "change_password": "Modifica", "password_changed": "La password è stata modificata", "welcome": "Benvenuto in %appname%", "welcome_intro": "Grazie per aver installato %appname%! Ora configura il tuo account.", "link.existing_account": "Ho già un account %appname%", "link.new_account": "Non ho un account %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Problemi o suggerimenti? Usa questa schermata per inviare un log diagnostico agli sviluppatori insieme al tuo messaggio. Includi il tuo indirizzo e-mail se desideri una risposta", "problem_description.colon": "Messaggio (opzionale):", "submit": "Sottoponi", "confirm_contact_delete": "sarà rimossa dai tuoi contatti. Procedi?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Inserisci nome o e-mail del contatto:", "no_users_found": "Nessun utente trovato", "x_users_found": "utente(i) trovato(i). Scegli l'utente che vuoi aggiungere e premi il pulsante 'Aggiungi utente' o il pulsante di navigazione:", "add_user": "Aggiungi utente", "user_added": "L'utente è stato aggiunto ai tuoi contatti. Potrai vederlo online e comunicare dopo che avrà accettato la tua richiesta.", "searching": "Ricerca...", "close": "Chiudi", "test": "Prova", "sign_in": "Accedi", "next": "Avanti >", "back": "< Indietro", "menu.add_contact": "Aggiungi un contatto", "menu.add_channel": "Aggiungi un canale...", "menu.delete_selected": "Cancella l'elemento selezionato", "menu.rename_selected": "Rinomina", "menu.change_status": "Modifica status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Annulla", "menu.options": "Opzioni...", "menu.close": "Chiudi", "menu.exit": "Esci", "menu.sign_in": "Accedi", "menu.connect_channel": "Connetti canale", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnetti canale", "menu.edit_channel": "Modifica canale", "menu.show_channel_users": "Mostra utenti del canale", "menu.show_history": "Mostra cronologia [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Alterna uscita audio [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Imposta testo dello status [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Rispondi all'ultimo messaggio [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invita amici in questo canale", "invite": "Invita", "no_online_friends": "Nessun amico online", "invited_x_friends": "Invitati %count% amici", "empty_contact_list": "Lista contatti vuota", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnesso", "online": "Disponibile", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Occupato", "away": "Non disponibile", "headphones": "In cuffia", "connecting": "In connessione...", "unauthorized": "In attesa di autorizzazione", "invalid_password": "Password non valida", "muted": "Silenziato", "users_online": "utenti online", "contact_requests": "Richieste di contatto", "channel_invites": "Inviti al canale", "invited_by": "invitato da", "accept_channel": "Aggiungi canale", "decline_channel": "Declina invito", "update_available": "Un aggiornamento è disponibile", "accept": "Accetta e aggiungi contatto", "decline": "Declina richiesta di contatto", "block": "Blocca utente", "rename": "Rinomina", "update_now": "Aggiorna ora", "remind_later": "Ricordamelo più tardi", "version": "Versione", "is_available": "è disponibile", "not_signed_in": "Non hai effettuato l'accesso", "no_blocked_contacts": "Non hai utenti bloccati", "unblock": "Sblocca utente", "invite_email_to_install": "Invita %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Cerca %appname% per BlackBerry", "email_invite": "E' un'applicazione 'premi-e-parla' gratuita e mi piacerebbe provarla con te. Scaricala da %download% e aggiungimi. Il mio nominativo in %appname% è %username%", "push_to_talk_tip": "Tieni premuto il tasto PTT mentre parli", "status.loading": "Carico...", "status.connecting": "Connetto al server...", "status.connected": "Connesso!", "status.signing_in": "Accedo...", "status.joining_network": "Accedo alla rete...", "status.loading_contacts": "Ricevo contatti...", "status.checking_username": "Verifico nome utente...", "status.creating_account": "Creo account...", "status.updating_password": "Aggiorno la password...", "status.sending_report": "Invio segnalazione...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Cerco contatti...", "status.signing_out": "Esco...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Cerco canali...", "status.creating_channel": "Creo canale...", "status.initial_configuration": "Configurazione iniziale", "status.getting_channel_details": "Acquisisco dettagli del canale...", "status.updating_channel": "Aggiorno canale...", "error.0": "Non posso connettermi al server di accesso", "error.1": "Nome utente non valido", "error.2": "Password non valida", "error.3": "Questo nominativo non è disponibile", "error.4": "L'utente è già tra i tuoi contatti", "error.5": "Errore di comunicazione del server", "error.6": "Errore sconosciuto", "error.7": "Errore di comunicazione con il server di accesso", "error.8": "Errore di comunicazione con il server di accesso", "error.9": "Non posso accedere alla rete %appname%", "error.10": "Non posso accedere alla rete %appname%", "error.11": "Hai effettuato l'accesso su un altro dispositivo", "error.12": "Per favore, aggiorna il tuo software da $s.", "error.13": "Errore di invio segnalazione di un problema. Per favore, contatta gli sviluppatori all'indirizzo %supportEmail%", "error.14": "Il nome del canale non è disponibile. Per favore scegli un nome differente.", "error.15": "Il canale che hai cercato di aggiungere è già tra i tuoi contatti", "error.16": "Server di accesso occupato. Riprova più tardi", "error.17": "Nessuna connessione internet", "error.18": "Errore di licenza del server.", "error.19": "Licenza del server scaduta.", "error.20": "Non posso connettermi ad una rete estera.", "error.21": "La rete non è raggiungibile.", "error.22": "L'avviso non può essere inoltrato.", "error.23": "Hai già creato il massimo numero di accounts consentiti.", "error.24": "Hai inserito un carattere non valido nel nominativo.", "error.25": "Hai superato il limite massimo di accessi odierni. Riprova tra 24 ore.", "error.26": "Nome utente troppo corto.\nIl nome utente deve contenere almeno 5 caratteri", "error.27": "Password troppo corta.\nLa password deve contenere almeno 4 caratteri", "error.28": "Il nome utente è vuoto", "error.29": "La password è vuota", "error.30": "La rete è vuota", "error.31": "La rete non è valida.", "error.short_username": "Nome utente troppo corto.\nIl nome utente deve contenere almeno 5 caratteri", "error.short_password": "Password troppo corta.\nLa password deve contenere almeno 4 caratteri", "error.invalid_email": "Email non valida.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Le passwords non coincidono", "error.incorrect_password": "La password attuale non è corretta", "error.not_signed_in": "Per favore, accedi per usare questa opzione", "error.empty_channel_name": "Il nome del canale è vuoto", "error.empty_contact_name": "Il nome del contatto o l'indirizzo e-mail è vuoto", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Errore di accesso al dispositivo audio. Vai in \"Opzioni > Applicazioni > %appname% > Modifica permessi\" nel tuo telefono e imposta \"Media\" e \"Recording\" su Permetti.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Sei stato bloccato nel canale %channel% da un Amministratore del canale o del sistema.", "toast_channel_busy": "Il canale %channel% è occupato. Riprova più tardi.", "toast_channel_full": "Il canale %channel% ha superato la sua capacità. Riprova più tardi.