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Jika tidak berhasil, anda harus memulai ulang aplikasi secara manual.snPemindahan seluruh berkas-berkas sementara tersimpan dalam perangkat akan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi kosong.s HilangkansSisipkan Informasi Tautans DeskripsisMenggunakan Koneksi WAP?sJaringan Wi-FisDirect TCP StacksServer Enterprise BlackberrysLayanan Internet BlackberrysGateway Wap 2.0s7Select one or more connections that you want to enable.sThe following are advanced connection settings. Under Normal circumstances leave this options unselected, however if you are having connectivity issues you can enable your connection settings in this box.sUKami tidak dapat menemukan xmlrpc endpoint blog anda, sisipkan url lengkap bawah inisoKami tidak dapat menemukan xmlrpc endpoint blog anda. Silahkan baca FAQ di http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sgVersi terbaru WordPress untuk BlackBerry tersedia sekarang. 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Please have a look at FAQ available here: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sKeluar WordPresssFOrang mengklik tautan dari halaman berikut untuk mengunjungi blog andas.Istilah yang digunakan untuk mencari blog andas@Tulisan berikut ini mendapatkan kunjungan terbanyak di blog andas0Pengunjung anda mengklik tautan ini di blog andasGambaran total blog andasGambaransEHTTP Authorization Required, please insert your Username and Passwords Add existing WordPress.com blogss!Start a new blog at WordPress.coms)Ditulis dengan WordPress untuk Blackberrys$Tambah tanda tangan ke akhir tulisans Tanda tangansTambahs/Start blogging from your BlackBerry in seconds.s Salin URLsBagaimana Menentukan Lokasis/Cell Tower (least power required, low accuracy)s&Bantuan GPS (paling kuat,akurat,cepat)s#Autonomous GPS (lebih kuat, akurat)sGPS tidak aktifsKirim ke WordPresssPilih sebuah blogs)Please add a Blog before sharing content.s Hapus Blog?sHapus Halaman ini?sHapus Tulisan ini?sMenghapus Halaman...sBuka disNative BrowsersDelete the selected Item?sIf you enable this option, all internet activity will be managed by your connection settings. 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Be sure to go through this checklist before contacting us. You may be able to solve it all by yourself!sLook through our FAQ atsCheck out the forums at syBoth of those offer answers to common problems and will help you learn more about blogging with WordPress for BlackBerry.sContact Supports)Which version of WordPress are you using?sYou're running the self-hosted version of WordPress, available at WordPress.org. To get help with this version you should send your questions to the WordPress for BlackBerry forum available atsExisting AccountssAccountssWordPress.com AccountssWordPress.com Account DetailssDelete the Account?sAWarning! All Blogs of this account will be removed! are you sure?s#You haven't added any accounts yet!svBefore you contact us, please check our FAQ to see if your question has already been answered. The FAQ is available ats.Loading blogs in progress, please try later...sBlogssInvalid Username or Password.sSelect a WordPress.com Accounts@You have already added all blogs for this WordPress.com account!sHTTP AuthenticationsEnable HTTP AuthenticationsSign insAdd Alls Add Selected[sWordPress.com blogs Add existingWordPress.org site.crpl~x4VK !"%&'-./013489:;=>?ABCDFHIJKLPQRSTUXZ[\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     !"$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}*8FMcms}.7AOWem *6De .@MXfs|[i "*7AJT^hp"5Mdm{t 0Po n   , ? 