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Il canale %channel% è in solo ascolto. Solo l'Amministratore del canale può parlare.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Hai superato il limite massimo di messaggi. Per favore, attendi prima di provare ancora.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Sei in modo di solo ascolto a causa di violazioni. Potrai inviare di nuovo messaggi in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Non puoi inviare messaggi in %channel% a meno che un moderatore non sia online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Vuoto.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% è vuoto.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Il contatto deve avviare una comunicazione con te. Puoi comunque rispondere a chiamate dirette o usare i canali.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Modo tel. silenzioso attivato. Cambio %appname% status su Occupato.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Modo tel. silenzioso disattivato. Cambio %appname% su Disponibile", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% è stato bloccato da %channel% da %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% è stato sbloccato da %channel% da %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "L'avviso non può essere inoltrato a %user%", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Errore aggiornamento profilo. Per favore riprova.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Errore aggiornamento profilo del canale. Per favore riprova.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% ti ha inviato un avviso", "menu_send_call_alert": "Invia avviso di chiamata", "button_send": "Invia", "talk_now": "Parla ora", "dismiss": "Dismetti", "time_day": "giorno", "time_days": "giorni", "time_hour": "ora", "time_hours": "ore", "time_minute": "minuto", "time_minutes": "minuti", "time_second": "secondo", "time_seconds": "secondi" } H{ "options": "Pilihan", "settings": "Pengaturan", "link.account": "Akun", "link.ptt": "Tombol tekan bicara", "link.connection": "Koneksi", "link.configure_connection": "Mengatur hubungan", "link.contact_support": "Hubungi dukungan", "link.connection_apn": "Koneksi (APN)", "link.user_interface": "Antarmuka pengguna", "": "Audio", "link.history": "Riwayat", "tools": "Peralatan", "link.invite_friends": "Undang teman", "link.create_account": "Buat akun baru", "link.change_password": "Ubah sandi", "link.blocked_contacts": "Kontak diblokir", "link.add_channel": "Menambah kanal", "link.create_channel": "Buat kanal baru", "link.support_faq": "Dukungan FAQ", "link.report_problem": "Laporkan masalah", "link.about": "Tentang %appname%", "link.forgot_password": "Lupa sandi", "link.add_contact": "Menambah kontak", "volume": "Volume", "silent": "Diam", "reconnect_in_seconds": "Menghubungkan kembali dalam %time% detik", "ptt.key.instructions": "Gunakan tautan dibawah dan tekan tombol PTT yang diinginkan.", "set.ptt.key": "Mengeset tombol PTT", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "Tombol saat ini: ", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "Kode tombol saat ini: ", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "", "enable_touch_ptt": "Mengaktifkan sentuk dan tahan kontak untuk bicara", "login_automatically": "Masuk jaringan secara otomatis", "username.colon": "Nama pengguna:", "password.colon": "Sandi:", "link.check_availability": "Cek ketersediaan", "username_available": "Anda dapat menggunakan nama pengguna ini", "username_not_available": "Nama pengguna ini sudah dipakai", "confirm_password.colon": "Pastikan sandi:", "email.colon": "Alamat email:", "phone.colon": "Telepon:", "create_account": "Buat", "tip.username": "Minimal lima karakter", "tip.password": "Minimal empat karakter", "": "Email digunakan untuk set ulang kata kunci jika anda lupa.", "": "Masukkan nomor telepon anda agar teman lebih mudah menemukan anda.", "missing_required_permissions": "Ijin yang diperlukan tidak ada, aplikasi akan berhenti sekarang.", "missing_servers_config": "Jaringan PTT belum dikonfigurasi dengan benar, aplikasi akan berhenti sekarang.", "run_on_startup": "Auto-run saat startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bawa ke tampilan depan", "show_when_sending": "Ketika PTT ditekan", "show_when_receiving": "Ketika menerima pesan", "vibrate": "Getar nyala", "on_clear_to_send": "Bisa mengirim", "on_ptt_up": "Tombul PTT naik", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Pesan masuk jika sibuk", "audio_alerts": "Peringatan audio", "on_incoming_message": "Pesan masuk", "on_incoming_message_over": "Pesan masuk berhenti", "on_new_conversation": "Percakapan baru", "on_error": "Kesalahan", "keep_history": "Jaga riwayat pesan", "delete_history": "Hapus riwayat", "history_deleted": "Riwayat dihapus dari perangkat anda", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card tak dapat diakses. Tidak dapat menghapus riwayat.", "preferred_output": "Keluaran", "output.default": "Default sistem", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Mikrofon", "input.default": "Default sistem", "input.builtin": "Built in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Volume playback", "voice": "Suara", "alerts": "Peringatan", "link.test_alert": "Peringatan tes", "failed_to_play_alert": "Gagal memainkan peingatan suara", "playback_buffer_size": "Buffer putar ulang (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "Nama pengguna APN", "apn_password.colon": "Kata kunci APN", "link.detect_apn": "Setting APN deteksi otomatis", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Banyak profile APN ditemukan. Pilih satu, yang sesuai dengan layanan wireles.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Gagal deteksi setting APN. Hubungi layanan provider atau dukungan %appname%", "connection_type": "Tipe koneksi", "connection.automatic": "Otomatis", "connection.wifi": "WiFi saja", "connection.cellular": "Selular saja", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Paksa MDS/BIS (eksperimen)", "use_only_tcp": "Gunakan TCP saja", "enable_dtcpsr": "Aktifkan DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Aktifkan WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Tetap nyala (detik)", "network_mobile": "Jaringan (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Jaringan (WiFi)", "detecting_connection": "Mendeteksi koneksi", "link.connection_check": "Cek koneksi", "link.skip_connection_check": "Lewati cek koneksi", "working": "Sedang proses, silahkan tunggu...", "link.cancel": "Batal", "link.try_again": "Coba lagi", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Cek solusi online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "Tak ada koneksi WiFi terdeteksi sedang mode koneksi anda di set WiFi saja. Konek ke jaringan WiFi dan coba lagi.", "detection_error_no_connection": "Tak ada koneksi internet terdeteksi. Konek ke jaringan WiFi atau selular dan coba lagi.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Koneksi internet tak bekerja sempurna. Coba matikan dan kembali memakai jaringan wireless.