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If it doesn't work, you should restart the app manually.sNRemoving all temporary files stored on this device will result in a blank app.sUsuńsInsert Link informationsOpissJest połączeniem WAP?s Sieć Wi-FisDirect TCP StacksBlackBerry Enterprise ServersBlackBerry Internet Services Brama Wap 2.0s7Select one or more connections that you want to enable.sThe following are advanced connection settings. Under Normal circumstances leave this options unselected, however if you are having connectivity issues you can enable your connection settings in this box.sYWe could not find the XMLRPC endpoint of your blog, please insert the complete URL belowsWe could not find the XMLRPC endpoint of your blog. Please have a look at FAQ available here: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sXDostępna jest nowa wersja WordPressa dla BlackBerry. Czy chcesz wykonać aktualizację?s$WordPress for BlackBerry is updated.s Check UpdatesWyjść z WordPressa?s UncategorizedsWklej adres URLsWyczyść adres URLsYou are running an old version of WordPress which doesn't support managing comments via XMLRPC. Please upgrade your WordPress.sZaznaczsOdznaczsZapisać dokonane zmiany?s Nie znaleziono żadnych szkicówsNo draft pages foundsNie znaleziono żadnych wpisówsError while saving post datas(Błąd podczas zapisywania danych stronys;There is not enough memory space to complete the operation.sDodaj zdjęcie z bibliotekisZrób zdjęcie aparatems Wybierz pliksBOtwarta aplikacja dla BlackBerry dla stron opartych na WordPressies#Designed & developed by Automattic.soAby uzyskać więcej informacji lub pomóc w rozwoju projektu, odwiedź naszą strnoę internetową pod adresemsWersjas Odpowiedzs InformacjesTreśćs)Comment reply will be lost, are you sure?sNazwa kategoriisOtwórz wpis/stronęsBrak komentarzy do tego szkicusWypiss Treść wpisus Własne polasDodaj nowe własne polesYCustom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme.sNazwas WartośćsuThe log allows our developers to inspect the internal workings of the application and pinpoint the cause of problems.s DebugowaniesPołożenie caches UrządzeniesKarta SDs4Sorry, SD card not found, switched to device memory.sCaptionsPodgląds Nazwa plikusWłaściwościsTytułsPositionsTopsBottomsMusisz nadać nazwę plikowi.s3You cannot use special characters in the file name.s Dodaj filmsDodaj film z bibliotekisNagrywanie nowego filmus Remove MediasMediasMedias Usuń blogs All on Tops All on Bottoms3All media will be aligned to the top of the contents6All media will be aligned to the bottom of the contentsNothing to see heresUpsZamknijsUstawienia WordPressas Show PendingssShow Alls!You can't manage your blog's postsYou can leave the app running in background instead of closing it. This option must checked if you wish to receive notifications of new comments.sAutomatyczne uruchamianiesTło podczas zamykanias2Select which blog to receive comment notificationssCzęstotliwość aktualizacjisUstawienia powiadomieńs PowiadomieniasEnable LocationsPowiadomienia o komentarzach[s Wyłączone 120 minut90 minut60 minut30 minut15 minut10 minut5 minutsYou can choose to start the app at device startup. This option should be checked if you wish to receive notification since device startup.s2Overwrite Location data with the current position?s"Wyszukiwanie Twojej lokalizacji...s:GPS jest wyłączony lub to urządzenie go nie obsługuje.sThis post's location is publicsDodaj położeniesUstawienia połączenias#Zaawansowane ustawienia połączeńsOpcje logowaniasUstawienia plikw caches!Ustawienia uruchamiania/zamykaniasZmień szerokośćsZmień wysokośćsView Thumbnailss View Titless'Image width must be at least one pixel.s7Obrazek musi mieć co najmniej jeden piksel wysokości.s Phone MediasStatss Add AudiosPhone Media LibrarysNo file-group foundsGTitle is used as shortcut when you save this file group as phone draft.s8After sending, copy remote URLs onto device's clipboard.s6Please insert your WordPress.com Username and PasswordsStatssDayssQuartersYearsAll Times ReferrerssViewsTop Posts & PagessClickssSearch Engine TermssWe are unable to retrieve stats data for your site. Please have a look at FAQ available here: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sExit WordPresss:People clicked links from these pages to get to your blog.s.These are terms people used to find your blog.s.These posts on your blog got the most traffic.s/Your visitors clicked these links on your blog.s#These are total views of your blog.sViewssEHTTP Authorization Required, please insert your Username and Passwords Add existing WordPress.com blogss!Start a new blog at WordPress.coms%Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.s(Add my Signature to the end of my posts.s SignaturesAdds/Start blogging from your BlackBerry in seconds.sCopy URLsHow to Determine Locations/Cell Tower (least power required, low accuracy)s.Assisted GPS (most power, most accurate, fast)s*Autonomous GPS (most power, most accurate)sGPS is currently unavailable.sShare to WordPresss Select a Blogs)Please add a Blog before sharing content.sDelete the Blog?sDelete the Page?sDelete the Post?sDeleting Page...sOpen insNative BrowsersDelete the selected Item?sIf you enable this option, all internet activity will be managed by your connection settings. No other connection type will be used.sThe debug option causes WordPress for BlackBerry to produce a detailed text log of activity. Enable this option only when requested by the WordPress Support team.sNo pages founds Word countsBoldsItalicsLinksUnordered Lists Ordered Lists List ItemsVideoPress Optionss Resize VideosszYou can specify any width or height for your Videos. The default width is the same as your blog themeu2019s content width.s Photo OptionssSignature Optionss Main OptionssUser CredentialssUThe value zero means that video width is the same as your blog theme's content width.s Your FeedbacksWeekssMonthss Views per daysViews per weeksView per monthsThe file type is not supported.s Report BugsNonesLeftsCentersRightsHorizontal Alignments Load Mores Show SpamsPendingsSpamsLearn more about VideoPresssUpdate CommentsE-mails Visit Sites+Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?s Select BlogssAdd existing WordPress.org sitesHaving trouble with the App? Be sure to go through this checklist before contacting us. You may be able to solve it all by yourself!sLook through our FAQ atsCheck out the forums at syBoth of those offer answers to common problems and will help you learn more about blogging with WordPress for BlackBerry.sContact Supports)Which version of WordPress are you using?sYou're running the self-hosted version of WordPress, available at WordPress.org. To get help with this version you should send your questions to the WordPress for BlackBerry forum available atsExisting AccountssAccountssWordPress.com AccountssWordPress.com Account DetailssDelete the Account?sAWarning! All Blogs of this account will be removed! are you sure?s#You haven't added any accounts yet!svBefore you contact us, please check our FAQ to see if your question has already been answered. The FAQ is available ats.Loading blogs in progress, please try later...sBlogssInvalid Username or Password.sSelect a WordPress.com Accounts@You have already added all blogs for this WordPress.com account!sHTTP AuthenticationsEnable HTTP AuthenticationsSign insAdd Alls Add Selected[sWordPress.com blogs Add existingWordPress.org site/crpt~x4VK !"%&'-./013489:;=>?ABCDFHIJKLPQRSTUXZ[\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     !"$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}&8AHVbhr(4J[ey/AM\k2DNfs}m| (2:HT`kv*4B[s~#~!3AVv  + F \ m z   $ ; a & L m @JWfr'HPYq%/:FR~%6GY8?Wp Dj$7FqH"DO-Qv;nCWkU #-5GWdz  / ? S !!(!6!>!F!P!Y!q!~!!!!!!!""&"I""####$$$$$$%A%h%&&&?&a&&&&&''>sWordPress para BlackBerrysSobresAdicionar BlogsSetupsURLs UtilizadorsPasswordsOksVoltarsConexo em Curso...sRecent Posts and PagessCodificao de udiosCodificao de VdeosCodificao da FotografiasGuardars Rascunhoss Ttulo Vazios Post RecentesEliminarsRascunhos de Postss Modo MltiplosEnviarsGuardar RascunhosNovos Publicado Ems CategoriassEscolha o tipo de mediasRedimensionar FotografiassDResizing will speed up publishing but will result in smaller photos.s Mostrar blogsAdicionar BlogsEscrevers Comentrioss ComentriossCamera no suportada!s1Desculpe mas a gravao de vdeo no suportada!s1Desculpe mas a gravao de udio no suportada!sA Carregar Post...sRefrescando Posts...sA Eliminar Post...sPr-visualizarsOpessAdicionar Fotografias RefrescarsOpessSobres RefrescarsOpessPostssPginassA Enviar Dados...sTagssEstados CategoriassAdicionar Categorias Categoria Pais[Ao definir uma password acima, obrigar os seus visitantes a digit-la para ver este post. s ComentriossA Carregar Comentrios...sRefrescando Comentrios...sAdicione o seu Blog...sPostsPostssNovosAbrirsAprovars UnapprovesSpamsEliminarsAutorsLigadosDatas ComentriosAnteriorsSeguintesPginassPginassPginasNovasRascunhos