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Tak dapat menemukan setting APN yang bekerja untuk koneksimu. Kontak operator seluler untuk setting APN yang benar dan konfigurasi secara manual.", "connection_success": "Berhasil terhubung", "connection_problem": "Masalah koneksi", "data_use_warning_title": "Peringatan menggunakan data seluler", "data_use_warning": "%appname% akan menggunakan ~20 kB per jam standby and ~110 kB per menit bicara. BIS tak didukung. Jikalau tak menggunakan unlimited data plan lakukan cek tarif data provider anda. \nJika ragu gunakan \"WiFi saja\" mode.", "link.continue": "Lanjut", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Lanjut dengan WiFi saja", "dont_show_it_again": "Jangan tampilkan peringatan ini lagi", "about_licensee": "Dilisensikan pada %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Mengunduh sumber, silahkan tunggu...", "network_address": "URLbasis jaringan:", "invalid_base_url": "URL basis salah", "customization_download_error": "Salah mengunduh sumber. URL basis salah atau masalah koneksi.", "customization_file_system_error": "Kesalahan menyimpan sumber. Pastikan kabel USB tidak terhubung dan coba lagi.", "channel_name.colon": "Masukkan nama kanal:", "channel_description.colon": "Masukkan deskripsi kanal dibawah:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Setiap orang dapat mendengar dan bicara", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Hanya saya yang bicara, yang lain mendengar", "": "Terbuka", "option.protected": "Terproteksi", "option.broadcast": "Pancar", "option.open_desc": "Setiap orang dapat bicara", "option.protected_desc": "Pengguna yang disetujui atau moderator yang ditunjuk dapat bicara", "option.broadcast_desc": "Hanya saya yang bicara, yang lain mendengar", "set_password": "Set kata kunci", "create_channel": "Buat", "channel_created": "Kanal telah dibuat dan ditambahkan dalam kontak anda", "edit_channel": "Mengedit kanal", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Nama kanal:", "apply_changes": "Gunakan perubahan", "channel_updated": "Kanal telah diperbaharui", "show_online_channels_only": "Tampilkan kanal online saja", "no_channels_found": "Tidak diketemukan kanal", "no_online_channels_found": "Tidak ada kanal online yang ditemukan", "channel_added": "Kanal ditambahkan dalam kontak anda", "add_channel": "Tambah kanal", "created_by.colon": "Diciptakan oleh:", "subscribers.colon": "Pengikut:", "channel_tos": "Ketika bicara di kanal publik jaga pesan pendek dan tepat sasaran. Untuk keselamatan jangan bagikan informasi pribadi seperti alamat atau nomor telepon. Hormati pengguna lain, jangan gunakan bahasa ofensif dan kotor.", "enter_channel_password": "Masukkan sandi '%channel%'", "channel_users_title": "Pengguna online kanal", "getting_list_of_users": "Mengambil daftar pengguna...", "error_getting_channel_users": "Gagal mengambil daftar pengguna. Coba lagi.", "no_other_users_connected": "Tak ada pengguna lain di kanal ini", "not_in_the_list": "Tidak dalam daftar", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Tambah ke kontak", "menu.block_user": "Blokir pengguna", "menu.blocked_users": "Pengguna yang diblokir...", "menu.moderators": "Moderator...", "menu.mute_user": "Membisukan pengguna", "menu.unmute_user": "Membunyikan pengguna", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Melaporkan pengguna", "menu.assign_moderator": "Tugaskan sebagai moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Membatalkan hak moderator", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Melaporkan '%username%' untuk:", "report_type.blocking": "Bloking kanal", "report_type.rules": "Pelanggaran aturan kanal", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Menghina pengguna lain", "report_type.criminal": "Aktifitas melanggar hukum", "user_report_sent": "Laporan anda sukses terkirim. Terima kasih", "channel_blocked_users": "Pengguna yang diblokir - ", "no_blocked_users": "Tak ada pengguna diblikir di kanal.", "channel_moderators": "Moderator - ", "no_moderators": "Tak ada moderator di kanal ini", "history_title": "Riwayat", "history_empty": "Riwayat kosong", "history_loading": "Memuat riwayat...", "": "Putar", "menu.stop": "Hentikan", "menu.delete_message": "Menghapus pesan", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Menghapus semua pesan", "yesterday": "Kemarin", "today": "Hari ini", "starting": "Mulai...", "paused": "Henti sementara", "error.player_error": "Kesalahan player", "old_password.colon": "Sandi kini:", "new_password.colon": "Sandi baru:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Pastikan sandi baru:", "change_password": "Ubah", "password_changed": "Sandi sukses diubah", "welcome": "Selamat datang ke %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Terima kasih telah menginstall %appname%! Lakukan konfigurasi akun sekarang.", "link.existing_account": "Saya telah punya akun %appname%", "link.new_account": "Saya belum punya akun %appname%", "report_problem_intro": "Masalah atau saran? Gunakan layar ini untuk mengirim diagnostic log ke developer bersamaan pesan anda. Masukkan alamat email jika ingin dibalas.", "problem_description.colon": "Pesan (optional):", "submit": "Masukkan", "confirm_contact_delete": " akan dihapuskan dari daftar kontakmu. Lanjut?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Masukkan nama pengguna atau email.", "no_users_found": "Tidak diketemukan pengguna", "x_users_found": " pengguna(jm) ditemukan. Pilih penguna yang ingin ditambahkan dan tekan tombol \"Add user\" atau tombol navigasi.", "add_user": "Tambah pengguna", "user_added": "Pengguna ditambahkan dalam kontakmu. Anda dapat melihat status online dan berbicara setelah permintaan diterima.", "searching": "Mencari...", "close": "Tutup", "test": "Tes", "sign_in": "Masuk jaringan", "next": "Berikut >", "back": "< Kembali", "menu.add_contact": "Menambah kontak...", "menu.add_channel": "Menambah kanal...", "menu.delete_selected": "Hapus item terpilih", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Ubah status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Batal", "menu.options": "Opsi...", "menu.close": "Tutup", "menu.exit": "Keluar", "menu.sign_in": "Masuk", "menu.connect_channel": "Menyambung kanal", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Memutus kanal", "menu.edit_channel": "Mengedit kanal", "menu.show_channel_users": "Perlihatkan pengguna kanal", "menu.show_history": "Perlihatkan riwayat [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Ubah audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status teks [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Putar ulang pesan terakhir [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Undang teman ke kanal ini", "invite": "Undang", "no_online_friends": "Tak ada teman online", "invited_x_friends": "Mengundang %count% teman", "empty_contact_list": "Mengosongkan daftar kontak", "offline": "Tak terhubung", "standby": "Menunggu", "disconnected": "Terputus", "online": "Ada", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Sibuk", "away": "Pergi", "headphones": "Headphone", "connecting": "Menghubungkan...", "unauthorized": "Menunggu persetujuan", "invalid_password": "Sandi salah", "muted": "Dibisukan", "users_online": "pengguna online", "contact_requests": "Permohonan kontak", "channel_invites": "Undangan kanal", "invited_by": "diundang oleh", "accept_channel": "Tambah kanal", "decline_channel": "Tolak ajakan", "update_available": "Pembaharuan tersedia", "accept": "Terima dan tambah kontak", "decline": "Tolak permohonan kontak", "block": "Blokir pengguna", "rename": "Nama ulang", "update_now": "Perbaharui sekarang", "remind_later": "Ingatkan nanti", "version": "Versi", "is_available": "tersedia", "not_signed_in": "Anda belum mendaftar", "no_blocked_contacts": "Anda tak memiliki kontak diblokir", "unblock": "Buka blokir pengguna", "invite_email_to_install": "Undang %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Cek %appname% untuk BlackBerry", "email_invite": "Adalah aplikasi PTT gratis yang ingin saya coba denganmu. Unduh dari %download% dan tambahkan aku. Nama pengguna %appname% aku adalah %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Tekan dan tahan tombol PTT saat bicara", "status.loading": "Memuat...", "status.connecting": "Terhubung ke server...", "status.connected": "Terhubung!", "status.signing_in": "Sedang masuk ke jaringan...", "status.joining_network": "Bergabung jaringan...", "status.loading_contacts": "Menerima kontak...", "status.checking_username": "Cek nama pengguna...", "status.creating_account": "Membuat akun...", "status.updating_password": "Update sandi...", "status.sending_report": "Mengirim laporan...", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Mencari kontak...", "status.signing_out": "Sedang keluar jaringan...", "status.searching_for_channels": "Mencari kanal...", "status.creating_channel": "Membuat kanal...", "status.initial_configuration": "Konfigurasi awal", "status.getting_channel_details": "Mencari detl kanal...", "status.updating_channel": "Update kanal...", "error.0": "Tak dapat tersambung server login", "error.1": "Nama pengguna salah", "error.2": "Sandi salah", "error.3": "Nama pengguna ini sudah dipakai", "error.4": "Pengguna yang ingin anda tambahkan sudah ada dalam kontak.", "error.5": "Kesalahan server komunikasi", "error.6": "Kesalahan asing", "error.7": "Kesalahan komunikasi dengan server login", "error.8": "Kesalahan komunikasi dengan server login", "error.9": "Tak dapat bergabung jaringan %appname%.", "error.10": "Tak dapat bergabung jaringan %appname%.", "error.11": "Anda masuk jaringan pada perangkat lain.", "error.12": "Silahkan perbaharui piranti lunak dari $s.", "error.13": "Kesalahan mengirim laporan masalah. Hubungi developer ke %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Nama kanal tidak tersedia. Silahkan pilih nama lain untuk kanal anda.", "error.15": "Kanal yang ingin anda tambahkan sudah ada dalam kontak", "error.16": "Server login sibuk. Coba lagi nanti.", "error.17": "Tidak ada koneksi internet", "error.18": "Lisensi server salah.", "error.19": "Lisensi server kedaluarsa.", "error.20": "Tidak dapat terhubung jaringan asing.", "error.21": "Jaringan dibekukan.", "error.22": "Peringatan tak dapat dikirim.", "error.23": "Anda telah membuat jumlah maksimal akun yang diijinkan.", "error.24": "Anda memasukkan karakter invalid pada nama pengguna.", "error.25": "Anda melewati batas maksimal harian mendaftar. Coba lagi setelah 24 jam.", "error.26": "Nama pengguna terlalu pendek. Nama pengguna setidaknya 5 karakter.", "error.27": "Sandi terlalu pendek. Sandi setidaknya 4 karakter.", "error.28": "Nama pengguna kosong.", "error.29": "Sandi kosong.", "error.30": "Jaringan kosong.", "error.31": "Jaringan invalid.", "error.short_username": "Nama pengguna terlalu pendek.\nNama pengguna setidaknya 5 karakter.", "error.short_password": "Sandi terlalu pendek.\nSandi setidaknya 4 karakter.", "error.invalid_email": "Rmail tidak valid", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Sandi tidak sesuai.", "error.incorrect_password": "Sandi kini tidak benar", "error.not_signed_in": "Anda belum masuk. Silahkan masuk untuk menggunakan opsi ini.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Nama kanal kosong.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Nama kontak atau email kosong.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Akses perangkat audio salah. Di telephone Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions\" set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to mengijinkan.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Anda diblokir dari kanal %channel% oleh servis atau administrator kanal.", "toast_channel_busy": "Kanal %channel% sedang sibuk. Coba lagi nanti.", "toast_channel_full": "Kanal %channel% over kapasitas. Coba lagi nanti.", "toast_channel_readonly": "Knall %channel% hanya dengar saja. Hanya admin kanal yang bicara.", "toast_channel_speeding": "Anda melewati batas maksimal pesa. Tunggulah sebelum mencoba kembali.", "toast_channel_penalty": "Anda berada dalam mode dengar saja karena pelanggaran. Akan dapat kirim pesan lagi dalam %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "Anda tak dapat mengirim pesan ke %channel% kecuali ada moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "Tak ada penerima.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% kosong.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "Anda tak diijinkan mulai komunikasi dengan kontak ini. Anda dapan membalas panggilan langsung atau gunakan kanal.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Mode diam HP nyala. Ubah status %appname% ke Sibuk.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Mode diam HP mati. Ubah status %appname% ke Ada.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% diblok dari %channel% oleh %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% diunblok dari %channel% oleh %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Peringatan tidak dapat terkirim ke %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Gagal update profil.Coba lagi.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Gagal update profil kanal. Coba lagi.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello saya!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% mengirim peringatan", "menu_send_call_alert": "Mengirim panggilan peringatan", "button_send": "Kirim", "talk_now": "Bicara sekarang", "dismiss": "Menghentikan", "time_day": "hari", "time_days": "hari", "time_hour": "jam", "time_hours": "jam", "time_minute": "menit", "time_minutes": "menit", "time_second": "detik", "time_seconds": "detik" } Hashtab~ObjZloRIMsosPul8[m.. sosp?pul.?.1.427.0.0.440ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$json/$json/ $ $ԖA(((***** 77Ɩϖ  RRT~ DcYbM[H#^W(4,/\=0]Y\{'24hI?"h/pFKc[u@=UR8.\WvʏDoRBB I$QzW{\BVXxeљ %,땸&w=d8VI.+|ݐ9ecfJˑa;THo4*9jYXA7c@H,RCR,_ u`L'h]X@J͌' hAsVʗ][W@9$: @(.?B@ @1, ;}@1$}@z@(.p%P? @Wh ` xxQ?$.E?$e;?$E1?(|?#?,|U?(t ?#?,|U?xuc? 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Application will exit now.", "missing_servers_config": "PTT Network not configured properly. Application will exit now.", "run_on_startup": "Run on startup", "bring_to_foreground": "Bring to the foreground", "show_when_sending": "When PTT pressed", "show_when_receiving": "When receiving a message", "vibrate": "Vibrate on", "on_clear_to_send": "Clear to send", "on_ptt_up": "PTT button up", "on_incoming_when_busy": "Incoming message when busy", "audio_alerts": "Audio alerts", "on_incoming_message": "Incoming message", "on_incoming_message_over": "Incoming message ended", "on_new_conversation": "New conversation", "on_error": "Error", "keep_history": "Keep message history", "delete_history": "Delete history", "history_deleted": "Deleted history from your device", "history_sdcard_required": "SD card is not accessible. Unable to delete history.", "preferred_output": "Output", "output.default": "System default", "output.speaker": "Speaker", "output.headset": "Headset", "output.handset": "Earpiece", "output.