de Pginass Pgina PaisTemplate da PginasOrdem da Pginas Pgina BasesRascunhos ComentriosIniciando Pr-VisualizaosSnapShotsEditars Modo nicosA Carregar Pginas...sd MMMM, yyyy h:mm aasGateways Porta Gateways Porta OrigemsAPNs IP OrigemsActivar Opes AvanadassPTodos os dados da aplicao sero perdidos, tem a certeza de que quer continuar?sWA aplicao reinicia automaticamente. Se no funcionar, dever reinici-la manualmente.siA remoo de todos os ficheiros temporrios armazenados neste dispositivo resultar numa aplicao vazia.sRemoversInserir Informao do Links Descrios conexo WAP?s Rede Wi-FisStack TCP DirectosBlackBerry Enterprise ServersBlackBerry Internet ServicesGateway Wap 2.0s7Select one or more connections that you want to enable.sThe following are advanced connection settings. Under Normal circumstances leave this options unselected, however if you are having connectivity issues you can enable your connection settings in this box.s_No conseguimos encontrar o endpoint XMLRPC do seu blog, por favor insira a URL completa abaixosNo conseguimos encontrar o endpoint XMLRPC do seu blog. Por favor consulte as FAQs disponveis aqui: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sTEst disponvel uma nova verso de WordPress para BlackBerry. Quer actualizar agora?s+WordPress para BlackBerry est actualizado.sVerificar ActualizaessSair do WordPress?s Sem categorias Colar URLs Limpar URLs{Tem uma verso antiga do WordPress que no permite a gesto de comentrios por XMLRPC. Por favor actualize o seu WordPress.s Seleccionars DesactivarsGuardar Alteraes?s"Nenhum rascunho de post encontrados$Nenhum rascunho de pgina encontradosNenhum post encontradosErro ai guardar dados do postsErro ao guardar dados da pginas;There is not enough memory space to complete the operation.s"Adicionar Fotografia da BibliotecasTirar Fotografia com a CamerasEscolha um ficheiros9Uma aplicao Open Source BlackBerry para sites WordPresss(Desenhado & desenvolvido por Automattic.sOPara mais informao ou para contribuir para o projecto, visite o nosso site emsVersos Responders InformaessContedos'A resposta ser perdida, tem a certeza?sNome da categoriasAbrir post/pginas$Nenhum comentrio para este rascunhosExcertosContedo do PostsCampos PersonalizadossAdicionar campo personalizadoszOs campos personalizados podem ser usados para armazenar informao adicional a um post, que pode ser usada pelo seu tema.sNomesValorsuThe log allows our developers to inspect the internal workings of the application and pinpoint the cause of problems.sDebugsLocalizao da Caches Dispositivos Carto SDsSDesculpe mas no foi encontrado o carto SD, mudando para a memria do dispositivo.sLegendasPr-visualizarsNome do Ficheiros PropriedadessTtulosPosiosSuperiorsInferiors(No pode usar um nome de ficheiro vazio.s7No pode usar caracteres especiais no nome do ficheiro.sAdicionar VdeosAdicionar Vdeo da BibliotecasGravar novo vdeos Remover MediasMediasMedias Eliminar Blogs Todos em CimasTodos em Baixos,Todo o media ser alinhado acima do contedos-Todo o media ser alinhado abaixo do contedosNada para ver aquisCimasFecharsOpes WordPresss Show PendingssShow Alls!No pode gerir o post do seu blogsYou can leave the app running in background instead of closing it. This option must checked if you wish to receive notifications of new comments.s Auto StartsManter em execuo ao encerrars>Escolha o blog de que quer receber notificaes de comentriossActualizar intervalosOpes de Notificaos NotificaessEnable LocationsNotificaes de Comentrios[s Desligado 120 minutos 90 minutos 60 minutos 30 minutos 15 minutos 10 minutos 5 minutossYou can choose to start the app at device startup. This option should be checked if you wish to receive notification since device startup.s8Reescrever os dados de localizao com a posio actual?s!Determinando a sua localizao...s3GPS desactivado ou no suportado neste dispositivo.s"A localizao deste post pblicasAdicionar LocalizaosOpes de ConexosOpes Avanadas de ConexosOpes de LoggingsOpes de Ficheiros de CachesOpes de Arranque/EncerramentosLargurasAlturasView Thumbnailss View Titless'Image width must be at least one pixel.s(Image height must be at least one pixel.s Phone