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "preferred_input": "Microphone", "input.default": "System default", "input.builtin": "Built-in", "input.headset": "Headset", "input.bluetooth": "Bluetooth", "playback_volume": "Playback volume", "voice": "Voice", "alerts": "Alerts", "link.test_alert": "Test alert", "failed_to_play_alert": "Failed to play audio alert", "playback_buffer_size": "Playback buffer (ms)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APN Username:", "apn_password.colon": "APN Password:", "link.detect_apn": "Autodetect APN settings", "link.reset": "Reset", "multiple_apns_found": "Multiple APN profiles found. Please select the one that matches your wireless service.", "failed_to_detect_apn": "Failed to detect APN settings. Contact your service provider or %appname% support.", "connection_type": "Connection type", "connection.automatic": "Automatic", "connection.wifi": "Wi-Fi only", "connection.cellular": "Cellular only", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "Force MDS/BIS (experimental)", "use_only_tcp": "Use TCP only", "enable_dtcpsr": "Enable DTCPSR", "enable_wap2sr": "Enable WAP2SR", "keep_alive": "Keep-alive (sec)", "network_mobile": "Networking (mobile)", "network_wifi": "Networking (Wi-Fi)", "detecting_connection": "Detecting connection", "link.connection_check": "Connection check", "link.skip_connection_check": "Skip connection check", "working": "Working, please wait…", "link.cancel": "Cancel", "link.try_again": "Try again", "link.check_for_solution_online": "Check for solution online", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "No Wi-Fi connection detected and your connection mode is set to Wi-Fi only. Please connect to Wi-Fi network and try again.", "detection_error_no_connection": "No internet connection detected. Please connect to Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.", "detection_error_bad_connection": "Internet connection not working properly. Please try turning the wireless network off and back on.", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "Unable to find the working APN settings for your connection. Please contact your mobile operator for correct APN settings and configure them manually.", "connection_success": "Connected successfully", "connection_problem": "Connection problem", "data_use_warning_title": "Cellular data use warning", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "Continue", "link.continue_wifi_only": "Continue with Wi-Fi only", "dont_show_it_again": "Don't show this notice again", "about_licensee": "Licensed to %licensee%", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "Downloading resources, please wait…", "network_address": "Network base URL:", "invalid_base_url": "Invalid base URL", "customization_download_error": "Error downloading resources. Invalid base URL or connection problem.", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "Enter channel name:", "channel_description.colon": "Enter channel description:", "option.anyone_can_talk": "Anyone can listen and talk", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "Set password", "create_channel": "Create", "channel_created": "The channel was created and added to your contacts", "edit_channel": "Edit channel", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "Channel name:", "apply_changes": "Apply changes", "channel_updated": "The channel was updated", "show_online_channels_only": "Show online channels only", "no_channels_found": "No channels found", "no_online_channels_found": "No online channels found", "channel_added": "The channel was added to your contacts", "add_channel": "Add channel", "created_by.colon": "Created by:", "subscribers.colon": "Subscribers:", "channel_tos": "When talking on public channels, please keep your messages short. For your safety, never share your private information, such as an address or phone number. Respect others and avoid using offensive language.", "enter_channel_password": "Enter '%channel%' password", "channel_users_title": "Channel online users", "getting_list_of_users": "Getting list of users…", "error_getting_channel_users": "Error getting channel users. Please try again.", "no_other_users_connected": "No other users in this channel", "not_in_the_list": "Not in the list", "menu.add_to_contacts": "Add to contacts", "menu.block_user": "Block user", "menu.blocked_users": "Blocked users…", "menu.moderators": "Moderators…", "menu.mute_user": "Mute user", "menu.unmute_user": "Unmute user", "menu.refresh": "Refresh", "menu.report_user": "Report user", "menu.assign_moderator": "Assign as moderator", "menu.unassign_moderator": "Revoke moderator rights", "admin": "admin", "moderator": "moderator", "report_user_title": "Reporting '%username%' for:", "report_type.blocking": "Channel blocking", "report_type.rules": "Channel rules violation", "report_type.dirty_talk": "Insulting other users", "report_type.criminal": "Illegal activities", "user_report_sent": "Report sent. Thank you", "channel_blocked_users": "Blocked users - ", "no_blocked_users": "No blocked users in the channel.", "channel_moderators": "Moderators - ", "no_moderators": "No moderators in the channel", "history_title": "History", "history_empty": "History is empty", "history_loading": "Loading history…", "": "Play", "menu.stop": "Stop", "menu.delete_message": "Delete message", "menu.delete_all_messages": "Delete all messages", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "today": "Today", "starting": "Starting…", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "Player error", "old_password.colon": "Current password:", "new_password.colon": "New password:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "Confirm new password:", "change_password": "Change", "password_changed": "Password changed.", "welcome": "Welcome to %appname%.", "welcome_intro": "Thank you for installing %appname%! Let's configure your account.", "link.existing_account": "I already have %appname% account", "link.new_account": "I don't have %appname% account", "report_problem_intro": "Problems or suggestions? Use this screen to send a message and diagnostic log to the developers. If you want a reply, please include your email address.", "problem_description.colon": "Message (optional):", "submit": "Submit", "confirm_contact_delete": " will be removed from your contacts. Proceed?", "enter_contact_name.colon": "Enter contact username or email:", "no_users_found": "No users found", "x_users_found": " user(s) found. Select the user to add and \"Add user\" button or navigation button:", "add_user": "Add user", "user_added": "User added to your contacts. After user accepts request, you will be able to see user's online status and talk.", "searching": "Searching…", "close": "Close", "test": "Test", "sign_in": "Sign In", "next": "Next >", "back": "< Back", "menu.add_contact": "Add a contact…", "menu.add_channel": "Add a channel…", "menu.delete_selected": "Delete selected item", "menu.rename_selected": "Rename", "menu.change_status": "Change status [S]", "menu.cancel": "Cancel", "menu.options": "Options…", "menu.close": "Close", "menu.exit": "Exit", "menu.sign_in": "Sign in", "menu.connect_channel": "Connect channel", "menu.disconnect_channel": "Disconnect channel", "menu.edit_channel": "Edit channel", "menu.show_channel_users": "Show channel users", "menu.show_history": "Show history [H]", "menu.audio_output": "Switch audio output [O]", "menu.set_status_text": "Set status text [T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "Replay last message [R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "Invite friends to this