Medias EstatisticassAdicionar AudiosPhone Media LibrarysNo file-group foundsGTitle is used as shortcut when you save this file group as phone draft.s8After sending, copy remote URLs onto device's clipboard.s6Please insert your WordPress.com Username and PasswordsStatssDayssQuartersYearsAll Times ReferrerssViewsTop Posts & PagessClickssTermos dos Motores de PesquisasWe are unable to retrieve stats data for your site. Please have a look at FAQ available here: http://blackberry.wordpress.org/faq/sSair do WordPresss:People clicked links from these pages to get to your blog.s.These are terms people used to find your blog.s.These posts on your blog got the most traffic.s/Your visitors clicked these links on your blog.s#These are total views of your blog.sViewssEHTTP Authorization Required, please insert your Username and Passwords Add existing WordPress.com blogss!Start a new blog at WordPress.coms%Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.s(Add my Signature to the end of my posts.s SignaturesAdds/Start blogging from your BlackBerry in seconds.sCopy URLsHow to Determine Locations/Cell Tower (least power required, low accuracy)s.Assisted GPS (most power, most accurate, fast)s*Autonomous GPS (most power, most accurate)sGPS is currently unavailable.sShare to WordPresss Select a Blogs)Please add a Blog before sharing content.sDelete the Blog?sDelete the Page?sDelete the Post?sDeleting Page...sOpen insNative BrowsersDelete the selected Item?sIf you enable this option, all internet activity will be managed by your connection settings. No other connection type will be used.sThe debug option causes WordPress for BlackBerry to produce a detailed text log of activity. Enable this option only when requested by the WordPress Support team.sNo pages founds Word countsBoldsItalicsLinksUnordered Lists Ordered Lists List ItemsVideoPress Optionss Resize VideosszYou can specify any width or height for your Videos. The default width is the same as your blog themeu2019s content width.s Photo OptionssSignature Optionss Main OptionssUser CredentialssUThe value zero means that video width is the same as your blog theme's content width.s Your FeedbacksWeekssMonthss Views per daysViews per weeksView per monthsThe file type is not supported.s Report BugsNonesLeftsCentersRightsHorizontal Alignments Load Mores Show SpamsPendingsSpamsLearn more about VideoPresssUpdate CommentsE-mails Visit Sites+Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?s Select BlogssAdd existing WordPress.org sitesHaving trouble with the App? Be sure to go through this checklist before contacting us. You may be able to solve it all by yourself!sLook through our FAQ atsCheck out the forums at syBoth of those offer answers to common problems and will help you learn more about blogging with WordPress for BlackBerry.sContact Supports)Which version of WordPress are you using?sYou're running the self-hosted version of WordPress, available at WordPress.org. To get help with this version you should send your questions to the WordPress for BlackBerry forum available atsExisting AccountssAccountssWordPress.com AccountssWordPress.com Account DetailssDelete the Account?sAWarning! All Blogs of this account will be removed! are you sure?s#You haven't added any accounts yet!svBefore you contact us, please check our FAQ to see if your question has already been answered. The FAQ is available ats.Loading blogs in progress, please try later...sBlogssInvalid Username or Password.sSelect a WordPress.com Accounts@You have already added all blogs for this WordPress.com account!sHTTP AuthenticationsEnable HTTP AuthenticationsSign insAdd Alls Add Selected[sWordPress.com blogs Add existingWordPress.org site8org.kxml2.io.KXmlParser,org.kxml2.io.KXmlSerializer &@tvokeL v quetifyleAppI!(!ActeSc AppM! BmBd~C)De~gEn[dImsoEvLkFN,eRt&o TypeURLUiAppWg-queht g So move p queFo g d....i18n....notif].........ca ...........bckb -..homesc ..bckb -..mu;p@tsWh@ttif]DasTasko AppI!pFImPosPosDe~gtlmmstif]*'$0(v(g AppAppDescriAppMuIt;AppMuIt;posyAppM! BmBmCHAPI_MIME_TYPESCHAPI_SUFFIXESC)C #Ac)CH!dl S v DiogDpyEn[dImErrViFGrh]sHashtab~HomeSc IOLabMhM! 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