channel", "invite": "Invite", "no_online_friends": "No online friends", "invited_x_friends": "Invited %count% friends", "empty_contact_list": "Empty contact list", "offline": "Offline", "standby": "Standby", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "online": "Available", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "Busy", "away": "Away", "headphones": "Headphones", "connecting": "Connecting…", "unauthorized": "Awaiting authorization", "invalid_password": "Invalid password", "muted": "Muted", "users_online": "users online", "contact_requests": "Contact requests", "channel_invites": "Channel invites", "invited_by": "invited by", "accept_channel": "Add channel", "decline_channel": "Decline invitation", "update_available": "An update is available", "accept": "Accept and add contact", "decline": "Decline contact request", "block": "Block user", "rename": "Rename", "update_now": "Update now", "remind_later": "Remind me later", "version": "Version", "is_available": "is available", "not_signed_in": "You are not signed in", "no_blocked_contacts": "You have no blocked contacts", "unblock": "Unblock user", "invite_email_to_install": "Invite %email%", "email_invite_subject": "Check out %appname% for BlackBerry", "email_invite": "It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try with you. Get it from %download% and add me. My %appname% username is %username%.", "push_to_talk_tip": "Hold PTT button while you talk", "status.loading": "Loading…", "status.connecting": "Connecting to server…", "status.connected": "Connected!", "status.signing_in": "Signing in…", "status.joining_network": "Joining network…", "status.loading_contacts": "Receiving contacts…", "status.checking_username": "Checking username…", "status.creating_account": "Creating account…", "status.updating_password": "Updating password…", "status.sending_report": "Sending report…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "Searching for contacts…", "status.signing_out": "Signing out…", "status.searching_for_channels": "Searching for channels…", "status.creating_channel": "Creating channel…", "status.initial_configuration": "Initial configuration", "status.getting_channel_details": "Getting channel details…", "status.updating_channel": "Updating channel…", "error.0": "Can't connect to login server", "error.1": "Invalid username", "error.2": "Invalid password", "error.3": "Username already taken.", "error.4": "User is in your contacts.", "error.5": "Server communication error", "error.6": "Unknown error", "error.7": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.8": "Error communicating with the login server", "error.9": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.10": "Can't join %appname% network.", "error.11": "You're signed in on another device.", "error.12": "Please update your software from $s.", "error.13": "Error sending problem report. Please contact developer at %supportEmail%.", "error.14": "Channel name not available. Please enter a different name.", "error.15": "The channel you tried to add is already in your contacts", "error.16": "Login server busy. Please try later.", "error.17": "No internet connection", "error.18": "Server license error.", "error.19": "Server license expired.", "error.20": "Can't connect to a foreign network.", "error.21": "Network is suspended.", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "Username is too short.\nUsername must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.short_password": "Password is too short.\nPassword must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "Passwords don't match.", "error.incorrect_password": "The current password is not correct", "error.not_signed_in": "Please sign in to use this option.", "error.empty_channel_name": "Channel name is blank.", "error.empty_contact_name": "Contact name or email is blank.", "error.missing_media_permissions": "Audio device access error. Go to Options > Applications > %appname% > Edit permissions to set \"Media\" and \"Recording\" to Allow.", "toast_channel_blocked": "Channel or service administrator blocked your username on %channel% channel.", "toast_channel_busy": "Channel %channel% is busy. Please try later.", "toast_channel_full": "Channel %channel% is over capacity. Please try later.", "toast_channel_readonly": "%channel% channel is listen only. Only channel admin can talk.", "toast_channel_speeding": "You have exceeded the maximum rate of messages. Please wait before trying again.", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "This contact has to start communication with you. You can either reply to incoming direct calls or use channels.", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "Couldn't deliver alert to %user%.", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zello me!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name% sent you an alert", "menu_send_call_alert": "Send call alert", "button_send": "Send", "talk_now": "Talk now", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" } Z{ "options": "オプション", "settings": "セッティング", "link.account": "アカウント", "link.ptt": "PTTキー", "link.connection": "接続", "link.configure_connection": "接続設定", "link.contact_support": "サポートをお問い合わせ", "link.connection_apn": "接続(APN)", "link.user_interface": "ユーザーインターフェース", "": "オーディオ", "link.history": "履歴", "tools": "ツール", "link.invite_friends": "友達を招待する", "link.create_account": "新しいアカウントを登場する", "link.change_password": "パスワードを変更", "link.blocked_contacts": "ブロックされた連絡先", "link.add_channel": "チャンネルを追加する", "link.create_channel": "新しいチャンネルを作る", "link.support_faq": "よくある質問", "link.report_problem": "問題を報告する", "link.about": "%appname%について", "link.forgot_password": "パスワードを忘れてしまったら", "link.add_contact": "連絡先を追加する", "volume": "ボリューム", "silent": "無言", "reconnect_in_seconds": "%time%妙で再接続", "ptt.key.instructions": "下のリンクを使用し、目的のPTTキーを押してください", "set.ptt.key": "PTTキーを設定する", "ptt.key.not.set": "", "current.ptt.key.colon": "現在のキー:", "current.ptt.keycode.colon": "現在のキーコード:", "waiting.for.ptt.key": "<キーで待っています>", "enable_touch_ptt": "話すのためにタッチ接触を有効にする", "login_automatically": "自動的にログイン", "username.colon": "ユーザー名:", "password.colon": "パスワード:", "link.check_availability": "有効を確認する", "username_available": "このユーザー名は使用できます。", "username_not_available": "ユーザー名は無効です。", "confirm_password.colon": "パスワードを確認する", "email.colon": "メールアドレス:", "phone.colon": "電話番号:", "create_account": "作る", "tip.username": "最小5文字", "tip.password": "最小4文字", "": "メールはパスワードのリセットするの唯一の方法です。(忘れてしまった場合)", "": "友達が簡単に見つけてもらうのために電話番号を提供してください。", "missing_required_permissions": "必要な権限が付与されていませんでした。アプリケーションが終了します。", "missing_servers_config": "PTTネットワークが正しく設定されていない。アプリケーションは終了します。", "run_on_startup": "起動時に自動実行", "bring_to_foreground": "最前面に移動する", "show_when_sending": "PTTキーが押されたとき", "show_when_receiving": "メッセージを受信したとき", "vibrate": "に振動", "on_clear_to_send": "クリアで送信する", "on_ptt_up": "PTTボタン有効", "on_incoming_when_busy": "忙しいときにメッセージを着信", "audio_alerts": "オーディオアラート", "on_incoming_message": "受信メッセージ", "on_incoming_message_over": "受信メッセージが完了しました", "on_new_conversation": "新しい会話", "on_error": "エラー", "keep_history": "メッセージの履歴を維持", "delete_history": "履歴を削除", "history_deleted": "歴史はデバイスから削除されました", "history_sdcard_required": "SDカードにアクセスできません。履歴を削除することができません。", "preferred_output": "出力", "output.default": "システムデフォルト", "output.speaker": "スピーカー", "output.headset": "ヘッドセット", "output.handset": "受話器", "output.bluetooth": "ブルートゥース", "preferred_input": "マイク", "input.default": "システムデフォルト", "input.builtin": "内蔵", "input.headset": "ヘッドセット", "input.bluetooth": "ブルートゥース", "playback_volume": "再生ボリューム", "voice": "音声", "alerts": "アラート", "link.test_alert": "アラートテスト", "failed_to_play_alert": "音声によるアラートを再生できませんでした。", "playback_buffer_size": "再生バッファー(ミリ秒)", "apn.colon": "APN:", "apn_username.colon": "APNユーザー名:", "apn_password.colon": "APNパスワード:", "link.detect_apn": "APN設定を自動検出", "link.reset": "リセット", "multiple_apns_found": "複数のAPNのプロファイルが見つかりました。お使いのワイヤレスサービスと一致するいずれかを選択してください。", "failed_to_detect_apn": "APN設定を検出できませんでした。サービスプロバイダ、または%appname%のサポートにお問い合わせください", "connection_type": "接続種類", "connection.automatic": "自動的", "connection.wifi": "無線LANのみ", "connection.cellular": "携帯電話のみ", "force_mds_bis_experimental": "強制的MDS/ BIS(実験的)", "use_only_tcp": "TCPのみを使用", "enable_dtcpsr": "DTCPSRを有効にする", "enable_wap2sr": "WAP2SRを有効にする", "keep_alive": "キープアライブ(秒)", "network_mobile": "ネットワーキング(モバイル)", "network_wifi": "ネットワーク(無線LAN)", "detecting_connection": "接続を検出します", "link.connection_check": "接続の確認", "link.skip_connection_check": "接続チェックをスキップする", "working": "仕事、しばらくお待ちください...", "link.cancel": "キャンセル", "link.try_again": "やり直す", "link.check_for_solution_online": "解決策をオンラインで確認する", "detection_error_no_connection_wifi": "WiFi接続が検出されないと、接続モードは無線LANのみに設定されています。 WiFiネットワークに接続して、もう一度やり直してください", "detection_error_no_connection": "インターネット接続が検出されません。 WiFiまたは携帯ネットワークに接続して、もう一度やり直してください。", "detection_error_bad_connection": "インターネット接続が正しく機能していません。無線ネットワークをリセットしてみてください", "detection_error_no_settings_found": "接続のAPNの設定を見つけることができません。正しいAPNの設定については、モバイルオペレータに連絡し、それらを手動で設定します。", "connection_success": "接続は完成しました。", "connection_problem": "接続問題", "data_use_warning_title": "携帯電話のデータ注意", "data_use_warning": "%appname% will use ~20 kB per hour standby and ~110 kB per minute talking. BIS is not supported. Unless you're on an unlimited data plan, be sure to check with your service provider on data rates and caps. \nWhen in doubt use \"Wi-Fi only\" mode.", "link.continue": "続く", "link.continue_wifi_only": "無線LANのみで続く", "dont_show_it_again": "再び表示しない", "about_licensee": "%licensee%にライセンス供与", "downloading_resources_please_wait": "リソースをダウンロード中…しばらくお待ちください。", "network_address": "ネットワークベースURL:", "invalid_base_url": "無効なベースURL", "customization_download_error": "リソースのダウンロード中にエラー。無効なベースURLまたは接続の問題", "customization_file_system_error": "Error saving resources. Make sure USB cable is not connected and try again.", "channel_name.colon": "チャンネル名を入力してください:", "channel_description.colon": "以下にチャンネル詳細を入力してください", "option.anyone_can_talk": "誰でもは聞こえて、話せます", "option.only_i_can_talk": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "": "Open", "option.protected": "Protected", "option.broadcast": "Broadcast", "option.open_desc": "Anyone can talk", "option.protected_desc": "Users approved by you or moderators you assign can talk", "option.broadcast_desc": "Only I can talk, anyone can listen", "set_password": "パスワードを設定する", "create_channel": "作る", "channel_created": "チャンネルが作成され、連絡先に追加されました", "edit_channel": "チャンネルを変化する", "channel_name_readonly.colon": "チャンネル名:", "apply_changes": "変更を適用", "channel_updated": "チャンネルが更新されました", "show_online_channels_only": "オンラインチャネルのみを表示", "no_channels_found": "チャンネルが見つかりませんでした", "no_online_channels_found": "オンラインチャネルが見つかりませんでした", "channel_added": "このチャンネルはあなたの連絡先に追加されました", "add_channel": "チャンネルを追加する", "created_by.colon": "が作成し", "subscribers.colon": "購読者:", "channel_tos": "公共チャンネルに話すときは、あなたのメッセージを短いで保ってください。自分の安全のために、住所や電話番号などの個人情報を共有することは決してしない。他のユーザーを尊重し、不敬な言語を使用しないでください。", "enter_channel_password": "チャンネル「%channel%」のパスワードを入力してください。", "channel_users_title": "チャンネルのオンラインユーザー", "getting_list_of_users": "ユーザーのリストを取得します。", "error_getting_channel_users": "チャンネルのユーザの取得に失敗しました。もう一度やり直してください", "no_other_users_connected": "このチャンネルに他のユーザがいません", "not_in_the_list": "リストにありません", "menu.add_to_contacts": "連絡先を追加する", "menu.block_user": "ユーザーをブロックする", "menu.blocked_users": "ブロックされたユーザー", "menu.moderators": "運営者", "menu.mute_user": "ユーザをミュートする", "menu.unmute_user": "ユーザをミュートしない", "menu.refresh": "リフレッシュ", "menu.report_user": "ユーザーを通報する", "menu.assign_moderator": "モデレーターとして割り当てる", "menu.unassign_moderator": "モデレーター権限を取り消す", "admin": "管理者", "moderator": "モデレーター", "report_user_title": "で'%username%'を報告しています。", "report_type.blocking": "チャネルブロッキング", "report_type.rules": "チャネルルール違反", "report_type.dirty_talk": "他のユーザーを侮辱する", "report_type.criminal": "違法な活動", "user_report_sent": "レポートが正常に送信されました。ありがとうございます。", "channel_blocked_users": "ブロックされたユーザー:", "no_blocked_users": "ブロックされたユーザーがこのチャネルにはありません。", "channel_moderators": "運営者", "no_moderators": "このチャネルは運営者がありません。", "history_title": "履歴", "history_empty": "履歴は空きます。", "history_loading": "履歴をロードします。", "": "再生", "menu.stop": "停止", "menu.delete_message": "メッセージを削除する", "menu.delete_all_messages": "全てのメッセージを削除する", "yesterday": "昨日", "today": "今日", "starting": "開始します。", "paused": "Paused", "error.player_error": "プレーヤーのエラー", "old_password.colon": "現在のパスワード:", "new_password.colon": "新しいパスワード:", "confirm_new_password.colon": "新しいパスワードを繰り返す:", "change_password": "変化する", "password_changed": "パスワードの更新は完成しました。", "welcome": "%appname%へようこそ!", "welcome_intro": "%appname%の頂くは有り難うございます。今でアカウントセットアップしましょう。", "link.existing_account": "私は既に%appname%アカウントを持っています", "link.new_account": "私は%appname%アカウントを持っていません", "report_problem_intro": "問題や提案ですか?あなたのメッセージと共に、開発者に診断ログを送信するには、この画面を使用します。返信を希望する場合は、連絡先電子メールアドレスを追加してください。", "problem_description.colon": "メッセージ(任意):", "submit": "提出する", "confirm_contact_delete": "が連絡先リストで削除します。よろしいですか", "enter_contact_name.colon": "連絡先のユーザー名、またはメイルアドレスを入力してください。", "no_users_found": "ユーザーは見つかりませんでした", "x_users_found": "のユーザーが見つかりました。追加するユーザーをクリックします", "add_user": "ユーザーを追加する", "user_added": "ユーザーが連絡先リストに追加されました。彼は要求を受け入れた後で、あなたは彼のオンライン状態を見て話すことができるようになります", "searching": "検索します。", "close": "閉じる", "test": "テスト", "sign_in": "サインイン", "next": "次へ >", "back": "< 前へ", "menu.add_contact": "連絡先を追加する", "menu.add_channel": "チャンネルを追加する", "menu.delete_selected": "選択した項目を削除する", "menu.rename_selected": "リネーム", "menu.change_status": "ステータスを変更[S]", "menu.cancel": "キャンセル", "menu.options": "オプション", "menu.close": "閉じる", "menu.exit": "終了", "menu.sign_in": "サインイン", "menu.connect_channel": "チャンネルを接続する", "menu.disconnect_channel": "チャンネルを切断する", "menu.edit_channel": "チャンネルを変化する", "menu.show_channel_users": "チャンネルのユーザーを表示する", "menu.show_history": "履歴を表示[H]", "menu.audio_output": "音声出力を切り替える[O]", "menu.set_status_text": "ステータステキストを設定[T]", "menu.repeat_last_message": "最後のメッセージを再生[R]", "menu.invite_friends_to_channel": "このチャンネルに友達を招待", "invite": "招待", "no_online_friends": "オンライン友達はいません", "invited_x_friends": "%count%人を招待しました", "empty_contact_list": "空の連絡先リスト", "offline": "オフライン", "standby": "スタンバイ", "disconnected": "切断された", "online": "可能", "solo": "Solo", "busy": "忙しい", "away": "離れて", "headphones": "ヘッドホン", "connecting": "接続中…", "unauthorized": "承認を待っています", "invalid_password": "無効なパスワード", "muted": "ミュートされた", "users_online": "のオンラインユーザー", "contact_requests": "お問い合わせリクエスト", "channel_invites": "チャンネルの招待", "invited_by": "から招待", "accept_channel": "チャンネルを追加する", "decline_channel": "招待を辞退", "update_available": "アップデートが利用可能です", "accept": "受け入れ、連絡先を追加する", "decline": "連絡先の要求を辞退", "block": "ユーザーをブロックする", "rename": "リネーム", "update_now": "今すぐアップデート", "remind_later": "後で", "version": "バージョン", "is_available": "は利用可能です", "not_signed_in": "サインインしていません", "no_blocked_contacts": "あなたのブロックされたコンタクトはありません", "unblock": "ユーザーをブロックしない", "invite_email_to_install": "%email%を招待", "email_invite_subject": "BlackBerryデバイスに%appname%%をチェックして", "email_invite": "それは無料なプッシュツートークのアプリいます。私はあなたとそれを試してみたいと思います。 %download%からそれを得ると私を追加します。私の%appname%のユーザ名は%username%です。", "push_to_talk_tip": "話すながら、PTTキーを押し続ける", "status.loading": "読み込み中...", "status.connecting": "サーバーに接続中…", "status.connected": "接続された", "status.signing_in": "サインインしています…", "status.joining_network": "ネットワークに参加しています…", "status.loading_contacts": "連絡先を受けています…", "status.checking_username": "ユーザー名をチェックしています…", "status.creating_account": "アカウントを作成しています…", "status.updating_password": "パスワードを更新しています…", "status.sending_report": "レポートを送信中…", "status.searching_for_contacts": "連絡先を検索中…", "status.signing_out": "サインアウトしています…", "status.searching_for_channels": "チャンネルを検索中…", "status.creating_channel": "チャンネルを作成しています…", "status.initial_configuration": "初期構成", "status.getting_channel_details": "チャンネルの詳細を取得中…", "status.updating_channel": "チャンネルを更新しています…", "error.0": "サーバにログインするために接続することはできません", "error.1": "無効なユーザー名", "error.2": "無効なパスワード", "error.3": "ユーザー名は無効です。", "error.4": "追加しようとしたユーザーは、連絡先に既にあります。", "error.5": "サーバーの通信エラー", "error.6": "不明なエラー", "error.7": "ログインサーバーとの通信エラー", "error.8": "ログインサーバーとの通信エラー", "error.9": "%appname%のネットワークに参加できません。", "error.10": "%appname%のネットワークに参加できません。", "error.11": "別のデバイス上で署名した", "error.12": "$sからアプリケーションを更新してください", "error.13": "レポートを送信する問題が発生しました。%supportEmail%で開発者にお問い合わせください", "error.14": "チャンネル名は使用できません。別のチャネル名を選択してください。", "error.15": "チャンネルは既に連絡先リストにあります。", "error.16": "サーバーが忙しい。後で再試行", "error.17": "インターネット接続されていません。", "error.18": "サーバのライセンスエラーが発生しました。", "error.19": "サーバーライセンスの期限が切れました。", "error.20": "外部ネットワークに接続することはできません", "error.21": "ネットワークが中断されます。", "error.22": "The alert couldn't be delivered.", "error.23": "You have already created the maximum number of accounts allowed.", "error.24": "You have entered an invalid character in username.", "error.25": "You have reached the daily limit of sign ups. Try again in 24 hours.", "error.26": "Username is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.", "error.27": "Password is too short. It must contain at least 4 characters.", "error.28": "Username is empty.", "error.29": "Password is empty.", "error.30": "Network is empty.", "error.31": "Network is invalid.", "error.short_username": "ユーザー名が短すぎます。\n少なくとも5文字を含める必要があります。", "error.short_password": "ユーザー名が短すぎます。\n少なくとも4文字を含める必要があります。", "error.invalid_email": "Email is invalid.", "error.passwords_dont_match": "パスワードが一致しません。", "error.incorrect_password": "現在のパスワードは無効です。", "error.not_signed_in": "サインインされていません。このオプションを使用するにはサインインしてください", "error.empty_channel_name": "チャンネル名は空です", "error.empty_contact_name": "コンタクト名、またはメールアドレスは空です", "error.missing_media_permissions": "オーディオデバイスへのアクセスエラーが発生しました。電話の 「オプション>アプリケーション>%appname%>権限の編集」に「メディア」と「録音」を「許可」に設定します。", "toast_channel_blocked": "あなたは、チャネルまたはサービス管理者がチャネル「%channel%」からブロックされました。", "toast_channel_busy": "チャネル「%channel%」がビジー状態です。後でもう一度やり直してください。", "toast_channel_full": "チャネル「%channel%」が容量を超えています。後でもう一度やり直してください。", "toast_channel_readonly": "チャンネル「%channel%」は読み取り専用です。チャネル管理者のみは話すことができます。", "toast_channel_speeding": "メッセージの最大レートを超えています。再試行する前に待機してください。", "toast_channel_penalty": "You are in listen only mode because of violations. Will restore sending of messages in %remaining%.", "toast_channel_no_recipient": "You can not send messages to %channel% unless there is a moderator online.", "toast_channel_no_host": "No recipients.", "toast_channel_empty": "%channel% is empty.", "toast_direct_communication_prohibited": "この連絡先に通信を開始できません。着信直接呼び出しまたは使用チャネルに返信することができます。", "toast_auto_busy_on": "Phone silent mode on. Change %appname% status to Busy.", "toast_auto_busy_off": "Phone silent mode off. Change %appname% status to Available.", "toast_channel_blocked_user": "%user% was blocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_channel_unblocked_user": "%user% was unblocked from %channel% by %moderator%.", "toast_call_alert_failed": "アラートは%user%に配信することができませんでした", "toast_profile_update_failed": "Error updating profile. Please try again.", "toast_channel_profile_update_failed": "Error updating channel profile. Please try again.", "default_call_alert_text": "Zelloしましょう!", "x_sent_you_an_alert": "%name%はアラートが送信しました", "menu_send_call_alert": "アラートを送信する", "button_send": "送信", "talk_now": "今で話す", "dismiss": "却下", "time_day": "day", "time_days": "days", "time_hour": "hour", "time_hours": "hours", "time_minute": "minute", "time_minutes": "minutes", "time_second": "second", "time_seconds": "seconds" }  uructle(tBoo~!C)Do~JSONAryJSONObjLgN,eType os# osu o a moveomsu p@t0@t1@t2@tBk f@tnrk(ructs+MFgsNEndPa n&@tPa nEnd(p?(g ;@y[pyBoo~!CHAR_CLASSESC)Do~En ErrFALSEFloHashtab~IOJSONJSONAryJSONObjJSONObj$1JSONObj$NuJSONTokJSONW JSONJSONJSON LgNULLN FmObjRERE+REDebug RESyntaxREUtRE RE $RERRE@t RtShTRUETh wab~VW ZloRIMsosPul9[m.. sos[mma[py(brkbrkMbrkObufbuffby؆uebkbҖca`ecasdo~ueequsequsIgno Cescefl`hflouefgshashasMo El;shashOp[hashPOSIXjolguell(ructlmRm gemmAtmFgsmsmaxPa nmaxPa nsmaxRme. gpmomo myArymyHashMmySomynono(s*nnnC~!nEl;n׆uenn Tooo(toBoo~!oDo~oJSONAryoJSONObjoLgooffp fixpt np p?p@(tp@Do~p@Lgpo pulquorpc.js.meshuesplsrcsyntaxErrsst mttN typeMmvueTovue@.?..;Atx@At@ue@t C)y(feDEndJIntifi &@tJIntifi P@tLt Lt OrDNaNNuS@Whes nErrueaa@t It  Do~HJSONL CpEl;pr@t @t Ary@t It @t It Buff W a@t It O?Bods012Bk fnsWhi~ya n&@ta nEnds ns nt@t It $ at $ at character $ cannot be converted to $ hexadecimal digits after \ $ is null.$ of $ of type $""$'$, $,:]}/\"[{;=#$.$0$0001.427.0.0.440$$A JSONArray text must start with '['%$A JSONObject text must begin with '{'#$A JSONObject text must end with '}'$Bad backreference$Bad character class$Bad class range$Bad closure operand$Bad posix class $Bad range$Bad value from toJSONString: !$Closure operand can't be nullable$Corrupt program$Empty or unterminated class$Escape terminates string$Exceeded short jump range. $Expected $Expected a ',' or ']'$Expected a ',' or '}'$Expected a ':' after a key$Expected comma$Expected comma or right bracket$Expected digit$Expected valid number$Internal error!$Invalid POSIX character class '$$Invalid POSIX character class syntax$Invalid opcode '&$JSON does not allow non-finite numbers'$JSON does not allow non-finite numbers. $JSONArray[ $JSONObject[$Mismatched class$Missing close brace$Missing close paren$Missing operand to closure$Missing value.$No RE program to run! $Null key. $Null pointer$OP_ANY$OP_ANYOF$OP_ATOM $OP_BACKREF$OP_BOL $OP_BRANCH$OP_CLOSE$OP_CLOSE_CLUSTER $OP_CONTINUE$OP_END$OP_EOL $OP_ESCAPE$OP_GOTO$OP_MAYBE $OP_NOTHING$OP_OPEN$OP_OPEN_CLUSTER$OP_PLUS $OP_POSIXCLASS$OP_RELUCTANTMAYBE$OP_RELUCTANTPLUS$OP_RELUCTANTSTAR$OP_STAR$RE internal error: $Substring bounds error$Syntax error: $Unclosed comment.$Unexpected close paren$Unexpected end of input$Unexpected input remains$Unmatched close paren$Unrecognized escape '$Unterminated character class$Unterminated string$Value $Value at ZelloZello-1Zello-10Zello-11Zello-12Zello-13Zello-14Zello-15Zello-16Zello-17Zello-18Zello-19Zello-2Zello-20Zello-21Zello-22Zello-23Zello-24Zello-25Zello-26Zello-27Zello-28Zello-29Zello-3Zello-4Zello-5Zello-6Zello-7Zello-8Zello-9$\b$\f$\n$\r$\t$\u$] is not a Boolean.$] is not a JSONArray.$] is not a JSONObject.$] is not a number.$] is not an integer. $] not found.$alnum$alpha$blank$cntrl$digit$double$false$graph$javapart $javastart$json/lng.ja.json$json/lng.ka.json $lng.ja.json $lng.ka.json$lowernet_rim_cldc$null$print$punct$space$true$upper$xdigit${G (,,.::<? 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